
once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

author:Carbon Chief Entertainment
once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

61-year-old He Zhengjun, as a model figure in the entertainment industry, has not only won the respect of the audience with his excellent acting skills and noble character, but also admired for his persistence and family concept.

In the Chinese entertainment industry, the name He Zhengjun may not be as well-known as a traffic star, but his face full of righteousness can leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience. As a 61-year-old national first-class actor, he has won widespread respect for his persistence and morality.

He Zhengjun is not the kind of star who frequently appears on variety shows or hot searches, and his name is more associated with high-quality film and television works and deep acting skills. A netizen commented: "The name He Zhengjun is not remembered because of hype, but because he can impress the audience every time he appears." This passage resonated with some netizens: "Yes, his acting skills are solid, not hype, and worthy of respect." ”

In the entertainment industry, no scandals have almost become one of He Zhengjun's labels. Someone joked: "Mr. He is the 'low-key king' of the entertainment industry, and there is no gossip, which is really rare!" Some young viewers also said: "Today's celebrities rely on hype to be on the hot search, and the older generation of actors like He Zhengjun rely on their strength to speak." ”

He Zhengjun not only has a stable performance in his career, but also maintains a low-key and plain life in his family. A fan expressed his feelings: "I heard that He Zhengjun does not take on dramas every summer vacation and accompanies his family wholeheartedly, this kind of family concept is really rare." This remark was agreed by other netizens: "Family is the most important thing, and his choice is worthy of admiration." ”

once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

Despite this, some people also think that He Zhengjun's low profile may not make him as well-known as some popular stars: "He has nothing to say about his acting skills, but in this era when traffic is king, it may be a bit 'buried'." However, more people agree with this: "Acting is the last word, and he deserves our respect more than the lively entertainment industry." ”

To sum up, He Zhengjun has become a banner in the entertainment industry with his unremitting acting spirit and ordinary and admirable family concept. Although his name did not appear frequently in hot searches, he left a deep impression on fans because of his sincerity and dedication.

On June 16, 1963, He Zhengjun was born in a military family in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. His childhood, although in a military family, was not without warmth and fun. A netizen familiar with his family recalled: "He Zhengjun seemed very sensible when he was a child, although his family was not rich, everyone was very united, and he showed his acting talent at that time. ”

At the age of 17, He Zhengjun worked as a graphic designer at the Chengdu Light Industry Bureau, showing his keen interest and talent in art. An old colleague who used to work with him said: "He showed extraordinary creative ability at that time, and he was very knowledgeable about art and design. ”

once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

At the age of 19, He Zhengjun was admitted to the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama and began his exploration and struggle on the road of acting. This decision changed the trajectory of his life and gave him the opportunity to have access to a broader stage and richer artistic resources. A college classmate recalled: "Among the new students in the college at that time, He Zhengjun's first impression was that he was very serious, and his acting skills were also very solid. ”

Growing up, family influences and a love of art intertwined, laying a solid foundation for his later acting career. Some netizens sighed about this: "It seems that it is true that he has been talented since he was a child, and He Zhengjun's acting skills cannot be practiced overnight." ”

Overall, He Zhengjun's early life experience reflects not only his love and hard work for art, but also his firm attitude and positive and enterprising spirit in his family and career. These experiences are not only a testimony to his personal growth, but also a solid foundation for his achievements in his acting career.

once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

When he was studying at the Central Academy of Drama, He Zhengjun attracted the attention of countless girls with his delicate appearance and literary temperament, including Gong Li, who later became an international superstar. Gong Li was also the focus of the academy at that time, and her outstanding performance and unique temperament made many people fall in love with her. A netizen who used to be a classmate in the college recalled: "He Zhengjun was like a handsome guy on campus back then, many girls had a good impression of him, and Gong Li was no exception. ”

However, despite some subtle interactions between He Zhengjun and Gong Li, his introverted personality prevented him from capturing Gong Li's heart, and the relationship between the two did not develop further. Someone commented: "It seems that Sister Gong's vision at that time was still quite high, although He Zhengjun was handsome, he may not be active enough." These words resonated with some netizens: "Maybe they were still very young at the time, and it was difficult to say about their feelings." ”

In the artistic atmosphere at that time, He Zhengjun's deep and restrained performance style attracted more recognition from the audience for his acting skills. A fan commented: "He Zhengjun's acting skills have always been solid, although he failed to catch up with Gong Li at that time, but this may also prompt him to focus more on his acting career." This remark was echoed by others: "Yes, some people are destined to speak with strength." ”

Although their first encounter did not evolve into a love story, in their later acting careers, He Zhengjun and Gong Li both showed outstanding acting talents and became important figures in the Chinese film and television industry. Some netizens also said: "Although it didn't develop into a relationship at that time, it's also a good thing to see that they have all succeeded." ”

once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

The twist of fate happened during filming in Yunnan, when He Zhengjun met his first love Fan Yu. The two fell in love, He Zhengjun finally mustered up the courage to confess to Fan Yu, and got married in 1992, and soon after marriage, they welcomed a lovely daughter.

He Zhengjun's acting career did not start smoothly and experienced a period of low points. However, he won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor in 1998 for his superb acting skills in the movie "National Anthem", thus opening up a new situation in his career. Especially in "Bright Sword", he played the role of Political Commissar Zhao, his performance deeply moved the audience, became a well-known screen image, and won the honor of national first-class actor.

Despite his career achievements, with the advent of the traffic era, He Zhengjun did not appear on the screen as frequently as some stars. He chooses to focus on his family, especially during the summer vacation, he never takes on the drama, but accompanies his wife and daughter wholeheartedly, reflecting his responsibility and love for the family.

He Zhengjun's life story is not only a history of struggle of an actor, but also a life sketch full of touching and warmth. His perseverance and courage to pursue his dreams let us see the true meaning of life. Under the flashy surface of the entertainment industry, He Zhengjun interprets the true meaning of family with his practical actions, and his story is not only a history of acting, but also the best interpretation of family and life attitude.

once rejected Gong Li! There have been no scandals since his debut! When they saw who his wife was, everyone understood

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