
China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

author:Life is full of sunshine 168

Some time ago, I went to Xi'an, and after I came back, a few people in the office surrounded me and asked, is Xi'an fun?

I heard that it was the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties!

I smiled and said, no, that place, I don't want to come back if I go!

Lao Zhang heard it, hey, I heard that there doesn't seem to be an airport in Xi'an, why did you go?

Hahaha, it seems that everyone still doesn't know much about the traffic in Xi'an!

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

I took a sip of water and said slowly, no, there really is no airport in Xi'an.

As the only new first-tier city in China without an airport, Xi'an's airport is indeed not on its own territory.

Do you think, the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties, there are so many underground treasures, you can dig up cultural relics with a shovel, if you build an airport in the city, then you can't disturb the ancestors?

Therefore, if you want to take a plane to Xi'an, you have to fly to Xianyang City, which is 25 kilometers away from Xi'an City, and the airport is called Xi'an Xianyang International Airport.

Don't worry about getting off the plane, airport buses, subways, taxis, and all kinds of transportation are available to send you comfortably to Xi'an City.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

Speaking of Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, which is one of the largest aviation hubs in the northwest region, there are more flights coming and going every day, which is really more than the diners of the mutton steamed bun restaurant.

This also illustrates the charm of Xi'an, after all, who would resist the temptation of a historical and cultural city and a capital of food?

No, as soon as I got off the plane, I headed straight to Muslim Street, ready to treat my hungry stomach with a bowl of hot mutton steamed buns.

It takes less than an hour to take a taxi from the airport to Muslim Street, and as soon as you walk to the street, the fragrance will drill into your nose for a while, and the fresh aroma of mutton is mixed with the smell of various spices, which makes people unable to walk.

All kinds of snack bars are next to each other, and all kinds of cries come and go, which is simply dazzling.

I finally found a pleasing mutton steamed bun restaurant, and quickly went in and ordered a bowl.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

Holding the bowl, watching the master skillfully break the bun, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this Xi'an is really delicious and fun!

In the steaming mutton soup, the snow-white vermicelli, emerald green coriander, and the fragrant mutton are mouth-watering.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

In the next few days, I started my in-depth tour of Xi'an.

The first stop must be the world-famous Terracotta Army!

Sitting on the scenic bus, looking out the window at the fields, my heart was full of anticipation.

As soon as I got off the bus, I was blown away by the sight in front of me!

Rows and rows of terracotta warriors and horses are lifelike, like an army ready to go, quietly guarding the sleeping emperor underground.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

After coming out of the Terracotta Warriors, I went to the nearby Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

Standing in front of the mausoleum, you can feel the weight of history, as if you can hear the neighing of war horses thousands of years ago.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

Of course, when you come to Xi'an, you can't miss the Xi'an city wall that has gone through wind and rain.

Climb the city wall and look at the ancient city bricks under your feet, as if you have traveled back to the era of the Golden Iron Horse.

As the sun sets, the golden light shines on the city walls, adding a bit of historical weight.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

Standing on the city wall, you can overlook the entire city of Xi'an, where ancient buildings and modern high-rise buildings complement each other, showing the unique charm of the city.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

In addition to these historical sites, the food in Xi'an also made me want to leave.

Meat sandwich buns, cold skin, noodles, noodles...... Each of them has a lot of memories for me.

And the food prices in Xi'an are also very affordable, so you can eat to your heart's content for less money.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

I also went to Yongxingfang, which brings together special snacks from all over Shaanxi, which is a paradise for foodies!

The aroma of the meat bun is overflowing, the sour and spicy taste of the cold skin, and the gluten of the noodles are delicious, all of which are irresistible.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

In the evening, I also went to see a performance in the Tang Paradise, with gorgeous lights, gorgeous costumes, and wonderful performances, I felt as if I had traveled back to the Tang Dynasty and felt the prosperity and glory of that era.

During my few days in Xi'an, I deeply felt the unique charm of the city.

It has both the weight of history and the vitality of modernity; There is both the temptation of food and the cultural heritage.

China's only new first-tier city without an airport, and you have to go next door by plane, and it is a big tourist city

Although Xi'an does not have its own airport, this does not prevent it from becoming a new first-tier city with a vibrant and strong business appeal.

On the contrary, this unique urban pattern has also become a characteristic business card of Xi'an, attracting more and more tourists to explore its charm.

So, on your next trip, will you choose Xi'an?

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