
"The upper link's clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link? Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

author:Xiao Nan loves to chatter

One fine afternoon, I sat alone in the corner of the tea room, holding a cup of tea in my hand, quietly savoring its light but not astringent aroma. Suddenly, a note on the corner of the table caught my attention - the upper link "clear tea boiling years", and the lower link was to be challenged. This sentence was like a crisp evening bell, instantly waking me up from my calm thoughts.


What kind of people are these people left behind, and who are they challenging them? I couldn't help but feel a wave of curiosity and anticipation. Before I knew it, I had chewed on this sentence repeatedly, trying to find the deeper meaning contained in it.

I already knew about the coupling of "tea boiling years" before. It uses five simple words, but it contains the philosophy and aesthetic pursuit of life. Tea represents a peaceful and indifferent attitude to life; Time is the passage of time and the witness of life. Such a state of life for the years of tea boiling is undoubtedly desirable.

However, this uplink does not stand on its own, it also has a matching downlink. What kind of content is the metaphor of this couplet? And who is the challenger? The answers to these questions will undoubtedly make this poetic picture more colorful.

"The upper link's clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link? Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

So, I began to anxiously look up the relevant information, looking for the trace of this lower sentence. After some hard work, I finally found some clues on some literary forums. It turned out that this couplet was written by a poet named "Yun Xizi", who issued a challenge to all those who love literature.

This link reads like this:

"Tea boils for years, and the wind and moon can become a painting."

I couldn't help but be perked. These two couplets, one interprets life with tranquility and peace, and the other opens up poetic imagination. The years of boiling tea seem to be a kind of examination and experience of life; The wind and moon can become a painting, which sublimates this state of life to the realm of art. The two contrast with each other, forming a picture of life that combines movement and static.

"Yunxizi" wrote in the message: "This is an interpretation and continuation of my years of 'tea boiling years' for many years. I regard it as a kind of dialogue on literary creation, and I hope to arouse the thinking and creative inspiration of the majority of literature lovers. "

Reading these words carefully, I can't help but admire the intentions and mind of this "Yunxizi". He did not simply respond to Shanglian, but regarded it as an opportunity for literary creation, hoping to arouse more people's resonance and participation. This open-minded attitude undoubtedly reflects his deep love and sense of mission for literature.

"The upper link's clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link? Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

As a result, a surging literary enthusiasm was set off in my heart. This couplet is like a beautiful firework, igniting my inner yearning for poetry creation. I began to think, what kind of lower couplet can be compared to "Tea Boiling Years" and "Fengyue Can Become a Painting"? Or, is there anyone who can put forward more unique insights and creations based on this?

After some thought, I came up with several possible linkages:

"Tea boils for years, and the wind and moon turn into poetry."

This couplet further sublimates "Fengyue" into "poetry", implying that the good times of life can be turned into feelings of poetry and aspirations.

"Tea boils for years, and the wind and moon are at this time."

This couplet integrates "Fengyue" and "at this time", emphasizing the beauty of the present life and making people feel the preciousness of the present.

"Tea boils for years, and the wind and moon are in my heart."

This couplet integrates "Fengyue" into the inner world, making the good times of life a spiritual nourishment and comfort.

No matter which kind of downlink, they all try to further enrich and give full play to its poetic connotation on the basis of "clear tea boiling years". This is not only the inheritance of the crystallization of the wisdom of predecessors, but also an exploration of the essence of literary creation.

"The upper link's clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link? Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

At the same time, I understand that this process is not an easy one. In order to create a couplet that is as good as "Fengyue Kancheng Painting", it is necessary to have profound literary literacy and creativity. With my current level, I'm afraid it's not enough.

However, as "Yunxizi" said, the existence of this lower link undoubtedly brings challenges and opportunities to the majority of literature lovers. It is not only a training ground for literary creation, but also a door to the palace of literature. As long as we can figure it out with our hearts and stir it with wisdom, I believe that more wonderful works will be born.

Just as I was immersed in these imaginations, I suddenly thought of another level of thinking. What kind of life does the uplink "Tea Boiling Years" represent? Is this state really worth pursuing?

After all, modern society is fast-paced, and people are often constrained by various material and spiritual needs, and it is difficult to truly achieve an indifferent life like "clear tea boiling years". So, is such an ideal state actually feasible, or is it just a kind of spiritual sustenance?

I began to think that maybe "the years of boiling tea" is not a complete retreat, but a kind of examination and transcendence of real life. It reminds us that in a noisy world, it's just as important to maintain peace and calm. Only in this way can we better cope with the ups and downs of life and gain wisdom and strength in the baptism of time.

"The upper link's clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link? Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

Soon, I looked up a related article on my phone. The article mentions that the Japanese tea ceremony master Sen no Rikyu once said: "A cup of tea can transcend the world and make people fall in love with its elegance and tranquility." This sentence may be the best footnote to "clear tea boiling years".

Tea ceremony is not only a way to drink tea, but also an art of pursuing spiritual baptism. In the bustling city, making a cup of tea, calming down, and savoring the beauty of life is undoubtedly a rare wisdom of life. Therefore, perhaps what "Tea Boiling Years" represents is not a complete retreat, but a kind of examination and transcendence of current life. It teaches us that in the midst of the hustle and bustle, it is just as important to maintain inner peace and tranquility. Only in this way can we gain wisdom and strength in the passage of time and make life better.

As the Japanese tea ceremony master Sen no Rikyu said, a cup of tea can make people detach from the world and fall in love with its elegance and serenity. This is undoubtedly the best interpretation of the life state of "tea boiling years".

Therefore, when I tasted this cup of tea again, I couldn't help but feel a new feeling in my heart. It turns out that the beauty of life is not out of reach, but is all around us, as long as we feel and grasp it with our hearts.

Perhaps, the "challenger" behind this link is challenging each of us. He hopes that we can find that inner peace and calmness in our busy lives, and use the wisdom of life to compose our own poetic life.

Of course, it is not easy to accomplish such a challenge. We need to have keen observation, rich experience, and deep thinking about life. But as long as we have a pious heart and stir our hearts with wisdom, I believe that more wonderful works will be born.

Because of this, I look forward to more literature lovers joining the ranks of this creation. Let us discuss and communicate together, and jointly promote the continuous enrichment and sublimation of this poetic picture of life.

"The upper link's clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link? Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

Some people may say that this is just a simple up-and-down link, so why bother so much? But as "Yunxizi" said, this kind of creative dialogue is where the charm of literature lies. It not only stimulates people's imagination, but also evokes the yearning for a better life.

Therefore, whether it is "the years of boiling tea" or "the wind and the moon can become a painting", or other ideas I put forward, they are all worthy of our careful taste and in-depth thinking. Only in this way can we truly appreciate the meaning and value of literature in life.

Finally, I sincerely invite all literature lovers to join us in this wonderful creative dialogue. Let's explore more of the inner charm of "Tea Brewing Years" and discover the mystery of the "Challenger" together. I believe that in this process, we will surely harvest the beauty of literature.

# "The upper link 'clear tea boiling years' is right, where is the challenger of the lower link?" Enjoy the beauty of literature together! "

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