
The situation has changed! The United States and Britain "declared war without declaring war," missiles fell from the sky, and Israel caused a catastrophe this time

author:Handsome science kite


The "US-British coalition" launched air strikes, missiles fell from the sky, and large-scale clashes broke out in the border areas.

The conflict between Israel and Lebanon has gradually escalated, and the United States and other countries have also sent military forces to control the situation on the border with Lebanon and Pakistan.

This has aroused the attention of the international community to prevent the border conflict from deteriorating into a large-scale war, so as to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East.

The US and British forces have launched multiple air strikes on Yemen and other areas, and the Houthis have launched missiles at the US military.

The situation has changed! The United States and Britain "declared war without declaring war," missiles fell from the sky, and Israel caused a catastrophe this time

Enemy counteroffensive in Dongdel.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan no longer understands the situation of this Islamic country, and many flights from Japan and other places have been suspended because of Middle East routes, and people no longer dare to travel to the Middle East, let alone travel to Lebanon and other countries, which is already an unsafe area.

However, despite many international warnings, some people risked their lives because of curiosity.

Moreover, with the instability of the world situation in recent years and other factors, the wars and conflicts in the Middle East have never stopped, and even increased unabated, and the speed of deterioration is very worrying.

This is because the geopolitical environment in the Middle East has always been complex, and the wars caused by the struggle between geopolitical forces have not been interrupted for many years.

However, despite this, the international community has been making unremitting efforts and efforts to maintain regional peace and stability.

However, in recent years, a new wave of conflicts has been set off in the Middle East, and more importantly, this conflict has become more and more complex, showing a mixed trend, resulting in the current situation in the Middle East region becoming extremely tense and in danger of war breaking out at all times.

Tensions between Iran and the United States and other countries have also risen, sparked by an incident on the USS Ronald Reagan, a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, which was attacked by Houthi missiles on May 30.

The attack went through twice, the first of which did not cause much damage, but just as the aircraft carrier USS Reagan took off to prepare for a counterattack, a second wave of Houthi missiles was launched.

This round of missile attacks can be described as very ferocious, a total of three missiles in just a few tens of seconds, so that the aircraft carrier was hit by several bullets, leaving obvious bullet marks on the aircraft carrier.

Immediately afterward, the United States and Britain began to jointly carry out air strikes against the Houthis, striking the areas controlled by the Houthis.

On the same day, there was also news that in the Arabian Sea in southeast Yemen, a British drone was shot down by the Houthis.

In Lebanon, the Minister of Defense has sent planes to Allah and other parties to conduct reconnaissance in areas controlled by Lebanon.

This is reminiscent of the war between Israel and Palestine some time ago, and although Israel and Palestine have always had hostile relations, the peace model has been going on for many years.

But in May of the 21st year, on the eve of the holy Ramadan Day, the war between Israel and Palestine came as scheduled, and for nearly ten days, it was in continuous fighting.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

Allah fired rockets at Israel, Israel carried out numerous air strikes, and finally the two sides negotiated a ceasefire under the mediation of the United States.

However, since the two sides reached a ceasefire agreement on New Year's Day in 22, the fighting between Israel and Palestine has not stopped, and the Israeli air strikes launched against the Palestinians were accidentally injured, which made the Palestinian side very angry, and at the same time announced that it would retaliate against Israel.

On the 15th, the Israeli government issued a statement saying that it would retaliate for the "assassination of the Palestinian president", and for a while, the situation in the Middle East became extremely tense, and it was very likely that war would break out again.

After all, war must be resolved through negotiations, and the United States, of course, does not want to see war, so it urgently dispatches military forces to the Gulf region to prepare for intervention and proper handling of the situation.

On the Lebanese side, the State Council once again issued an emergency briefing, and citizens carefully considered the risks of going to Lebanon and other places to prevent unpredictable incidents from occurring, and the Israeli side also issued an urgent notice that preventive measures have been taken against attacks by the Iranian Houthis and other parties.

On the 3rd, the U.S. military sent more warships to the Derak Strait, imposed further sanctions on the Houthis, and even set up a radar-like base along the coast of Lebanon in the north to prevent missile ejection.

On the 3rd, the United States announced sanctions against the Houthis, and imposed sanctions on all entities, organizations and individuals that support the Houthis, freezing assets, and banning transactions in the United States.

Even the consulates of Canada, Kawit, Bulgaria and other countries have issued notices calling on their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately and not to travel there, and Germany has made the same move.

As various actions unfolded, international flights were cancelled and more calls were made for citizens not to travel to Lebanon.

At the same time, people are also warned not to stay at the place where the incident occurred, let alone at the place where the police were called, this place is a high-risk area, and the surrounding area is constantly fighting.

The situation has changed! The United States and Britain "declared war without declaring war," missiles fell from the sky, and Israel caused a catastrophe this time

The attack on the US aircraft carrier "Reagan".

The trigger for this incident was that on May 30, a US aircraft carrier "Ronald Reagan" was attacked in the Red Sea, and it was said that "Reagan" and two other cruisers, namely "Mobile Bay" and "Kohlberg", were patrolling the Red Sea region, when the take-off deck of the X-47B UAV that was being deployed was preparing for deployment, it suddenly discovered enemy radio signals, and then also found a series of missile launch signals.

Later, the plane of the "Reagan" also received the news of the enemy's missile launch, and then the plane immediately took off to prepare for a counterattack, but not long after the plane took off, it heard the information of the missile launch notice on the ship.

Immediately, a MK15 missile with a guidance device was launched, facing a number of missiles flying from high altitudes.

Although the planes and ships deployed a number of missiles to defend themselves, some of the missiles landed on the deck of the ship, and it was not long before the planes were engulfed in flames in the hangar, causing damage and destruction to many aircraft.

It is understood that the attack was carried out by the Houthis, and the Houthi missile launch plan was actually deployed in advance and was also an operation to test weapons and equipment.

However, the US side did not retaliate against the missiles launched by the Houthis, and was even more reluctant to admit the danger of this incident, but only expressed concern about the subsequent developments.

The situation has changed! The United States and Britain "declared war without declaring war," missiles fell from the sky, and Israel caused a catastrophe this time

After the United States and Britain issued many warnings, the Lebanese Allah Party did not make any concessions, which is also the reason why they have increased pressure on Lebanon and other countries such as the United States and Britain.

And with the failure of Iran's nuclear negotiations, Iran wanted to fight back through the Lebanese Allah Party, so it helped it develop missiles, and it can be said that the intervening relationship between Iran and the Lebanese Allah Party also made it plan for the nuclear crisis.

The United States is also well aware of this, so after issuing many warnings to it, it has not taken any substantive action, and it is precisely because of this that they do not take the United States and Britain in their eyes so much.

Even if they warn him, they ignore it, but they go against his wishes, let alone listen to anyone, and the United Kingdom and the United States are closely monitoring the Iranian nuclear crisis and are ready to break it out.

In this case, the United States and other countries have invaded Lebanon and other places in order to stop Iran's nuclear program, and with the joint attack of the United States and the United Kingdom on Lebanon, the situation has rebounded, and Iran has retaliated against the United States and Britain and other countries by launching attacks on the Gulf region.

The United States and Britain also conducted joint military exercises in an attempt to warn Iran, and Iran, after seeing the chain reaction of the United States and Britain, was not far behind, so it found Allah in Lebanon and used its demonstrations against the United States and Britain and other countries to carry out questionable attacks on the United States and Britain and other countries.

It can be said that the current crisis originated from the attack on the US aircraft carrier "Reagan", which also caused the United States, Britain and other countries to pay urgent attention to this matter, and in order to ease the tension, the United States and Britain imposed sanctions on it in order to maintain regional peace and stability.


The Middle East has always been one of the most complex regions in the world, and it is also one of the regions in the world that needs attention, and the international community has been working hard for peace and stability in the Middle East, but peace and stability in the Middle East region are not achieved overnight, and there are very complex reasons and processes.

The dispatch of military forces by the United States and other countries is of positive significance to peace and stability in the Middle East, but it is necessary to be more cautious and cautious in the process of carrying out the action to avoid causing more serious consequences.

In order to maintain peace in the international community, it is necessary for countries to cooperate and communicate more with each other to find ways to solve problems peacefully, thereby reducing conflicts and turmoil and creating a more peaceful and stable environment.

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