
Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

author:Good luck keeps coming

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

In the chaotic world, we are often bound by various emotions, love and hate, and it is difficult to extricate ourselves. However, when we calm down and listen to the teachings of those wise men, we may find a different kind of wisdom. Today, let's follow in the footsteps of Venerable Hongyi and explore the profound philosophy of "nine points are like, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless".

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

One, nine points is like

Like, is one of the most beautiful emotions in human nature. It allows us to find spiritual sustenance in the vast sea of people, and gives us warm companionship when we are lonely. However, liking is not everything, and as Master Hongyi said, liking only accounts for nine points. This is because, when we are too immersed in liking, we tend to ignore our own needs and dignity. True liking should be measured, be able to feel the warmth of the other person, and be able to maintain self-independence and dignity.

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

Imagine when we like someone with all our hearts, have we ever lost ourselves in order to cater to them? Have you ever been miserable because of the other person's indifference? These experiences have taught us that liking needs moderation, and we need to maintain a sober and rational attitude while giving love. Only in this way can we find true happiness in our likes.

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

Second, one point is dignity

Dignity is a right that everyone should have. It is the cornerstone of our foothold in this world and an important guarantee for us to maintain our independence and self-determination. However, in the face of likes, we are often prone to losing our dignity.

In order to gain the approval and affection of the other person, we may abandon our principles and values, or even do something against our will. This kind of liking not only fails to make us truly happy, but also makes us lose our dignity and self at the same time.

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

Venerable Hongyi told us that we need to retain a bit of dignity in liking. This means that while liking someone, we also need to maintain our independence and self-worth. Only in this way can we find balance and dignity in love. When our dignity is respected, our love also becomes better and stronger.

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

3. Affectionate to the extreme, ruthless

Affection is a complex emotion in human nature. It makes us feel endless sweetness and happiness in love, and it also makes us feel endless pain and despair when we lose love. However, when affection reaches its extreme, it becomes a kind of ruthlessness. This is because excessive affection can make us lose ourselves in love and lose our reason and judgment. We can make irrational decisions for the sake of love, even to the point of harming ourselves and others.

Venerable Hongyi tells us that being amorous is ruthless. This is not to say that we should abandon amorousness, but that we should maintain a sense of sanity and sobriety in the midst of amorousness. We have to understand that love is not the whole of life, and we cannot give up our principles and values for the sake of love. We need to find balance and happiness in love, rather than being swayed and hurt by love.

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

Master Hongyi's teachings of "nine points are love, one point is dignity, and affection is extremely ruthless" allows us to find new revelations in love. It tells us that liking needs moderation, and that we need to maintain our independence and dignity while giving love; It also tells us that amorous requires reason and requires us to be sober and judgmental in love. Only in this way can we find true happiness and fulfillment in love.

Master Hongyi: Nine points is love, one point is dignity, and affection is ruthless!

Let's stay sober and sane in love! Let's keep a bit of dignity in liking! Let's find balance and happiness in amorousness! This kind of life is what we really yearn for and pursue.