
The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

author:Carbon Chief Entertainment
The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

The movie "Kung Fu" released in 2004 is still an indelible classic in the hearts of countless audiences. With the passage of time, those lively and funny characters of the year have now undergone varying degrees of change. Especially Chen Kaishi, who played "Luo Yazhen" back then, her realistic appearance surprised people.

"Kung Fu" has been released for 20 years, and the baptism of time has made great changes in the actors of that year. Some people are old and gray-haired; There are also people whose faces have not changed, and they are even getting younger.

Speaking of Luo Yazhen in "Kung Fu", what comes to everyone's mind must be the image of being honest and clumsy. Luo Yazhen, whose real name is Chen Kaishi, the prominent buckteeth in the film back then, and her cute appearance, always make the audience laugh. Especially when she was bullied by the characters of Stephen Chow and Chen Guokun, that innocent and funny expression is really a classic among the classics.

But you know what? Chen Kaishi in reality and Luo Yazhen in the movie are completely two people! She is a real person, with delicate facial features, bright eyes, and the whole person looks very temperamental. The figure is even slimmer and hot, and it is like the bucktooth Zhen in the movie. After a recent photo of her leaked on the Internet, many netizens were shocked.

Some netizens commented on Weibo: "Whose fairy is this? I can't tell it's Bucktooth Jane at all! There are also people who posted: "I always thought she was similar to the character, but I didn't expect the real person to be so beautiful." Another netizen even said bluntly: "This is too subversive of my cognition, who would have thought that Luo Yazhen would be so good-looking!" ”

The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

When looking at the photos, someone laughed and said: "I couldn't laugh when I watched "Kung Fu" back then, but now when I see her true face, I can't believe that this is the same person." Some netizens joked: "Stephen Chow's vision is still good, and he chose such a big beauty to play Luo Yazhen." Someone else sighed: "It seems that the movie is really magical, turning a big beauty into a funny character." ”

On some forums, netizens discussed more enthusiastically. Some netizens said: "When I watched "Kung Fu" at that time, I thought Bucktooth Zhen was very cute, but I didn't expect her to be so amazing in real life." Another netizen responded: "Movies can really change a person's image, and now everyone knows that Buck Yazhen is actually a big beauty." ”

Not only the general audience, but even some film critics were surprised. A film critic wrote on his official account: "Chen Kaishi showed us the versatility of an actor, she was able to play the role of Luo Yazhen so vividly, and maintain such a high appearance in reality, which is really admirable." ”

Some fans left messages under her social media, expressing their surprise and affection. "I can't believe it's you!" One fan wrote, "You're so beautiful, not at all like the character in the movie." "Your acting skills are awesome, and you are even more likable in real life." Another fan said.

The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

Someone also posted a comparison between the stills of the year and the current photos, and sighed: "This is the magic of the years, I didn't expect Luo Yazhen to be a hidden beauty!" This contrast also struck a chord with many people, making everyone more deeply aware of the multi-faceted actors and the magic of film makeup.

Today's Stephen Chow is 62 years old, with white hair and a slightly yellow complexion, obviously older than his peers. Many netizens sighed after seeing his current situation: "Xing Ye is also old, and my childhood memories are gone." This feeling, especially for the post-80s and post-90s, is even more sympathetic, they all grew up watching Stephen Chow's movies, and now seeing him get old, I can't help but feel a little sad in my heart.

Yuan Hua, the actor of the charter company, is now old and no longer has the style of the past. Seeing that the funny charter man in the past is now old, many viewers are full of emotion.

Yuen Wah, a veritable legend in the Hong Kong film industry. He not only served as a stand-in for Bruce Lee with his outstanding kung fu skills, but also one of the members of the "Seven Little Blessings" in the 80s of the last century, and still has a prominent position in the film industry.

Back in the era when Hong Kong action movies were all the rage, Yuen Wah was known for his superb martial arts kung fu and popular villain roles. He has participated in many classic films such as "Flying Dragon", "Frozen Wonder Man", "Oriental Condor", and every appearance is impressive. His character is not only impressive, but also adds a lot of excitement to these films.

The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

On the Internet, the evaluation of Yuanhua is also varied. Some people praised his acting skills: "Yuan Hua's acting skills are fantastic, every time I watch his villain role, I can feel his profound skills." ”

"His unique temperament allows him to handle a variety of roles with ease," one fan commented, "whether it's a villain or a decent person, he can play convincingly." ”

Some people also lamented his professional ethics: "Yuanhua has always been an idol in my heart, and his serious attitude and professionalism towards his acting career are really worth learning." ”

"In his early years, as a stand-in for Bruce Lee, there must be nothing to say about his kung fu," another fan recalled, "I was amazed to see him play with Bruce Lee back then." ”

However, some netizens have different opinions on his role: "Yuan Hua is too hateful when he plays the villain, every time I see his expression, it makes people shudder." ”

"His performance in "Frozen Wonder Man" is really magical, not at all like his usual ones!" Some fans commented on his performance from the perspective of the character.

The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

Overall, Yuan Wah not only has outstanding achievements in the Hong Kong film industry, but his in-depth understanding of the role and superb acting skills have also won him the love and respect of countless fans. His continuous improvement and professional attitude have allowed him to always maintain a unique style and status on the road of acting. Both fans and peers have a deep respect and admiration for him, and this reputation has also allowed him to occupy a place in the film industry.

Other actors, such as Yuan Qiu and Shi Yanneng, are still energetic and tough, and they don't seem to have been defeated by the years.

Time is a double-edged sword. It makes some people grow old and lose their faces, but it also makes some people glow with a new glow. No matter how his appearance changes, as long as he is still cute and kind on the inside, he is still the character he likes.

Regarding the change in Stephen Chow's image, netizens have different opinions. Some people expressed distress, thinking that he was old because he was too tired to make serious films; There are also people who think that everyone gets old and should not be harshly criticized. The changes of other actors such as Zeng Zhiwei , Zhang Rongcheng and others have also triggered interesting comments from netizens, although Zeng Zhiwei is old, he is still a man, while Zhang Rongcheng has maintained the appearance of a little chubby dun.

Time is unforgiving, but it is also a source of rebirth for life. Seeing the comparison between the present and the past of the actors of "Kung Fu", it can't help but make people feel a lot of emotion. Although time has changed their appearance, the fond memories they bring us will never fade.

The actors of "Kung Fu" have changed after 20 years! Some of them get uglier and uglier the older they get, and the biggest change is Bucktooth Jane!

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