
Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

author:It's raining again


Meng Meiqi's clarification video

Meng Meiqi posted a clarification video on social platforms, responding to a discussion about her comment on her predecessor Zhou Chuanxiong.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

In the video, she showed screenshots of netizens' comments on her cyberbullying and abuse, as well as the music partner description of "The Voice of God 2" in 2021, her clarification at the time, and the unedited video content of the original film of the show.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

Meng Meiqi once again reiterated that she did not make any comments about Zhou Chuanxiong, and called on the rumors to stop at the wise.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

This move sparked heated discussions among netizens, with some supporting her clarification, believing that she should not be burdened with trumped-up charges; Others are skeptical, believing that this is just her side of the story.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

Netizens had mixed reactions to Meng Meiqi's clarification video, and some said: Meng Meiqi did the right thing this time and should let the truth be revealed.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

Some people also questioned: why is this matter being brought up again? Is there someone manipulating behind it? These discussions not only touched on Meng Meiqi's personal image, but also touched on the manipulation of public opinion in the entertainment industry and the public's expectations for celebrities.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

At the same time, some netizens pointed out that Meng Meiqi, as a newcomer, does feel inappropriate sitting on the comment seat, which also sparked a discussion about the qualifications and status of the entertainment industry.

The arrangement of the program team and the expectations of the public


Meng Meiqi's clarification video mentioned that she served as a music partner in "The Voice of God 2", not a judge. This role is at odds with the public's expectations of her, leading to many misunderstandings.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

The arrangement of the program team made Meng Meiqi sit on the comment seat, and this decision aroused widespread doubts. Some people believe that Meng Meiqi, as a newcomer, lacks sufficient qualifications and works, and should not sit in that position.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

Some people also believe that the program team may have its own considerations, and Meng Meiqi's performance may not be as imagined by the outside world.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

Netizens' discussion of this matter was full of humor and sarcasm, and some people joked: Meng Meiqi is sitting in that position, is the program team testing our IQ?

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

Some people also joked: Meng Meiqi's comment is not a surprise arranged by the program team? These humorous comments not only make people laugh, but also reflect the public's mixed emotions about the phenomenon of the entertainment industry.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

At the same time, these discussions also make people think about how the qualifications and status of the entertainment industry should be defined, and whether the public's expectations of celebrities are too harsh.

Qualifications and status in the entertainment industry


In this discussion about Meng Meiqi's review of Zhou Chuanxiong, we see the complex relationship between seniority and status in the entertainment industry.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

As a newcomer, Meng Meiqi does feel inappropriate to sit on the comment bench, which also reflects the public's expectations for celebrity qualifications.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

The arrangement of the program group and Meng Meiqi's clarification video let us see the complex operation behind the entertainment industry. Perhaps, we should be more tolerant of newcomers in the entertainment industry and understand their difficulties in growing up.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

At the same time, it also reminds us that the qualifications and status of the entertainment industry are not static, and the public's expectations and evaluations should also be more diverse and inclusive.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

In the end, although Meng Meiqi's clarification battle temporarily calmed down the discussion, it also gave us an opportunity to re-examine the issue of seniority and status in the entertainment industry.

Meng Meiqi's battle of clarification: the review storm is back

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