
Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

author:Tiny holes

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Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

When discussing the expression "unconditional surrender", it is true that it corresponds to the concept of "conditional surrender", which constitutes an important distinction between the way in which the war ends. The so-called "unconditional surrender", as the name suggests, means that the defeated side surrenders without any conditions or requirements, fully accepts all the terms and arrangements of the victorious side, renounces the right to continue resistance, and its army and territory will be placed under the control of the victorious side. This usually happens when there is a disparity in strength between the two sides of the war, or when the defeated side realizes that there is no point in continuing to resist, and makes a choice to reduce losses and casualties.

In contrast, "conditional surrender" refers to a series of conditions put forward by the defeated party when surrendering, hoping to retain its rights and interests to a certain extent or reduce the burden after defeat. These conditions may relate to territorial demarcation, military reservations, confirmation of political status, etc. In practice, however, the victorious side tends to have a greater say, and whether or not to accept these conditions depends on its strategic interests and negotiating position.

Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

In fact, Wilhelm II also put forward the condition at that time, that is, to remove the title of Emperor of the German Empire, but to retain the status of King of Prussia. The Entente did not accept it, and directly negotiated with the military that Wilhelm II was sold.

Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

Unconditional surrender is a condition, and not accepting surrender is the most ruthless.

Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

Isn't that still negotiating? In the end, for the sake of interests other than life and death, isn't it considered a conditional surrender?

Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

Most of the surrenders in ancient times were conditional. For example, Liu Bei persuaded Liu Zhang to surrender and promised to keep his personal wealth.

Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

Leader Song, if you can distribute all the land around Liangshanbo to the poor, instead of just giving you a fraction of the loot, you will be able to conquer everything in time.

Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!

Easy to understand!

Netizens often discuss this topic with fun and creativity, and some people joke in a humorous way: "Unconditional surrender means that even the tablecloth must be left; Conditional surrender, at least the last bite of food in the bowl can be taken away. Such an answer is both vivid and subtly revealing the difference between the two, allowing people to understand this complex military concept in a relaxed atmosphere.

After reading these comments and sharing from netizens, why do you think they all say "unconditional surrender", is there still conditional surrender?

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Why do they all say unconditional surrender, but is there still a conditional surrender? The answers of netizens are divine!