
A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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Standing at the door of the hospital's consultation room again, Mr. Li felt familiar and unfamiliar.

Half a year ago, when he was told that he had cirrhosis, he was like a walking dead – in a trance, weak, and exhausted.

Now, his face is ruddy, his eyes are bright, and his gait is vigorous, and he can't see the dying appearance he once had.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

Mr. Li is an accountant and lives a standard office worker's life, but his liver is torn apart by work pressure and bad habits.

During a physical examination last year, the doctor ruthlessly announced the bad news - the 42-year-old has suffered from cirrhosis of the liver.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

"You're still young, and if you let it go now, the consequences will be unimaginable." The doctor bluntly stated, "You have to change your lifestyle immediately and stick to your medications, otherwise you will have to wait for death in a few years." "

Back at home, Mr. Li fell into a huge panic. As the pillar of the family, how could he leave his wife and children so quickly? But there is no cure for cirrhosis, and this dead end seems to be doomed to his fate.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

Just when he was in despair, a friend pointed him out. It turns out that by improving eating habits and routines, and insisting on taking medication, the symptoms of liver cirrhosis can be effectively controlled.

So, Mr. Li started the road of self-repair. He completely abstained from alcohol, stayed away from processed foods, and switched to light fruits and vegetables; Insist on half an hour of moderate exercise every day; Take medications such as heparin on a regular basis...... The most commendable thing is that he persevered.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

Now, five months later, Mr. Li is standing in the doctor's office again, waiting for the diagnosis.

"It's amazing!" Looking at the data on the test sheet, the doctor sincerely exclaimed, "Your liver function has completely returned to normal, even better than before!" I've never seen such a huge improvement. "

"What did you say?!" Mr. Lee's eyes widened in disbelief.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

"It's true, your liver is now like a healthy newborn!" The doctor smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "You did it, I'm so proud of you."

I still remember half a year ago, you walked in like a dead man...... I'm really happy to see you looking so good now!"

The two sides looked at each other and smiled, and the consultation room was filled with a happy and peaceful atmosphere. The nightmare of the past is finally over, and Mr. Li has a new life and embraces a bright future.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

Life is often tenacious and hopeful. As long as you have a tenacious will and a scientific method, there is no disease that cannot be overcome.

Mr. Lee's unexpected recovery from his stubborn illness is undoubtedly a great encouragement and inspiration to all his fellow travelers.

Of course, prevention is better than cure. Healthy lifestyle habits not only prevent diseases such as cirrhosis, but also create a prosperous and fulfilling life.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

Therefore, all of us should start from now, adjust our work and rest, control our diet, stay away from alcohol, tobacco and junk food, exercise more and rest more, and take care of our bodies in a scientific way.

A 43-year-old man was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, ate pork liver every day, and re-examined 5 months later.

After all, how many beats can people have in this life, and whether they can live to old age and live a healthy life depends entirely on whether we grasp the present moment.

Having a good way of life means having infinite hope, which is equivalent to composing an eternal song of life for yourself.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】