
The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

author:Qiao Fengli loves life

As the pace of summer is quietly approaching, Xiaoxiao, the solar term that marks the official start of the midsummer season, is slowly coming to us. Although the heat is not as unbearable as the big summer, it also indicates that the hottest day of the year is coming. In this season, how to adjust the body and mind to meet the challenge of the scorching heat in the best state has become the focus of our common attention. Today, as a health blogger, I will take you to explore the mystery of Xiaoxia health preservation, keeping in mind the ancient wisdom of "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", let us follow the old tradition, relax in ambush, and enjoy a healthy and comfortable summer.

The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

In the summer season, the yang energy in nature is the most vigorous, and the human body should also comply with this law and ensure sufficient sleep to nourish yang energy. However, in modern society, staying up late seems to have become the norm for many people, but as everyone knows, this is extremely harmful to the body. Although the night of the summer is not as long and cold as the winter solstice, staying up late will deplete the yang energy in the body, affect the mental state of the next day, and in the long run, it will also lead to a decrease in immunity and easy to get sick.

How to do it without staying up late?

  1. Regular schedule: Set a reasonable schedule and stick to it. Try to go to bed before 10 p.m. and get 7-8 hours of sleep.
  2. Create a good sleeping environment: Keep your bedroom cool and ventilated, use appropriate bedding, reduce noise and light distractions, and create an environment conducive to sleep.
  3. Relaxation: Before going to bed, you can do some relaxing activities, such as soaking your feet, listening to soft music, reading, etc., to help relieve the tension and stress of the day, and make it easier to fall asleep.
The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

In the summer season, the temperature is high, the human body is easy to sweat, and the consumption is large, so a reasonable diet is particularly important. At this time, you should eat more foods that have the effect of clearing away heat and quenching heat, and quenching thirst to replenish the water and nutrients needed by the body.

1. Mung bean soup

Mung beans are cool in nature, sweet in taste, and have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and removing annoyance. In the summer season, a bowl of cold mung bean soup can not only relieve the heat and cool down, but also promote the discharge of toxins in the body, which is a rare health product in summer.

The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

2. Bitter melon

Although bitter gourd is bitter, it is the "fire artifact" in summer. It is rich in vitamin C and bitter gourdin and other ingredients, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, brightening the eyes and detoxifying. Whether it is cold salad, stir-fry or soup, it can make people enjoy the delicious food while achieving the purpose of health preservation.

In this special season of Xiaoxiao, in addition to "1 does not sleep, 2 to eat", special attention should be paid to avoiding some bad living habits, so as not to cause harm to the body.

The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

1. Avoid greed

In the summer season, the weather is hot, and people often like to be cold, such as blowing air conditioners for a long time, eating cold drinks, etc. However, excessive craving for cold can damage the body's yang energy, leading to a decrease in immunity and susceptibility to colds, diarrhea and other diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to cool down moderately and avoid excessive craving.

The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

2. Avoid overeating

In summer, the temperature is high, the human body's digestive ability is relatively weak, if you overeat, it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, causing indigestion, bloating and other problems. Therefore, we should pay attention to the appropriate and balanced diet, and avoid overeating spicy, greasy and other irritating foods.

3. Avoid mood swings

In summer, the weather is hot, and people are prone to upset and mood swings. In the long run, it will not only affect the quality of sleep, but also cause damage to organs such as the heart. Therefore, to learn to regulate your emotions and maintain a peaceful mind, you can relax your mind through meditation, yoga, etc.

The summer heat is coming, keep in mind "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, 3 to taboo", follow the old tradition, and easily ambush

Following the health principle of "1 don't sleep, 2 to eat, and 3 to taboo" can not only help us better adapt to climate change in summer, but also enhance physical fitness and prevent diseases. Let's welcome every energetic day this summer with a peaceful mind, a healthy diet, and a good work and rest habit. Remember, health is an attitude to life, but also a respect for life. I hope we can all find our own coolness and tranquility in this summer season.