
Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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Li Ming is a middle-aged entrepreneur who is usually busy with corporate affairs, and his life is fast-paced and stressful.

He has always considered himself to be in good health, after all, he is in the prime of life, and he has almost no other health problems except for occasional fatigue and colds. Recently, however, he noticed some unusual changes in his body.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

First of all, he began to feel tired frequently, and even after a full night's sleep, he still couldn't lift his spirits, and he always felt drowsy during the day.

He thought it was due to work stress and lack of sleep, so he tried to alleviate it by increasing sleep time and short-term vacations, but the effect was not obvious.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Next, Li Ming's appetite also changed. He used to be always passionate about food, but recently he found himself losing interest in food and sometimes even felt that eating was a burden.

He was also losing weight unconsciously, which caused him some concerns.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

One night, Li Ming accidentally found a hard lump in his chest while taking a bath, at first he thought it was a muscle nodule, but after touching it carefully, he found that the lump was very hard and immobilized.

At this point, he began to feel uneasy, but he still didn't seek medical attention immediately, thinking that maybe it was just a minor problem and there was no need to make a fuss.

A few days later, Li Ming felt chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and sometimes even mild chest pain, and he decided not to ignore these symptoms anymore and decided to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

At the hospital, Li Ming met an experienced doctor who asked him about his symptoms and medical history in detail and conducted a series of physical examinations.

After an initial examination, the doctor recommended further imaging tests, including a chest X-ray, CT scan and ultrasound.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

After the results of the imaging examination came out, the doctor found that Li Ming had abnormal shadows in his lungs, combined with the hard lump in his chest and other symptoms, it was suspected that it might be some kind of malignant tumor, and the doctor asked him about his symptoms and medical history in detail, and conducted a series of physical examinations.

A few days later, the biopsy results confirmed that Li Ming had lung cancer, and the news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Doctors told him that the disease is more likely to be cured if detected and treated early, but that the consequences can be very serious if diagnosis and treatment are delayed.

Li Ming felt very regretful, if he had paid attention to these physical signs earlier, he might have been able to take measures in the early stages of the disease.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

The doctor reassured him that although the diagnosis was discouraging, there was still hope for timely treatment, and the doctor formulated a detailed treatment plan, including a series of comprehensive treatment methods such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and encouraged Li Ming to maintain a positive attitude and cooperate with the treatment.

In the course of subsequent treatment, Li Ming deeply realized the importance of health.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

He realizes that many serious illnesses are signaled by subtle physical changes in the early stages, and that further deterioration can be avoided if these signs are noticed and acted upon in time.

Through Li Ming's story, we can learn that when there are some unusual changes in the body, we must not take it lightly. Here are some of the common early signs of a major illness that everyone should be wary of:

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

1. Persistent fatigue and fatigue: Feeling tired all the time for no apparent reason could be a distress signal from your body that there is an underlying health problem.

2. Loss of appetite and weight changes: Sudden loss of appetite or significant weight loss, especially if there is no change in diet and lifestyle habits, should be checked by a doctor in time.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

3. Unexplained pain: persistent pain in a certain part of the body, especially a hard lump in a fixed position, should be paid attention to and go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

4. Dyspnea and chest tightness: These symptoms may be related to heart or lung disease and require immediate medical attention to avoid delaying treatment.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

5. Changes in the skin, eyes or nails: Changes in the color and texture of the skin, abnormalities in the eyes or nails, may indicate internal organ diseases or systemic diseases.

6. Persistent fever or infection: If you have a low-grade fever or frequent infections for a long time, it may mean that there is a problem with the immune system and a detailed examination is required.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Health is everyone's greatest asset, and we must be sensitive to our bodies to detect and respond to abnormal changes in a timely manner. Regular check-ups and health monitoring are also important means of disease prevention.

The most important thing we learned through Li Ming's experience is:

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

Don't ignore any abnormal signals from your body, as these signals can be an early warning of a major illness, and early detection and early treatment are the keys to maintaining good health.

In the end, with the help of doctors, Li Ming's condition was controlled through systematic treatment and his own efforts, and he changed his lifestyle and began to pay more attention to health, exercise actively, eat reasonably, and have regular physical examinations.

Is there a sign in the body before a serious illness comes? The doctor reminds: If you have these abnormalities on your body, you must be careful

He used his personal experience to tell his friends and colleagues that health is no small matter, and every subtle physical signal is worthy of our attention.

I hope that through Li Ming's story, more people can pay attention to their own health, prevention and early detection are the most effective weapons against diseases, and each of us should be the first person responsible for our own health.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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