
Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

author:Love Feng Kanqiu

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In the just-concluded Asian Cup finals, the Chinese women's basketball team U18 suffered a harrowing defeat, losing to the Australian team and missing the championship trophy. However, in this game full of regrets, Zhang Ziyu's performance was like a bright star, lighting up the entire arena, but he failed to lead the team to the top podium after all.

The result of the game was undoubtedly brutal, and the Australian team had the last laugh with excellent teamwork and consistent play in key moments. The girls of the Chinese women's basketball team U18 tried their best on the court, sweating their jerseys, but the balance of victory did not favor our side. This undoubtedly made countless fans feel disappointed and regretful, after all, everyone is looking forward to them being able to lift the trophy that symbolizes glory.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

And Zhang Ziyu, a high-profile young player, showed extraordinary strength and potential in the game. Her height advantage makes her an insurmountable mountain under the basket, grabbing rebounds again and again, and sending the ball firmly into the basket again and again. She is skilful in attack and very intimidating defensively. However, basketball is a team sport after all, and despite Zhang Ziyu's outstanding individual performance, it is difficult for her to resist the overall offensive of the Australian team on her own.

After the game, the evaluation of Zhang Ziyu by fans and the media showed a polarized trend. Some people believe that Zhang Ziyu has done everything she can and that she is the hero of this game. Her fighting spirit and outstanding performance deserve everyone's praise and respect. Every time she scored on the court, every time she defended, she showed a desire to win and an unyielding fighting spirit.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

However, some people have questioned that Zhang Ziyu has failed to cooperate better with his teammates at certain key moments, resulting in a disjointed attack in the team. However, such an assessment may be too harsh. After all, Zhang Ziyu is still only a young player, and the pressure she is under in the game is unimaginable.

When it comes to the Chinese women's basketball team, I have to mention Li Xin. Li Xin was a member of the women's national basketball team, and she made great achievements for the national team with her excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit when she was a player. Her basketball career is full of glory and glory, and she is a bright star in the history of Chinese women's basketball.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

After retiring, Li Xin shouldered the important task of cultivating a new generation of women's basketball talents and became the head coach of the national youth team. She took over the national youth team with a deep background and clear goals. The future development of the Chinese women's basketball team needs a steady stream of fresh blood, and the national youth team is the cradle of cultivating these future stars. Li Xin is well aware of the heavy responsibility she shoulders, and she hopes that through her experience and guidance, she will cultivate more outstanding players for the Chinese women's basketball team, so that the Chinese women's basketball team will continue to shine on the world stage.

In this competition, Li Xin did not respond positively to why he abandoned Zhang Ziyu, which caused widespread controversy. Some people speculate that it is a consideration of tactical arrangement, and some people think that Zhang Ziyu's run-in with the team is not mature enough. And Li Xin just kept silent about this and did not give a clear explanation.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

But in any case, Zhang Ziyu's strong performance in the game has proven his strength. Her future development is full of endless possibilities. She may continue to grow in future games and become the mainstay of the Chinese women's basketball team; There may be more challenges and difficulties, but her determined eyes and indomitable spirit tell us that she will not give up easily.

So, what will the future hold for Zhang Ziyu? This is a question hanging in the minds of many fans, and it is also a hot topic that has sparked countless speculations and discussions.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

Is it all the way to become the leader of the Chinese women's basketball team? If so, it is undoubtedly a great blessing for the Chinese women's basketball team. With the talent and quality she's shown so far, there's reason to believe she has that potential. She has a strong height advantage, which is a natural barrier under the basket. And her skills are constantly improving, her offensive means are becoming more and more abundant, and her defensive awareness is gradually improving. If she can continue to maintain this progressive momentum, constantly improve her technical details, improve teamwork skills, and at the same time stay healthy and avoid injuries, then she is very likely to shine in the international arena in the future, become the core force of the Chinese women's basketball team, and lead the team to achieve brilliant results one after another.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

Or will it fail to meet people's expectations for various reasons? This possibility cannot be completely ruled out either. The world of basketball is full of variables and challenges, and the road to growth is never easy. Perhaps she will face a lot of competitive pressure, and there will be an endless stream of excellent players from both domestic and international levels, and it will not be easy to stand out in such an environment. Or she could be hit by an injury, which is one of the most brutal blows for an athlete. Or in the process of growing up, her skills encountered bottlenecks and were difficult to break through, and she could not bear the high expectations of the outside world at the psychological level, which affected her performance.

This is undoubtedly a controversial topic. Those who support her firmly believe that she can overcome many difficulties and reach the top; Skeptics fear that she will lose her way in the way ahead. However, no matter what the future holds, we should give her enough support and encouragement. Because she is still just a young athlete, there are endless possibilities and a lot of room for growth.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

We need to understand that the growth of every athlete is inseparable from the support and encouragement of the outside world. When she achieves results, our praise can be the motivation for her to keep going; When she suffers setbacks, our understanding and encouragement can help her get back on her feet. We can't make a judgment about her future because of her performance, let alone lose faith in her because of the difficulties she may encounter.

Let her bravely chase her dreams on the road of basketball, which is what we should do as fans and followers. The power of dreams is endless, as long as you have a dream in your heart and work tirelessly to achieve it, it is possible to create miracles. With a love for basketball and a desire for honor, Zhang Ziyu embarked on this challenging road. We should be her solid backing, let her know that no matter how many difficulties and dangers lie ahead, there are countless pairs of eyes looking forward to her success, and countless hearts cheering for her.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

I believe that with our support, Zhang Ziyu will take every step firmly in her future basketball career, and no matter what the final result is, her hard work and dedication deserve our respect and memory.

The Chinese women's U18 Asian Cup journey has come to an end, but this is only a new starting point. I believe that in the coming days, both Zhang Ziyu and the entire Chinese women's basketball team will continue to grow in setbacks and move towards a higher goal. And we, as fans, will always accompany them and witness their every progress and glory.

Break the defense! Suspected of abandoning Zhang Ziyu and being cyberbullied! The national youth handsome man posted 3 articles in a row! Angry female basketball fans

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