
Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

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First, the five strange designs caused controversy

Recently, a regulation on the new national standard electric vehicle has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, including five wonderful designs, which made many people shout "This is against the sky!" ”。

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

The new national standard stipulates that the height of the vehicle cannot exceed 1.1 meters, which means that many adults may not be able to ride comfortably, and the maximum speed cannot exceed 25km/h, which will undoubtedly greatly reduce the driving efficiency of electric vehicles; The weight of the vehicle cannot exceed 55kg, which is undoubtedly worse for some long-distance users; In addition, the new national standard also stipulates that electric vehicles must have riding functions, and the length of the saddle cannot exceed 35cm, so that the design space of electric vehicles will be more limited.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

It can be said that these strange design regulations have made many consumers call them "impractical", and some people even joked: "According to such standards, should electric vehicles be renamed 'electric bicycles'?" Obviously, the introduction of these regulations is to better regulate the electric vehicle market and ensure the safe travel of consumers, but in practice, it may bring many inconveniences and contradictions, and it is easy for people to question.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

2. The considerations behind the provisions

As a new national standard, there must be certain considerations and intentions behind it, and these seemingly "wonderful" designs may not be intended to be "deliberate", but out of consideration for consumer safety and the development of the entire market. The requirement that the height of the vehicle cannot exceed 1.1 meters may be to prevent some ultra-high and ultra-wide electric vehicles from hitting the road

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

So as to reduce certain safety hazards; The maximum speed and vehicle weight are also limited for safety considerations to avoid some overspeeding and overloading; In addition, the requirement that electric vehicles must have riding functions is also to allow users to ride through manpower in the absence of electricity to increase their practicability.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!
Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

It can be said that the introduction of these regulations is indeed inseparable from the consideration of consumer safety and the development of the entire market, but in actual operation, it may bring some "unexpected" problems, and it is easy for people to feel "one-size-fits-all" and cannot fully meet the individual needs of different consumers.

3. Rationality and practicality are equally important

When it comes to these "wonderful" designs, I believe that everyone's views are also different, some people feel that such regulations are necessary, can effectively regulate the market, and ensure the safety of consumers; However, some people feel that such regulations are too rigid and lack practical operation, and cannot fully meet the individual needs of consumers.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

It is undeniable that no matter what kind of regulations, their rationality and practicability are very important, especially in the current era of "people-oriented", the design standards must be close to the actual needs, fully consider the user's experience, and avoid being too rigid to adapt to the diversified market demand.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

When formulating any new national standard, more on-the-ground research and user feedback are needed, and opinions from all parties are listened to to to ensure that the design regulations meet the needs of the public, which can not only ensure the safe travel of consumers, but also take into account convenience and practicality, and avoid inconvenience and contradictions caused by one-size-fits-all design.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

Fourth, call for more public feedback

For these "wonderful" designs, I believe that many people have their own unique opinions, whether such regulations are good or bad, and how to balance safety and convenience. When the relevant departments formulate such regulations, they also need to pay more attention to market research and public feedback, not from the actual situation, but to be closer to consumers, understand their real needs, and listen to their opinions and suggestions.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

Only in this way can we formulate more reasonable and more realistic national standards, and can we get better promotion and application in the market, and get the recognition and support of consumers.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

The introduction of the new national standard electric vehicle has undoubtedly played a certain role in regulating and guiding the entire industry, and has also made more people aware of the importance of safe travel. However, in the process of formulating the regulations, some problems have also been exposed, which are easy to make people feel that "one word" cannot fully meet the individual needs of consumers.

Finally saw the new national standard electric car Five wonderful designs Only you can't think of it, you can't do it!

In the future work, the relevant departments need to pay more attention to public feedback, listen to the opinions of all parties, and constantly improve and adjust these regulations to ensure their rationality and practicability, and also hope that consumers can actively participate in the relevant discussions and research, provide more useful suggestions and opinions for the formulation of regulations, and jointly promote the healthy development of the electric vehicle industry.

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