
The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

author:Xingwen knows it all

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July 1, 2024, that was a special day! In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, CCTV carefully planned and broadcast a grand and extraordinary and shocking symphony concert.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

When the first rays of the morning sun shine on the earth, the whole city seems to be enveloped in a special joy. In the streets and alleys, the bright party flag fluttered in the wind, and people's faces were full of pride and expectation. This day is destined to be extraordinary, and this upcoming symphony concert has become the focus of everyone's attention.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

When night falls, the lights come on, and the concert scene is already crowded. On the stage, bright lights are intertwined to create a dreamlike atmosphere. This concert is really star-studded and lively! Many entertainers, honor winners and experts in various fields gathered together, and they jointly offered their most sincere and warmest wishes for the party's birthday with infinite reverence and love for the party.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

Among them, there are old drama bones that we are familiar with, they have created classic roles on the screen with their superb acting skills, and now standing on this stage, their eyes are still shining, which is their dedication to art and deep affection for the party. There are also those talented young singers, who use their energetic voices to sing the youth melody of the new era, and use their singing voices to convey praise for the party and their vision for the future. There are also experts who have worked silently in their respective fields and won countless honors, who have come with wisdom and achievements to add luster to the party's birthday in their own way.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

Each of them was filled with joy and pride on their faces, as if to say: "It is such an honor to be able to dedicate a heart to the party on this special day!" The smile from the heart was brighter than the lights on the stage.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

Speaking of this concert, this year is different. In previous years, the position of the host was always occupied by familiar faces of CCTV. But this year, hey! The hosts were replaced by actors Tian Zheng and Fan Zhibo. Tian Zheng, this young man, although he may be a little immature compared to Ren Luyu in terms of hosting experience, his sincerity and enthusiasm are not a lot at all. is like a fledgling youngster, who is full of energy to perform well on this big stage. The moment he stepped on the stage, nervousness and excitement were intertwined in his eyes, but he took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his state, and opened with a loud and passionate voice, which instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

As for Fan Zhibo, that's an experienced veteran! Her every look and gesture was full of confidence and calmness. She is like a calm helmsman, firmly controlling the rhythm of the whole event and making sure that everything runs smoothly. Under her guidance, Tian Zheng gradually found his senses, from being a little nervous at the beginning, to being comfortable later, the two cooperated more and more tacitly. One of them is full of vitality and the other is calm and atmospheric, complementing each other and complementing each other, and hosting the whole concert brilliantly.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

The program of this concert is also wonderful. The passionate symphony seems to bring us back to the glorious days of the party. The melody, sometimes like a rushing river, is majestic and exciting; Sometimes it is like a gentle spring breeze, soothing people's hearts and making people intoxicated. The musicians are fully engaged, and every note is full of affection. The baton in the conductor's hand is like a magic wand, leading the whole orchestra to play a beautiful movement.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

The wonderful performances of the actors made us feel as if we were seeing the party's historical picture slowly unfolding in front of our eyes. Those heroic struggles, those brilliant achievements, are vividly displayed in their singing and dancing. The dancers used their beautiful postures to tell the party's struggle; The singers sang the greatness and strength of the party with their moving voices. Their performances are not only a presentation of art, but also a tribute to history and expectations for the future.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

The audience was also intoxicated. Some hummed softly to the rhythm, as if they had become a member of the stage; Others close their eyes and feel this wonderful moment with their hearts, letting the music penetrate their hearts and evoke deep emotions in their hearts. The atmosphere at the scene was warm and solemn, and everyone cheered for the party's birthday and was proud of the party's achievements with a grateful heart.

In this crowd, there are white-haired old men, who have experienced the vicissitudes of the years and witnessed the development and growth of the party, and their eyes are full of tears of excitement at this moment; There are energetic young people, who have ideals in their hearts and are determined to contribute to the prosperity of the motherland under the guidance of the party, and their faces are full of firmness and faith; There are also innocent and lovely children, who feel all this with pure hearts and plant the seeds of love for the party and the country in their hearts.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

This special symphony concert is not only an audio-visual feast, but also a baptism of the soul. It made us feel the greatness and warmth of the party again in the sea of music. The passionate melody seems to be the clarion call for the party's progress, inspiring us to move forward bravely; The soulful singing, like the warm embrace of the party, gives us endless strength.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

Under the leadership of the party, we have gone through ups and downs and made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. From the victory of the new democratic revolution to the exploration of socialist construction, from the spring breeze of reform and opening up to the great rejuvenation of the new era, the party has always led us to continue to advance and created one miracle after another.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

This concert allows us to remember the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future. It reminds us that today's happy life is not easy to come by, and it is the result of countless communists who have gone forward and fought bravely. We must inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, never forget our original aspirations, and keep our mission firmly in mind.

The host of CCTV's July 1st concert was adjusted, and actor Tian Zheng replaced Ren Luyu and partnered with Fan Zhibo for the first time

I believe that under the leadership of the party, our future will be like this concert, wonderful and brilliant! We will continue to unite as one, forge ahead, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let us keep up with the pace of the party, jointly write a better new chapter, and let the party's glory always shine on our way forward!

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