
"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

author:Pupu Health

"Lao Li, your blood pressure is so high, and you drink chrysanthemum tea every day, this is terrible!" The words of the doctor Dr. Wang made Uncle Li, who was about to go to the newly opened supermarket to buy it, suddenly stopped.

Uncle Li is a retired worker who usually likes to drink tea to quench his thirst, especially chrysanthemum tea and wolfberry tea. He always thought that these teas could be healthy, but recently he was dizzy and his blood pressure was frighteningly high.

Early in the morning, Uncle Li planned to go to the supermarket to buy some discounted daily necessities, and happened to meet his old friend Dr. Wang near his home.

Hearing Dr. Wang's words, Uncle Li realized that he might have done something wrong in drinking tea.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

Uncle Li looked dazed, "Doctor Wang, is there a problem with drinking tea?" I always thought that tea was good for the body. Dr. Wang smiled and said:

"Tea does have many benefits, but if you have high blood pressure, drinking the wrong tea can aggravate your condition. Today I'm going to tell you why. ”

Uncle Li nodded and decided to listen to Dr. Wang's explanation and learn more about health knowledge by the way. Dr. Wang took Uncle Li to the teahouse next to him and sat down, and began a great popularization of health knowledge.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

First of all, Dr. Wang explained the effect of chrysanthemum tea on high blood pressure. Although chrysanthemum tea has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, brightening the eyes and calming the nerves, its blood pressure lowering effect is not obvious.

Conversely, chrysanthemum tea may cause fluctuations in blood pressure for some people, especially in older people.

Some of the ingredients contained in chrysanthemum tea may react with blood pressure medications, causing unstable blood pressure and even causing symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue.

Uncle Li usually likes to drink a large cup of strong chrysanthemum tea in the morning, and it is this habit that causes his blood pressure to fluctuate.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

A patient, Lao Zhang, likes to drink chrysanthemum tea like Uncle Li.

Lao Zhang already has high blood pressure, but he thinks that chrysanthemum tea can reduce fire and maintain health, so he drinks several cups of strong chrysanthemum tea every day.

As a result, his blood pressure was getting worse and worse, and he was even admitted to the hospital several times because of high blood pressure.

Later, at the doctor's suggestion, Lao Zhang changed to drink other mild teas, and strictly followed the doctor's guidance to control his diet and rest, and his blood pressure gradually stabilized.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

Then, Dr. Wang talked about the problem of wolfberry tea. Although wolfberry tea has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and liver, brightening the eyes and calming the nerves, wolfberry is warm, and for a large number of people, it is easy to get angry when they drink some.

For people with a hot physique, drinking a large amount of wolfberry tea for a long time may lead to aggravation of symptoms such as dry mouth, nosebleeds, sore throat, etc.

Moreover, goji berry tea also contains a certain amount of sugar, and for people with high blood sugar, excessive consumption is bad for blood sugar control.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

He suddenly remembered that he had often felt dry mouth and sore throat recently, precisely because he had drunk too much wolfberry tea.

Although wolfberry tea is good, it should also be drunk in moderation and not in excess, otherwise it will not only fail to maintain health, but will hurt the body. ”

In order to better help Uncle Li understand and make Lao Li realize the seriousness of the problem, Dr. Wang also provided some research data.

For example, one study showed that people who drank a lot of strong tea for a long time had a 30% higher incidence of stomach problems than those who did not drink tea or drank weak tea.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

Another study found that drinking goji berry tea in moderation is beneficial to health, but excessive consumption may lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as irritation.

Uncle Li realized that there were indeed many problems with his usual tea drinking habits. Dr. Wang encouraged him not only to drink tea in moderation, but also to eat a balanced diet, eat more light food, and avoid spicy stimulation.

Li Da finally listened to the persuasion and gradually got rid of his habits, he stopped drinking strong tea, reduced the intake of wolfberry tea, and began to drink more mild herbal teas, such as peppermint tea, licorice tea, etc., and his physical condition gradually improved.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

He felt that he had learned a lot and began to spread the health knowledge to his friends and neighbors.

In addition to drinking tea, what are the other ways for middle-aged and elderly people to avoid adverse effects on the body as much as possible?

In addition to the teas mentioned above, such as black tea, oolong tea, and pu-erh tea. While there are many benefits, choose a good time to drink.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

Although these teas help digestion and improve immunity, they are also high in tea polyphenols and caffeine, and excessive consumption may lead to stomach upset, insomnia, heart palpitations, and other problems.

Especially for the elderly and people with weak physique, tea should be mainly weak tea and avoid drinking on an empty stomach. At the same time, tea should be drunk in moderation to avoid drinking too much at one time.

In addition to the need to pay attention to tea drinking, middle-aged and elderly people can also avoid adverse effects on the body as much as possible through a variety of ways to stay healthy.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

Middle-aged and elderly people should eat more different fruits and vegetables at each meal, and they can't just eat what they like to eat, so as to ensure adequate daily nutritional intake.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-quality protein and healthy fats, and reduce the intake of high-salt, high-sugar and high-fat foods to maintain weight and blood sugar stability.

Middle-aged and elderly people should choose suitable exercise methods according to their physical conditions, such as walking, tai chi, swimming, yoga, etc., and maintain at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

This not only strengthens the body and improves the heart and lung function, but also helps to control weight and lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

It is also important for middle-aged and elderly people to get enough sleep and sleep well, ensure sufficient sleep time, and avoid staying up late and excessive fatigue.

A regular routine helps to maintain the balance of the body's biological clock, improve immunity and mental state.

Regular medical check-ups are also essential. Through physical examination, potential health problems can be detected in time, and early intervention and treatment can be carried out to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

In particular, the monitoring of important indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids can help middle-aged and elderly people better manage their health.

In addition, it is equally important to maintain mental health. Middle-aged and elderly people should actively participate in social activities, cultivate hobbies, maintain a good attitude, and avoid long-term negative emotions and pressure.

Mental health is closely related to physical health, and a good mental state can promote the overall health of the body.

Finally, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is also something that middle-aged and elderly people need to pay special attention to.

"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

Middle-aged and elderly people should try to quit smoking, control alcohol intake, and choose a healthier lifestyle.

To sum up, middle-aged and elderly people can avoid adverse effects on the body as much as possible and maintain overall health through a balanced diet, moderate exercise, good work and rest, regular physical examination, maintaining mental health, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol.

These health management strategies complement each other to build a healthy lifestyle and help middle-aged and elderly people enjoy longer, healthier and happier lives.

Hope it helps, thank you!

References:[1]Chen Yang. In addition to wolfberry, what else can be soaked in a thermos cup[J].Public Health,2019,(12):23-25.)
"Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup" is wrong, and the doctor has reminded many times: even if you are thirsty, you should drink less wolfberry tea

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