
Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

author:Entertainment Circle
Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Text\Entertainment Circle

Editor\Entertainment Circle

On the day of July 1st, Aunt Zhang Lan set off a storm of joy, and she broke the news that was really exciting: she was going to set off to meet her grandchildren! This is not a trivial matter, she was tight-lipped before, afraid that there would be some "bad pool".

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Finally, when the grandchildren were ready, she happily shared the good news with everyone. The meeting place is in "Okinawa", although it is a little far away, but to be able to reunite with her babies, what is this distance?

Think about Aunt Zhang Lan, you know that she is the kind of person who puts the family first. This meeting is more important than anything else, and she is willing to run.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Don't look at her usual strength, this time when she mentioned seeing her grandchildren, her eyes were full of smiles. The warmth of the family, isn't this the positive energy we want to transmit? Isn't she telling us that no matter how busy and tired she is, being with her family is the real happiness.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Okinawa, it sounds a bit far, but who cares so much? can be with her beloved grandchildren, Aunt Zhang Lan is moving towards happiness without hesitation. She is going to visit her grandchildren, which is not only an expression of family affection, but also an attitude to life. In her, we see that responsibility and care are equally important, which is not something that everyone can do.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Although Aunt Zhang Lan is as tired as a dog, it has been more than half a month since the last time we met. This time, the children happened to be on summer vacation and had another appointment with their grandmother. Although they still can't go back to their hometown, both children value this meeting very much. Jiujiu even went to get a haircut, planning to appear handsomely in front of his grandmother.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Imagine that Jiujiu must have put a lot of thought into preparing for this meeting. When I went to get a haircut, I must have wanted to make a deep impression in my grandmother's eyes. She wants to show her new look in front of Aunt Zhang Lan and surprise her grandmother.

Isn't this kind of relationship the family affection we should cherish? Although the children can't go back to their hometowns, they can make up for some of the regrets of not being able to be together through this kind of meeting.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Although the children cannot return to their hometowns and have to travel all over the world every time they meet, it is always a pleasure to meet the children. Especially Jiujiu, as soon as they met, they stuck to their grandmother, which made Zhang Lan very happy.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Think about Aunt Zhang Lan, her sense of happiness is simply bursting! Although the children can't go back to their hometown, she never cares about the distance. Every time they meet, no matter how far or near she is, she is a warm current that rushes straight to her heart. This kind of family warmth is the positive energy that our society needs most.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

This little girl is a sticky little sticky worm! When I saw my grandmother, I followed the paste, and this scene was simply smiling. Aunt Zhang Lan, you are such an existence, telling us with your actions that the warmth of family is everywhere. No matter how far away it is, as long as the heart is close, everything is not a problem.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

For this wave of Big S's operations, to be honest, it's a bit confusing. It's so late, and she doesn't let the two children go back to their hometown to see their grandmother more, is she planning to train Ma Xiaomei's children to be pick-up heroes?

She may think that this is a demonstration of maternal love, but it may not be. When the children grow up, they may not be grateful to Dade for her "love", but they may have a grudge in their hearts, which is the truth.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Big S, what are you thinking? Don't you know the importance of family? Every time the children go home, it is a warm exchange, a continuation of family affection. In today's society, family warmth is indispensable, don't think that sending your children anywhere can replace being together in person. If you do this, it may not be the best choice for the children.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

When children grow up, they will not feel that you are the greatest mother because of your arrangements, but they may feel regret and dissatisfaction because they missed the company of the family. Family, it is to share happiness and bear difficulties together. Your behavior may not leave children with good memories, but it may make them feel that something important is missing.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Big S, don't patronize fame and fortune, family is your most fundamental support and motivation. Children need not only material support, but also spiritual companionship and love. If you do this, you may not make your children better people, but it may bury hidden dangers that will make them feel resentful in the future.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Wang Xiaofei is now developing vigorously, and Ma Xiaomei lets him everywhere to satisfy his machismo. The two of them are like slimes, sticking together and refusing to separate.

Moreover, I heard that Wang Xiaofei is also planning to have a third child! Oh, the two children born to Da S in the future will not be the only seedlings, and the family will be lively. So, what reason does she have to be proud now? It's long overdue for children to have more contact with grandma.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Look at Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, they are simply model students of love! The man's machismo is exerted to the extreme, the woman's thoughtfulness is nuanced, and the two of them are like thunder and thunder, so sweet that people are envious, jealous and hateful. This kind of relationship is not only sweet, but also a kind of family strength, supporting each other and making progress together.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

If Wang Xiaofei is a small calculator, his third child plan is to add fire to the warmth of the family. Think about it, the children born after Big S will definitely be happier because they have a brother or sister. Such a family is not only synonymous with happiness, but also a model for families in our time.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Big S, what capital do you have to be proud of? It's time to think more about your children's development. The warmth of the family is irreplaceable, and the children not only need material supplies, but also spiritual companionship and love. If you delay so much and not let them see their grandmother, it may not be the best option.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, their family model, tells us what it means to grow together. The tacit understanding and mutual accommodation between men and women is not only a manifestation of love, but also an important part of family harmony. Big S, learn from others and put the family first, this is the attitude that a responsible parent should have.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

In today's highly competitive society, the growth of children requires not only the love of the family, but also the wisdom and foresight of the family. Instead of letting children enter society too early, it is better to give them more family warmth and moral support. The power of family can enable children to go further and more stable on the road of life in the future.

Get one's way! Zhang Lan finally saw her two grandsons, and the three generations were reunited, but Da S still did not allow the children to return to their hometowns

This family story reminds us of the importance of family affection. Whether it is Zhang Lan's deep affection for her grandchildren or the warmth of Wang Xiaofei's family, they all remind us that family is our eternal harbor. Let us cherish every gathering and let the warmth of home accompany the growth of children, which is the greatest love for children.

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