
If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

author:Good luck keeps coming

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

In the complicated life, we are often stumped by all kinds of trivial matters and lose our way. However, there are some simple principles, if we can stick to them, maybe we can go further and more steadily on the road of life. Today, let's explore the wisdom of "don't eat two meals, don't see two people, don't do two things, and don't lower your head" and see how they guide us to a better version of ourselves.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

Don't eat two meals

First of all, let's talk about "two meals without food". The "two meals" here do not refer to two meals, but to two meals. The first is not to eat uninvited meals. This kind of dinner often has no clear theme and purpose, and is just a social pastime. While it may seem lively on the surface, it can actually consume our precious time and energy, leaving us with no time for more important things. Therefore, we should learn to reject this kind of meaningless meal and spend our time on more meaningful things.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

The second is not to eat a Hongmen banquet-style meal. Hongmen Banquet, a famous place of political struggle in history, hides murderous opportunities. In modern society, although it is not life-threatening, some people with ulterior motives may use the meal to achieve their own goals, and may even put us in trouble. Therefore, for this kind of dinner full of unknowns and risks, we must also learn to be vigilant and not go to the appointment easily.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

The two were gone

Next, let's talk about "the two are gone". The "two" here refers to two kinds of people. The first is that the ungrateful are missing. This type of person tends to stand by when you need help, and even envy you and slander you when you are successful. Associating with such people will only plunge us into endless troubles and pain. Therefore, we need to learn to identify and stay away from such people, and spend our time and energy on people who are more worthy of association.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

The second is that the person who bursts with negative energy is missing. Such people are often complaining, negative, pessimistic, and their negative energy can be transmitted to us like a virus, making us fall into negative emotions as well. After spending a long time with such people, we may lose our love and confidence in life. Therefore, we must also learn to stay away from people who are bursting with negative energy and maintain a positive attitude and emotions.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

Don't do anything

Let's talk about "don't do two things". The "two things" here refer to two kinds of things. The first is not to do things that harm others and benefit oneself. This kind of thing, while it may seem like a short-term benefit, can actually damage our reputation and relationships. In the long run, we may be left alone. Therefore, we should stick to the bottom line of morality and not do things that harm others and benefit ourselves.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

The second is not to do what you have to do. There are some things that are hard to stop once they start, such as greed, power, etc. If we don't know how to stop in moderation and make inch-in-progress, we may end up in a situation from which we cannot extricate ourselves. Therefore, we must learn to control our desires and ambitions and not pay a heavy price for momentary gratification.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

The two ends are not low

Finally, let's talk about "two ends are not low". The "two heads" here refer to two kinds of people. The first is that the people who look down on you are not low. These people tend to think very highly of themselves and look down on your origins, abilities, or achievements. For such people, we don't need to bow our heads to show weakness and compromise for perfection. On the contrary, we should be firm in our beliefs and positions, and prove our worth with our own strength.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

The second is that the people who maliciously slander you are not low. Such people may maliciously slander and slander you out of jealousy, hatred, or other reasons. In the face of such attacks and slanders, we do not need to bow our heads and admit cowardice and mess with ourselves. Instead, we should remain calm and sane and respond to their attacks and denigrations with facts and figures.

If you don't eat two meals, you don't see each other, you don't do two things, and you don't lower your two ends

In short, the sixteen words of "two meals are not eaten, two people are not seen, two things are not done, and two ends are not low" Although short, they contain profound wisdom. If we can stick to these principles and put them into practice, I believe we will be able to go further and more steadily on the road of life!