
Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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Li Qiang is a manager in a medium-sized company, and his work is busy and stressful. In recent months, he has often felt exhausted, especially in the middle of the day, and is always drowsy.

At first, he thought it was just because he was too tired from work and didn't pay much attention to it.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

However, he noticed that even after the afternoon nap, his tiredness did not improve significantly, and he sometimes felt palpitations and hand tremors. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up.

Li Qiang came to the endocrinology department of the central hospital, where he was received by an experienced doctor, who inquired about Li Qiang's symptoms in detail and recommended that he undergo a series of tests, including blood tests and thyroid function tests.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

The results of the test soon came back and showed that Li Qiang's thyroid hormone levels were abnormally high, which meant he may have hyperthyroidism.

"Hyperthyroidism, or hyperthyroidism, is caused by the thyroid gland producing too much thyroid hormone," the doctor explained. It can cause symptoms such as heart palpitations, fatigue, weight loss, and hand tremors. ”

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

Li Qiang was a little worried after hearing this, and asked, "Will these symptoms have an impact on my nap?" ”

The doctor nodded, "Hyperthyroidism causes an increase in metabolic rate, which puts the body in a state of excitement, so that even if you close your eyes during a nap, your body still can't fully relax, so you will feel tired after a nap."

You need to control your hyperthyroidism before you can improve these problems. ”

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

The doctor formulated a detailed treatment plan for Li Qiang, including medication and lifestyle modifications, Li Qiang started taking antithyroid drugs, and the doctor also advised him to monitor thyroid function regularly.

In the months that followed, Li Qiang strictly followed the doctor's advice, had regular check-ups, adjusted the dosage of his medication according to the doctor's guidance, and adjusted his lifestyle to reduce work pressure and maintain a regular work and rest schedule.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

Li Qiang soon found that the quality of his naps improved as the symptoms of hyperthyroidism gradually lessened. I still feel tired at times, but I've gotten a lot better than before.

Patients with hyperthyroidism often experience palpitation, irritability, and insomnia due to the increased metabolic rate, which can directly affect the quality of napping.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

During napping, the body is supposed to enter a state of relaxation, but for patients with hyperthyroidism, the body is in a state of high metabolic excitement, and it is difficult to relax completely.

The doctor reminded: "Napping is an important way to restore physical strength, but for patients with hyperthyroidism, in order to get a good nap effect, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism need to be controlled first. ”

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

He also stressed: "Patients with hyperthyroidism need to pay special attention in the summer, because the high temperature environment can increase the fatigue and need to take a nap to relieve it." ”

For everyone, especially those with hyperthyroidism, there are four things to keep in mind when napping:

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

1. Appropriate time: The nap time should not be too long, 20-30 minutes is appropriate. Napping too long can cause you to wake up more tired and even interfere with your night's sleep.

2. Comfortable environment: The environment for napping should be quiet and comfortable, and avoid excessive light and noise interference. You can choose to take a nap in a room with curtains under the covers, or wear an eye mask and earplugs to create a good sleeping environment.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

3. Correct posture: The posture during napping is very important, it is best to choose to lie on your back or side, and avoid sleeping on your stomach, which is easy to compress your chest and affect breathing and blood circulation.

4. Avoid fullness: Don't take a nap immediately after lunch, it's best to wait 20-30 minutes before taking a nap. Falling asleep immediately on a full stomach increases the burden on the digestive system and is not conducive to physical relaxation.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

Patients with hyperthyroidism need to improve the quality of napping by adjusting their lifestyle in addition to medication.

First of all, it is necessary to maintain a regular work and rest time, get up and fall asleep regularly every day, and avoid staying up late, and secondly, it is necessary to do physical exercise appropriately, but to avoid strenuous exercise, you can choose soothing exercises such as walking and yoga to help the body relax.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

In terms of diet, patients with hyperthyroidism should pay attention to balanced nutrition, consume more foods rich in protein and vitamins, and avoid high-iodine diets, caffeine and alcohol can stimulate the nervous system and affect sleep quality, so they should also be avoided as much as possible.

In the process of adjusting his lifestyle, Li Qiang found that proper exercise and a healthy diet not only helped control hyperthyroidism, but also significantly improved his overall health, and the quality of his naps was also significantly improved, and he woke up feeling more refreshed and more productive.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

During a follow-up visit, Li Qiang had an in-depth communication with the doctor.

Li Qiang sighed with emotion: "Doctor, thank you for your advice, now I feel much better after taking a nap, and my whole mental state has also improved." ”

The doctor smiled and responded, "Glad to hear your feedback. The treatment of hyperthyroidism is a long-term process that requires patience and persistence. You've done well, and as long as you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the symptoms will gradually come under control. ”

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

Li Qiang nodded, "I will continue to work hard." This experience made me realize the importance of health, and that napping is a small thing, but the impact on health should not be underestimated. ”

"Yes, napping is a great way to regain energy, but only if you control hyperthyroidism," the doctor encouraged. I hope you continue to maintain good lifestyle habits and maintain a healthy body. ”

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

Through Li Qiang's story, we can see the impact of hyperthyroidism on napping and the reasons behind it. For patients with hyperthyroidism, to get a good nap effect, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism need to be controlled first.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the four points of napping: proper timing, comfortable environment, correct posture and avoiding fullness. In addition, lifestyle modifications, such as regular work and rest, appropriate exercise and healthy diet, can also effectively improve the quality of napping.

Is hyperthyroidism related to napping? Doctor's warning: The weather is getting hotter and hotter, keep in mind 4 points for napping

Naping may seem simple, but it has important health implications. I hope that everyone can maintain abundant energy and healthy body through a scientific way of napping in the hot summer.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】