
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

author:Entertainment Circle
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Text\Entertainment Circle

Editor\Entertainment Circle

He Ziming, the actor who has attracted much attention because of his marriage turmoil with his ex-wife He Jie, has recently become the focus of hot searches again. This time, the news of his remarriage caused a sensation in the entertainment industry.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

The divorce between He Ziming and He Jie once made people lose confidence in love, but now, he has not only walked out of the haze, but also found new happiness.

If you want to talk about He Ziming's remarriage life, it is so sweet that it makes people have a toothache! You may think I'm exaggerating, but listen to me and you'll know why I'm saying that.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

The appearance of the newlywed wife is an explosive existence! It's like a heroine who came out of an idol drama directly, which fully meets all everyone's imagination of "Bai Fumei". Moreover, it is not enough to have good looks, she is still a gentle and considerate little sweetheart. That's right, it's the kind of perfect girlfriend that everyone fantasizes about, and the kind that can't find any shortcomings at all!

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

As you know, today's celebrity couples like to "sprinkle sugar" on social media to show affection, and He Ziming and his new wife are no exception.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Every morning when I wake up, I turn on my phone and there is a sweet photo of the two of them, what "breakfast time", "morning running time" and other labels, so that our single dogs can't help but sigh: It's so happy that people are jealous! Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching an idol drama. You say, how can this make people live? It's so enviable that it can't be done.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

However, having said that, He Ziming's road to remarriage is really not smooth sailing! Do you think it's a romantic idol drama that goes smoothly? No, no, no! It's a real-life drama full of ups and downs, and it's more exciting than a bloody TV series.

still remembers that around 2016, the relationship between him and He Jie began to crack, and the scene was really dramatic, which made the people who eat melons stare intently.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

At that time, all kinds of rumors and speculations were flying in the sky, and it was like the stars in the sky, and it was impossible to count. The media has added fuel to them, and all kinds of revelations have emerged one after another.

Have you heard the most buzzing rumor? It is said that He Ziming is suspected of being subjected to domestic violence! Ouch, as soon as this revelation came out, it was a big surprise. Everyone thinks that men are being abused by domestic violence? This plot is too reversed!

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Some people also say that it was because He Jie was too strong, which led to the breakdown of the marriage. This statement is also a lot of discussion.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Some people began to sympathize with He Ziming, feeling that he had been wronged in his marriage; While others feel that it is difficult for outsiders to say much about the couple's affairs, and who is right and who is wrong is their own business. In short, during that time, the divorce of the two was more bloody than the TV series, which really made the people who ate melons watch it with relish.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

After the divorce, He Ziming went through a difficult period and simply fell from the sky to the ground. During this time, he not only had to face challenges in his personal life, but also fell into the shadow of depression.

It was as if the whole world had turned gray, and the whole person had fallen into an endless slump. He is full of confusion and struggle for the future, and wakes up every day feeling hopeless in life.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

It is said that in order to get out of this predicament, He Ziming has tried various methods, and he really tried his best. You think, a star who was once so glamorous suddenly became so depressed, it is really distressing.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

He went on a fitness spree, hoping to regain his confidence and strength through exercise. Soaking in the gym every day, sweating like rain, that level of effort is simply admirable. Some people say that exercise can release pressure, and there is indeed some truth, but He Ziming found that this is not enough to completely get out of the shadow of divorce.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

However! God really cares about people, He Ziming met his current wife in that gloomy period! This daughter-in-law is simply a warm current in his life, where there is a shadow, she will shine the sun. is not only the support of the career, but also the psychological housekeeper, from good morning to good night, meticulous care, people are really envious, jealous and hateful!

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

With her company, He Ziming gradually walked out of the psychological trough and regained his confidence and courage in life. Today, he and his wife live happily and sweetly, not only facing the difficulties of the past together, but also meeting the challenges of the future together. The tacit understanding and understanding between them has become a model of loving couples.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Today's He Ziming is really in his prime, not only is his career smooth sailing, but his love life is even sweeter. He and his current wife have gone through a tortuous road, from the difficulties of the past to the happiness of the present, which is simply a positive energy in the entertainment industry.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

You know, not only did they face the ups and downs of the past together, but they also met the challenges of the future together. This kind of tacit understanding and understanding is simply a fairy pairing in the relationship, don't you say? In front of the public, He Ziming showed a mature and strong image, like a beautiful landscape.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Looking at his growth and changes, it not only made his own mentality better, but also deeply infected his friends. This is called real positive energy! His story tells us that sometimes there are setbacks in life, but as long as you have strong faith and sincere love, you can overcome all difficulties.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

As soon as the news of He Ziming's remarriage was exposed, it immediately sparked widespread discussions in society and heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens expressed their sincere wishes and best wishes for his newlywed life, hoping that he could find true happiness in his newlywed life.

Of course, some netizens questioned and concerned about his remarriage, worried about whether his newlywed life would repeat the mistakes of the past. In any case, He Ziming's happy life makes people feel gratified.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming sprinkled dog food after remarrying, and his current wife is comparable to the heroine of an idol drama!

Finally, we should believe in love and cherish happiness. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and we should also be brave enough to pursue our own happiness. He Ziming's experience tells us that no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, as long as we keep moving forward, we can find our own happiness.

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