
Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

author:Brother Chuang said something

The beautiful Philippines was originally a dream travel destination for many Chinese tourists. However, in recent years, there have been a number of kidnappings and ransom cases targeting Chinese tourists, which is chilling.

Not long ago, two Chinese medical executives went to the Philippines on a business trip, but they were kidnapped just after landing, and after their families handed over a ransom of $3 million, they were brutally killed. After the kidnapping case was exposed, it shocked all walks of life, and many inside stories were revealed one after another.


Video source: Red Star News

The tragic death of two successful men

39-year-old Xia Kefu and 45-year-old Sun Jing, two middle-aged men at the peak of their careers, should not have died suddenly in a foreign land at such a young age.

Xia Kefu is handsome and dashing, serving as the director of a listed medical company; Sun Jing is tall and strong, serving as the head of the multinational medical giant in China. Two successful people who are full of wealth are proud of life.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

However, the good times did not last long, and on June 20, they happily went to the Philippines on a business trip, but they were kidnapped by gangsters not long after they landed.

The family handed over a ransom of 3 million, but unfortunately they could not save these two precious lives. After tearing up the ticket, the gangsters abandoned the bodies of the two in the wilderness, Xia Kefu had been buried in China on July 1, and Sun Jing's family did not know the bad news that his son had been killed.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

Thrilling kidnapping

At noon on June 20, Xia Kefu and Sun Jing flew from Beijing to Manila and were kidnapped as soon as they landed. Obviously, the gangsters had premeditated.

The next day, the kidnappers began to contact the family to ask for ransom, claiming that Xia Kefu lost money playing cards in the Philippines and asked the family to send money immediately, otherwise they would tear up the ticket.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

On the phone, Chacofu was forced to admit that he "owed money", and his groans of pain were already indicating that he had been beaten. At first, the kidnappers asked for $5 million, but later they asked for $25 million, and finally after the company paid 3 million first, it shrank so far and promised to negotiate later.

However, after paying a huge ransom, the kidnappers not only ignored their promise, but brutally killed the two men, and then threw them into the sea to destroy their bodies. The body was later found after drifting to the beach.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders
Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

The female agent is seriously suspicious

According to insiders, there was a reason. In May, Sun Jing met Li Na, a self-proclaimed Filipino medical agent, through a Chinese-American Jimmy.

Li Na claims that her boss can provide government procurement projects to Chinese medical companies. In order to win orders, Sun Jing warmly invited Li Na to come to China for negotiations.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

During her visit to China, Li Na met Xia Kefu again and invited the two to go to the Philippines for inspection at the end of June. The two were unsuspecting of trusting Li Na, which led to this tragedy. It is very likely that Li Na is the mastermind behind the scenes, and her actions have constituted a serious criminal suspicion.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

There are signs that the trap has been set for a long time

Based on the multifaceted analysis of this case, we have reason to believe that this kidnapping case was not an impromptu idea, but a well-planned hoax. There are several key signs to support this view.

First of all, the killers were able to grasp the precise itinerary of Xia Kefu, which suggests that they had carefully followed it beforehand, and may even have colluded with some insiders to obtain detailed information about the target.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

Second, the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $25 million, a figure that was clearly not arbitrary. It is almost certain that they conducted an in-depth investigation into the status of the victim's assets and deliberately offered such a high price, most likely with the aim of squeezing the victim's wealth out of it all at once.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

Finally, it is outrageous that even after the ransom was paid, the victims were brutally killed. This undoubtedly shows that the kidnappers had no intention of releasing the hostages from the outset, and that their purpose was only for money, without ever considering the safety of the hostages.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders

Judging by these signs, it seems that the victim has already fallen into a well-designed and well-laid trap. Every aspect of this case shows the cunning and ruthlessness of the kidnappers, while the victims unfortunately fall victim to their greedy schemes.

Two corporate executives were kidnapped and killed: 3 million was still torn up, and insiders exposed more insiders


More than a month after the incident, the Philippine police have not made any progress so far. We can only appeal to the relevant departments to pay attention, uphold justice, and seek justice for the victims.

At the same time, it is also hoped that people leaving the country will be more vigilant, see the situation clearly, and beware of traps. Finally, we need to be rational and not to develop hatred for a nation or country because of individual cases. Pray for peace, pray for justice.


Two Chinese business executives in the Philippines were kidnapped and killed! "The payment of 3 million ransom is still torn up", multiple responses - Shangguan News

Two Chinese business executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and one of them paid a ransom of about 3 million - Dawan News


The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgarity and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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