
Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

author:Good luck keeps coming

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

In this era of rapid change, career success is often given the supreme position, and countless people work hard for it, even sacrificing family and affection. However, when we calm down and listen to the voice of the wise man Zeng Shiqiang, we may have a new understanding of the relationship between "family and career". He told us that family is more important than career, and that a strong marriage is the cornerstone of career development.

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

First, we need to understand what family means. Family is our warmest harbor and the home of our soul. In the family, we find the most sincere affection and love, and these emotions are the most solid strength when we face the challenges of life.

When we encounter setbacks, it is the encouragement and support of our families that keeps us back on our feet; When we achieve something, it is the joy and pride of our family that makes us more determined to move forward. The existence of family not only gives us warmth and love, but also the cradle of our growth and an indispensable partner on the road of our life.

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

However, in the pursuit of careers, we tend to overlook the importance of family. Some people sacrifice time with their family members for the sake of career success, or even neglect to communicate and communicate with their family members. They may have achieved brilliant achievements in their careers, but their hearts are full of loneliness and loneliness. Because they have forgotten that family is the most important wealth in our lives and the source of motivation for our struggle. Without the support and love of family, what is the point of career success?

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

Mr. Tsang knows this well. He believes that a strong marriage is the cornerstone of career development. A happy marriage can make people feel calm and energetic, so that they can be more confident in their careers. On the contrary, an unstable marriage can be exhausting and unable to focus on the advancement of their careers. Therefore, Mr. Tsang Sze Keung advocated that we should attach importance to the family, cherish the marriage, and let the family become a strong backing for the development of our career.

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

So, how do you balance family and career? First of all, we need to establish the right values. We need to understand that family and career are not opposites, but complement each other. A happy family can provide a steady stream of motivation and support for our cause; And a successful career can also make our family happier. Therefore, we should pay attention to the construction and maintenance of the family while pursuing our career.

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

Second, we need to learn to manage our time wisely. Time is the fairest, it doesn't give us an extra point because we're busy, and it doesn't give us a second less because of our leisure. Therefore, we must learn to arrange our time reasonably, not only to ensure the smooth progress of work, but also to set aside enough time to spend with our families. In this way, we can find the best balance between career and family.

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

Finally, we need to focus on communication and communication with family members. Communication is the key to solving problems and an effective way to enhance relationships. We should often share our work and life with our families and listen to their opinions and suggestions. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the needs and feelings of our family members, and give them enough love and support. In this way, our family can be more harmonious and happy, and our career can develop more smoothly.

Zeng Shiqiang: Family is more important than career, and a stable marriage is the cornerstone of career development

In short, family is more important than career, and a solid marriage is the cornerstone of career development. We should cherish our family, attach importance to marriage, and let our family become a strong backing for our career development. Only in this way can we move forward more calmly and confidently on the road of pursuing our career. Let us work together to create a better future in the win-win situation of career and family!

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