
Dog days should be avoided, regardless of adults and children, doctors suggest: eat less watermelon, eat more of these 5 things!

author:Qiao Fengli loves life

Dog days are the hottest time of the year and the most yang energy. During this season, our body is prone to various problems such as heat stroke, dehydration, loss of appetite, etc. Therefore, a sensible diet is essential to maintain good health. However, many people choose to eat watermelon to relieve the heat in the hot summer, but doctors recommend eating less watermelon and more of the following five foods on dog days. Let's take a look!

Dog days should be avoided, regardless of adults and children, doctors suggest: eat less watermelon, eat more of these 5 things!

Mung bean is a good product to cool off in summer, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling. On dog days, drinking mung bean soup in moderation can effectively reduce body heat and prevent heat stroke. At the same time, mung beans are also rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the body. Therefore, on dog days, we can take mung bean soup as a daily drink, which can not only beat the heat, but also maintain the health of the body.

Dog days should be avoided, regardless of adults and children, doctors suggest: eat less watermelon, eat more of these 5 things!

The lotus leaf has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, rising and diverging. On dog days, we can cook lotus leaves and japonica rice together into lotus leaf porridge, which can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also regulate the spleen and stomach. The method of lotus leaf porridge is simple, you only need to wash the fresh lotus leaves and put them in the porridge to cook together. This porridge is light and tasty, so it's perfect for the whole family.

Dog days should be avoided, regardless of adults and children, doctors suggest: eat less watermelon, eat more of these 5 things!

Tomatoes are a common vegetable that is rich in nutrients such as lycopene, vitamin C, and potassium. On dog days, moderate consumption of tomatoes can clear away heat and detoxify, and quench thirst. At the same time, the lycopene in tomatoes has a good antioxidant effect and is able to protect the body from free radical damage. Therefore, on dog days, we can use tomatoes as a daily ingredient, which can not only clear away the heat and relieve the heat, but also maintain the health of the body.

Dog days should be avoided, regardless of adults and children, doctors suggest: eat less watermelon, eat more of these 5 things!

Honey is a natural tonic that moistens the lungs, relieves cough, and moistens the intestines. On dog days, moderate consumption of honey can help the body eliminate toxins and keep the body healthy. At the same time, honey also has a good moisturizing effect and is able to keep the skin moisturized. Therefore, on dog days, we can use honey as a daily health supplement, which can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also maintain the health of the body.

Dog days should be avoided, regardless of adults and children, doctors suggest: eat less watermelon, eat more of these 5 things!

Chrysanthemum tea has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, clearing the liver and brightening the purpose. On dog days, drinking chrysanthemum tea in moderation can effectively reduce body heat and prevent heat stroke. At the same time, chrysanthemum tea also has a good antioxidant effect, which is able to protect the body from free radical damage. Therefore, on dog days, we can take chrysanthemum tea as a daily drink, which can not only beat the heat, but also maintain the health of the body.

Dog days are the hottest time of the year and the most yang energy. During this season, our body is prone to various problems such as heat stroke, dehydration, loss of appetite, etc. Therefore, a sensible diet is essential to maintain good health. In the hot summer, we should eat less watermelon and more foods such as mung bean soup, lotus leaf porridge, tomatoes, honey and chrysanthemum tea. These foods can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also replenish the nutrients needed by the body to maintain the health of the body. Let's have a healthy and happy dog day together!

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