
Lebanon rockets and drones are bombarding indiscriminately, Israel is in danger, and the Middle East is plunged into a full-scale conflict!

author:Handsome science kite


Tensions in the Middle East have escalated again recently, with some Lebanese armed forces suddenly launching large-scale rocket and drone attacks on Israel, a series of attacks that immediately exacerbated tensions in the surrounding region.

As the conflict between countries in the region intensifies, the United States has suspended some arms assistance to Israel because of the possibility of further deterioration of the situation in the future.

However, it is precisely this tense conflict that has fascinated the countries and forces involved, and the United States has suspended arms assistance to Israel, which not only makes the situation on Israel's side very confused, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is even more dissatisfied with it.

At the same time that Israel was hit hard by Lebanon, a senior Iranian diplomat also came out and said that Iran would support Lebanon's counterattack as a way to stop Israel's offensive.

Lebanon rockets and drones are bombarding indiscriminately, Israel is in danger, and the Middle East is plunged into a full-scale conflict!

Israel has been hit hard.

The Lebanese side fired drones and rockets at Israel, and Israel retaliated with heavy armament, massive air strikes, and bombing of several bases in Lebanon.

However, in this series of Israeli air strikes, large-scale white phosphorus incendiary bombs have also been used, and Syria and Iraq have now criticized Israel's use of white phosphorus incendiary bombs.

The Syrian side noted that "Israel used a large number of white phosphorus bombs in the bombing, causing widespread disaster in southern Syria, resulting in the burning of many villages and houses".

Then the Syrian side also released photos, in which you can clearly see the white fire, the fire leading to the sky has burned the night red, and a large number of debris has been blown up and reflected in the sky, this scene is really shocking.

Lebanon rockets and drones are bombarding indiscriminately, Israel is in danger, and the Middle East is plunged into a full-scale conflict!

The Iraqi side also condemned Israel's use of white phosphorus incendiary bombs at the Riyadh air base, pointed out that Israel's bombing violated international humanitarian law, and demanded that the international community impose sanctions on it.

And at this time, the Iranian side also began to join in, and there seemed to be some excitement between the words, in this wave of conflict, the first international voice was the too bad Mrs. Sarah on the American side, she posted on social media: "Iran should not intervene in the Middle East!"

In an interview, Iran's foreign minister pointed out: "If Israel continues to carry out hostilities against Lebanon, it will be a very dangerous operation, and Iran will support Lebanon's counterattack."

At this time, the situation is already very delicate, and the regional situation firmly binds these countries together, and once a conflict occurs, it will inevitably lead to a greater conflict, and the situation is difficult to control.

Israel is at stake.

When Israel wants to counterattack the enemy, the United States has suspended billions of dollars in arms aid to Israel, and the Israeli side is also very angry about this, especially Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who bluntly said: "This decision of the United States against Israel is completely unreasonable!"

"Israel's security is at stake, and this move by the United States will only make Israel more difficult and vulnerable!"

The Israeli side has also arranged a spokesman for this purpose, and the spokesman said in an interview: "Israel's security is irreplaceable, and the suspension of US aid will only make Israel helpless!"

"We regret the actions of the United States in this wave of conflict, and hope that the United States can resume assistance as soon as possible, and we will always stand with the United States."

However, Israel's remarks made people in public opinion not quite convinced, because the Israeli side had a similar experience before, but when it suspended aid, it did not see any impact, but pointed out: "Our debts have not been repaid for many years, and if it were not for the United States, our Israel would have been destroyed long ago."

Israel's remarks have also aroused confusion and confusion among many people in the international community, and it is not because of the support of the United States that such self-confidence is so arrogant.

Lebanon rockets and drones are bombarding indiscriminately, Israel is in danger, and the Middle East is plunged into a full-scale conflict!

However, Israel's actions in doing so are undoubtedly a negation of the United States, and it has also made the influence and status of the United States in the Middle East even more depressed; some of Israel's previous behaviors were not being able to reconcile with the United States, but now without the support of the United States, it will undoubtedly be the party in a disadvantageous position, especially in the face of the encirclement of neighboring countries, and the situation is extremely grim.

Therefore, if this problem is not resolved, it will make the situation even more unfavorable, and although the United States will not decide much about suspending aid, Israel's attitude towards the United States can also be seen behind what secrets are hidden behind this.

So we can't help but sympathize with Israel, but we also don't want Israel to act more radically, otherwise the surrounding countries will look more and more unpleasant, and the situation will become more complicated.

Regional conflicts have intensified.

It is precisely because of a series of actions of the United States that the conflict in the Middle East has become more and more serious, and at the same time, more countries will be touched to join it.

This is extremely unfavorable to the current regional pattern and Middle Eastern countries, and the United States is also asking for trouble, so at this time, we should find a way to solve the problem, instead of adding fuel to the fire and getting more countries involved.

Although Israel has its own advantages and stamina, if the surrounding countries cannot stand it, the situation facing Israel will be even worse, and only by always being vigilant can it ensure its own security in the most aspects.


Israel is far away in the Middle East, so it is necessary to remain vigilant at all times, and Israel's security strategy and foreign policy must be adjusted accordingly, and if Israel's position and situation in the Middle East region are to flourish, it also needs to have more in-depth thinking and challenges.

There will be more discussion and controversy around this matter in the international community, Israel has not only bombed the Israeli army before, but there are other behaviors waiting for us to expose, and we will pay more attention to its next behavior.

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