
Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

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In today's fierce market competition, major companies in order to compete for the favor of consumers can be said to be sparing no expense, have launched a variety of promotional activities and cost-effective products, and among them, Xiaomi can be described as a quite topical enterprise, its "king of cost performance" image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

Recently, one of Xiaomi's new products was directly rebuked by Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree, because of technical problems, which also made Xiaomi controversial in the market, so what is Dong Mingzhu's remarks? And how did Xiaomi respond? Let's take a look.

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

1. Dong Mingzhu is millet

Recently, Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree, directly scolded Xiaomi in an interview, saying that Xiaomi's air conditioning technology is not hard enough, and also said that Xiaomi's products are just good-looking, such products are not competitive at all, and directly call on consumers to keep their eyes open when buying air conditioners, don't just look at the price, and ignore the quality and technical content of the product, which will only make you suffer.

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

Second, Xiaomi's response

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

As for Dong Mingzhu's remarks, Xiaomi also responded at the first time, saying that its products are definitely not only good-looking, but also very powerful in terms of technical content, and they also took out their own technical strength to refute, hoping to convince consumers in this way, so that consumers can better understand their products, so that they can make more informed choices.

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

3. Dong Mingzhu's bluntness

The reason why Dong Mingzhu will directly scold Xiaomi, in fact, is also to remind consumers in this way, so that consumers can not only blindly pursue price when buying products, but to keep their eyes open and learn more about the relevant information of the product, so that they can make a more rational choice, and also hope to give Xiaomi some inspiration in this way, so that Xiaomi can pay more attention to technical content in future product research and development, so as to win the favor of consumers.

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

Fourth, the innovation of enterprises

In today's era of scientific and technological development, no matter what kind of product, technical content is very important, only continuous innovation, in order to stand out in the fierce market competition, and this is also Dong Mingzhu has been emphasizing, she hopes that through some of her own remarks to remind everyone, so that everyone can buy products when more about the technical content of the product, rather than blindly pursuing the price, and also hope that in this way to give some enterprises some inspiration, So that these enterprises can pay more attention to technological innovation in the future development, so as to be able to gain a foothold in the market.

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

V. Conclusion

It can be seen that whether it is some of Dong Mingzhu's remarks or some of Xiaomi's products, they have actually brought us a lot of inspiration, and some of her remarks are also reminding us that no matter what kind of product it is, we must keep our eyes open when buying, and we can't be confused by some superficial things

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

We should learn more about the relevant information of the product, so that we can make a more rational choice, and I believe that in the future, no matter what kind of company, will continue to make progress in such market competition, and will also bring us more and more high-quality products

Gree was "stolen" by Xiaomi, and the era of air conditioning profiteering will be ended by Xiaomi

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