
There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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Lin Feng is a 35-year-old veteran chef who is usually busy with work, running between the kitchen day and night to serve delicious dishes to customers.

Recently, he started to notice that something was wrong with his bowel movements, but because he was busy with work, he always thought it was just ordinary hemorrhoids, so he didn't pay much attention to it. However, this neglect has had serious consequences for him.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

One Sunday afternoon, Lin Feng finally decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. He noticed that his stools had recently increased more frequently and were somewhat unusual in color, sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain.

This made him feel uneasy, but he still reassured himself that it might just be a gastrointestinal discomfort caused by being too tired from work.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

When he came to the hospital, Lin Feng hung up the number of the gastroenterology department and waited for the doctor's diagnosis. Doctors received him and asked about his medical history and symptoms.

Lin Feng described his recent condition in detail: "Doctor, my stool has been a little abnormal recently, I always feel a little unclean, sometimes a little dark in color, and I have stomach pain. What do you think will be the problem? ”

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

After hearing this, the doctor's expression became serious: "Mr. Lin, these symptoms don't look like simple hemorrhoids, we need to do some further tests to determine the root cause of the problem."

I recommend that you get a colonoscopy first, so that you can see your bowel more clearly. ”

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

Although Lin Feng was a little worried and nervous, he still decided to follow the doctor's advice. After a colonoscopy, the doctor found an irregular lump in his colon, which made the doctor even more alert.

Subsequently, the doctor arranged a pathological examination to determine the nature of the lump, and a few days later, the results of the examination came out, and Lin Feng was diagnosed with colon cancer.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

Hearing this news, Lin Feng felt like a bolt from the blue, he never thought that the hemorrhoids he had always thought would be such a serious disease.

The doctor comforted him and said, "Mr. Lin, don't worry too much. If colon cancer is detected early, the treatment effect is still good. We will arrange surgery for you as soon as possible and follow up on your treatment. ”

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

After the operation, Lin Feng underwent a series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and his body gradually recovered, he never thought that the hemorrhoids he had always thought would be such a serious disease.

In many conversations with doctors, Lin Feng learned that the early symptoms of bowel cancer are often similar to hemorrhoids, which is why many people are easy to ignore and miss the best time for treatment.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

"The early symptoms of colon cancer usually include blood in the stool, changes in the shape of the stool, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movements, which are very similar to hemorrhoids, and many patients mistake bowel cancer for hemorrhoids because of carelessness, and delay treatment," the doctor explained. ”

The doctor highlighted three stool abnormalities and reminded Lin Feng to pay more attention in the future: first, blood in the stool, especially dark red or black blood, which may indicate intestinal bleeding;

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

This is followed by changes in the shape of the stool, such as thinning and flattening, which may be caused by tumors in the intestines; Finally, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movements, which is always a feeling of urge to defecate but not clean, which may also be a sign of intestinal tumor.

In the process of fighting the disease, Lin Feng gradually understood the importance of health, and began to popularize these health knowledge to his friends and colleagues.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

Lin Feng's experience shows us the serious consequences that ignoring the body's alarms can bring. Colon cancer is scary, but if it is detected early, the treatment effect is very ideal.

Therefore, paying attention to the abnormal signals of the body, regular physical examinations, and seeking medical attention in time are what everyone should do.

At the end of this story, Lin Feng regained his health and returned to his beloved kitchen job. He used his own experience to tell everyone:

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

"Don't ignore any abnormalities in your body and don't think that minor problems aren't worth looking into. Health is our greatest treasure and should be cherished. ”

This experience is not just the story of Lin Feng alone, it reminds each of us.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

In the busy work and life, we should also remember to care about our health, pay attention to every signal of the body, seek medical attention in time, and avoid missing the best treatment time due to carelessness.

Lin Feng's story is also a reminder to everyone, especially the middle-aged who often neglect their health. No matter how busy you are at work or how tired your life is, health always comes first.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

In life, maintaining good eating habits, exercising regularly, and paying attention to physical examinations are seemingly simple things, but they are the key to ensuring our health.

In conclusion, Lin Feng's experience is an important warning not to take any abnormal physical signs lightly, especially those that seem to be normal.

There is a fatal carelessness called "treating bowel cancer as hemorrhoids", and 3 stool abnormalities are body alarms

If there is any discomfort, timely medical examination is an important measure to protect the health of yourself and your family, colon cancer is not terrible, the key is early detection and early treatment.

I hope that Lin Feng's story can make more people realize this, value their health, and stay away from diseases.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】