
CCTV criticized: The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students in many places has a strong social repercussion, and calls for strengthening supervision

author:Xiao Nan loves to chatter

1. The "dark industry chain" that was accidentally exposed


In the middle of the night, a shocking piece of news suddenly caused an uproar across the country.

CCTV News "Focus Interview" released a heinous blockbuster report: large-scale misappropriation of subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students has occurred in many places, and in some places there has even been a "dark industrial chain" composed of schools and catering suppliers, and these special funds have been illegally misappropriated through various means.

As an important livelihood project related to people's livelihood, the subsidy program for nutritious meals for rural students has been attracting much attention from the society since its launch in 2011. It not only effectively alleviates the malnutrition of rural students, but also plays an important role in promoting educational equity and realizing rural revitalization. But who would have thought that this fund, which should have been used for the health of students, would become a tool for some people to seek personal gain.

This report is undoubtedly a bombshell, which not only shatters people's expectations for this livelihood project, but also fundamentally shakes the society's trust in the credibility of the government. It's no wonder that there has been such a strong response from all walks of life.

2. The shocking "dark industry chain"

According to CCTV News reports, the implementation of this "dark industry chain" can be called a trick.

First of all, some local government departments directly misappropriated subsidy funds and used them for other expenditures, such as repaying government debts and issuing funds for the "three guarantees" at the grassroots level. This is undoubtedly a flagrant violation and blasphemy of the central policy.

CCTV criticized: The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students in many places has a strong social repercussion, and calls for strengthening supervision

Second, some schools collude with catering suppliers to lower the actual standard of feeding, falsely report procurement costs, and keep the price difference for themselves. At the same time, there are also catering suppliers who collude with schools to obtain funds through fictitious procurement operations and exaggerated procurement volumes.

What's more, some local government departments and catering suppliers "community of interests", while sharing the subsidy funds, also seek other benefits, forming a kind of "sweet interest chain".

Outrageously, the problem is not confined to a few regions, but to many places. From the northeast to the southwest, from the provincial level to the grassroots units, the black hands that embezzle student nutrition meal subsidies are everywhere and shocking.

This kind of wanton embezzlement of people's livelihood funds is undoubtedly a serious violation of students' health rights and interests, and it is also a blatant betrayal of national policies. The existence of the "dark industry chain" has turned the subsidies that should have warmed the children into a "poisonous snake" that eats away at the nutrition of students.

3. Arouse strong social repercussions

As a major livelihood project related to the future of the country, the misappropriation of funds for the rural student nutritious meal subsidy program has aroused strong repercussions and widespread attention from all walks of life.

Public opinion from all walks of life has expressed their stance and condemned this behavior of "stealing children's rations". People have condemned officials who use their power for personal gain, believing that they trample on the bottom line of morality and tarnish the public interest. Some netizens were even more angry that such behavior was as shameful as stealing children's lunch.

People from all walks of life have called for the criminal and administrative responsibility of those responsible to be investigated in accordance with the law, and there must be no leniency. At the same time, it is also necessary to plug the loopholes in the system and cut off the living space of this "dark industrial chain" through system construction and information technology.

Parent representatives were even more angry that such a practice trampled on the rights and interests of children, and if even the government could not protect the interests of children, then who could speak up for them? They hope that the government will take effective measures to solve this problem once and for all, so that social justice can be served.

CCTV criticized: The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students in many places has a strong social repercussion, and calls for strengthening supervision

In addition, many media figures have also pointed out that the exposure of this problem has just highlighted the serious problems existing in the mainland's grassroots governance and the management of public resources. They called on the government and relevant departments to start from the roots, further deepen reforms, improve system construction, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of every child.

It can be said that this incident has aroused strong repercussions and violent shocks from all walks of life. It not only makes people feel angry and disappointed, but also evokes a sense of government credibility and democratic rule of law.

Fourth, the solution: both the symptoms and the root causes

In the face of this shocking problem, the government and relevant departments must attach great importance to it and take effective measures to comprehensively crack down on this "dark industrial chain" from the perspective of treating both the symptoms and the root causes.

First of all, it is necessary to resolutely crack down on violations of laws and regulations and severely punish them without loans. Those officials who take advantage of their positions to facilitate misappropriation or false reporting of special funds must be investigated for their criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, and they must not be soft-hearted. At the same time, it is necessary to severely punish the schools and catering suppliers involved in the case and cut off their sources of illegal benefits. Only by making these people pay a heavy price can there be a real deterrent effect.

Second, it is necessary to plug loopholes at the institutional level and prevent problems before they occur. Relevant government departments shall further improve the fund supervision mechanism, and establish and improve the tracking system for the entire process of fund allocation, use, and supervision. At the same time, it is necessary to intensify supervision and inspection of grass-roots units, seriously investigate and deal with problems that are discovered, and report them to the public, so as to form a deterrent.

At the same time, it is necessary to give full play to the role of social supervision. Through the establishment of a third-party supervision mechanism, the media and the public can be invited to participate in supervision, so as to achieve a regulatory pattern in which the government, schools, suppliers, parents and other parties participate together. Personnel who are derelict in their duties must be strictly investigated and held accountable, and they must not be tolerated.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen policy publicity and public opinion guidance.

CCTV criticized: The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students in many places has a strong social repercussion, and calls for strengthening supervision

Create a good atmosphere in which the whole society attaches importance to and supports the nutritious meal program for rural students. Through the extensive publicity of positive examples, let the advanced deeds play a greater role model, and encourage the majority of staff to devote themselves to this livelihood project with higher standards and a stronger sense of responsibility. In the future, we must persist in treating both the symptoms and the root causes, severely punish illegal acts, plug loopholes in the system, and give full play to social supervision, so as to completely curb the rampant "dark industrial chain".

Severe punishment will not be granted, and the violators will pay a heavy price

Those officials who take advantage of their positions to misappropriate or falsely report special funds must be investigated for their criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, and there will be no leniency. At the same time, it is necessary to severely punish the schools and catering suppliers involved in the case, revoke relevant qualifications, revoke business licenses, etc., and cut off their sources of illegal benefits. Only by making these people pay a heavy price can there be a real deterrent effect, so that no one dares to get their hands on these livelihood funds.

Plug the loopholes in the system and realize the whole process of supervision

Relevant government departments shall further improve the fund supervision mechanism, and establish and improve the entire process tracking system from fund allocation, use to supervision. With the help of big data, cloud computing and other information means, real-time monitoring and dynamic analysis of capital operation can be realized, and irregular behaviors can be found and corrected in a timely manner. At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the supervision and inspection of grass-roots units, seriously investigate and deal with the problems discovered, and report and expose them to form a strong deterrent.

CCTV criticized: The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students in many places has a strong social repercussion, and calls for strengthening supervision

Give full play to social supervision and create a good atmosphere

Give full play to the role of social supervision, and establish a regulatory pattern with the participation of the government, schools, suppliers, parents and other parties. The media and the public may be invited to actively participate in supervision, and those who fail in their duties and dereliction of duty may be strictly held accountable. At the same time, we should strengthen policy publicity and public opinion guidance, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to and support the nutritious meal plan for rural students. Through the extensive publicity of advanced models, let their deeds play a greater leading role.

Only by treating both the symptoms and the root causes and effectively safeguarding the nutritional rights and interests of rural students can we make this major livelihood project related to the future of the country truly benefit every child and become a solid support for rural revitalization.

5. Appeal: Let the light of justice shine on every child

The misappropriation of nutritious meal subsidies for rural students is undoubtedly a serious desecration of people's livelihood policies and a major infringement of students' rights and interests. This not only made people lose trust in the credibility of the government, but also aroused strong indignation and appeals from all walks of life.

We must attach great importance to this issue and resolutely curb the rampant "dark industrial chain" with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission. Through various means, such as severely punishing those who do not lend, plugging loopholes, and exercising supervision, we will cut off the sources of interests of these lawbreakers, so that the light of justice can shine on every child.

CCTV criticized: The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students in many places has a strong social repercussion, and calls for strengthening supervision

Only in this way can we create a healthy, fair and harmonious growth environment for rural students, so that they can thrive in the ocean of knowledge and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Do you have any thoughts and suggestions on this? Welcome to leave a message below to share your views, and let us discuss how to effectively protect the rights and interests of every child and promote this livelihood project to move forward!

# "CCTV Bitter Criticism: Misappropriation of Nutritious Meal Subsidies for Rural Students in Many Places, Strong Social Repercussions, Calls for Strengthening Supervision"