
Outburst! A rocket fell after an accidental takeoff, the latest bulletin

author:Optimism in life

Outburst! A rocket fell after an accidental takeoff, the latest bulletin

An unexpected test detonates the rocket dream

This hot June 30th is undoubtedly an extraordinary day for Tianbing Technology. As a cutting-edge private aerospace company, their self-developed Tianlong-3 large liquid launch vehicle has finally ushered in the key power system test, which is undoubtedly a huge test of their unremitting efforts over the years.

However, it is regrettable that there was an accidental fall of a rocket during the test run. After a fierce ignition process, the first-stage rocket of Tianlong-3 actually broke away from the launch pad due to the failure of the connecting structure, and fell directly into the mountains of the test site after a short liftoff, and the rocket body completely disintegrated in the fall. Although the accident caused no casualties, it undoubtedly sounded an alarm for Tianbing Technology, and also made the majority of aerospace enthusiasts and followers feel the hardships and risks of the aerospace industry again.

After the accident, Tianbing Technology quickly issued a detailed explanation of the situation, and said that it would complete the investigation of the cause of the failure as soon as possible and organize a new round of product testing. In this regard, we can't help but ask, what kind of impact will this accident have on the future development of Tianlong-3? How will Tianbing Technology respond to this unexpected situation and continue to advance their aerospace dreams?

The road to space is long and there are many obstacles

Looking back on the development of Tianlong-3, it is not difficult to find that it was not all smooth sailing. As a large-scale liquid launch vehicle tailored by the mainland for the construction of satellite Internet constellations, Tianlong-3 must meet extremely high standards in many aspects such as performance indicators, technical difficulty and safety. And this undoubtedly requires Tianbing Technology to invest a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to overcome many difficulties.

Taking the power system of Tianlong-3 as an example, the "nine-machine parallel" method of nine TH-12 engines was used in this test run, which was the first attempt in the history of mainland aerospace. Compared with the past, this not only greatly improves the overall thrust, but also puts forward higher requirements for the control and coordination of the system. It is conceivable that in the process of research and development, the engineers of Tianbing Technology must have made arduous efforts, repeatedly conducting various simulations and ground tests in an attempt to minimize the risk. However, as this accident demonstrates, there are still many uncertainties in the development of space technology, and accidents are inevitable even with adequate preparation and preventive measures.

In addition, as a private enterprise, Tianbing Technology is also facing a lot of pressure on its investment in capital, talents, and equipment. Compared with the state-owned aerospace giants, there is a certain gap in their R&D capacity and production scale, which also increases the difficulty in the development process of Tianlong-3. What's more, even if the research and development task is successfully completed, the follow-up manufacturing and market development also require a lot of financial support. It is conceivable that Tianbing Technology must bear huge challenges in terms of funds and talents.

However, in the face of these obstacles, Tianbing Technology did not back down. Instead, they are driving their growth with continuous innovation and investment. From this accident alone, we can see the determination and confidence of Tianbing Technology: while making a detailed explanation, they also said that they would complete the troubleshooting as soon as possible and organize a new round of tests. This proactive attitude undoubtedly demonstrates Tianbing Technology's confidence in its own products and its enthusiasm for the aerospace industry.

The dream of becoming a space power is approaching reality

For Tianbing Technology, Tianlong-3 is undoubtedly an important carrier of its aerospace dream. As an emerging private aerospace enterprise, Tianbing Technology has focused on the research and development of large launch vehicles since its establishment, hoping to make its own contribution to the development of the mainland's aerospace industry through independent innovation. And Tianlong-3 is a key step towards their farther, higher space goals.

It is not difficult to find that the development goal of Tianlong-3 is comparable to SpaceX's Falcon 9. This undoubtedly demonstrates the ambition and goal of Tianbing Science and Technology for the mainland's aerospace industry: they must not only catch up, but also surpass the international advanced level. This reflects the overall development trend of the mainland's aerospace industry.

Outburst! A rocket fell after an accidental takeoff, the latest bulletin

In recent years, with the vigorous development of the mainland's aerospace industry, more and more private aerospace enterprises have begun to rise, forming a healthy competition with traditional state-owned aerospace giants. From the successful launch of the country's first private rocket in 2018 to the emergence of many private rockets one after another, the mainland aerospace industry is moving forward in the direction of diversification. Tianbing Technology is undoubtedly one of the important representatives.

At the same time, the continuous improvement of the overall strength of the mainland's aerospace industry has also created a good environment for the development of these emerging enterprises. In recent years, the performance indicators of Chinese rockets have been constantly refreshed, and the technical level is increasingly approaching or even surpassing the international advanced level. In 2021, the Long March 5B rocket made its first successful flight, surpassing the carrying capacity of the American Falcon Heavy rocket in one fell swoop, which undoubtedly set a new goal and benchmark for companies such as Tianbing Technology.

It can be said that the development of Tianlong-3 is a microcosm of the mainland's transformation from a space power to a space power. With the joint efforts of the state and private enterprises, the mainland's aerospace industry is bound to enter a new stage of development, laying a solid foundation for us to realize our "space dream."

Tianlong No. 3, a new starting point

For Tianbing Technology, this accident is undoubtedly a heavy blow. But, as they indicate, this is by no means the end, but a new beginning.

We believe that Tianbing Technology will learn a lesson from this accident, make every effort to investigate the problem, and continuously optimize the product solution to ensure that the next test run can be carried out smoothly. After all, the aerospace industry has always been a field of both risks and challenges, and only after repeated attempts and failures can enterprises continue to make progress on the basis of continuous accumulation of experience.

At the same time, we also hope that in this process, Tianbing Technology can receive extensive support and attention from all walks of life. As a private aerospace company, they undoubtedly need help and resources from the government, scientific research institutes and all walks of life. Only by pooling the forces of all parties

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Tianbing Technology will definitely learn valuable experience from this accident and point out the direction for the subsequent development of Tianlong-3. They will certainly further improve the structural design and power system of the rocket, and improve the overall stability and reliability of the system. At the same time, they will also strengthen safety management and emergency plan drills to ensure that future tests and launches are foolproof. It is believed that through continuous optimization and improvement, Tianlong-3 will finally achieve a safe and reliable first flight and move towards a farther space goal.

In addition to the improvement of technology, Tianbing Technology also needs to continue to strengthen investment in funds and talents. As an emerging private aerospace company, they will inevitably face pressure and challenges from all sides. However, as long as they can gather the support of all sectors of society and further enhance their independent innovation capabilities, they will be able to break through many difficulties and stand out in the fierce market competition. It is believed that in the near future, Tianlong-3 will become a new milestone in the mainland's aerospace industry and contribute to the realization of the "space dream".

History is always thrilling and tortuous, but as long as we persevere and have the courage to innovate, we will continue to write new glorious chapters. For Tianbing Technology, this accident is undoubtedly a heavy blow, but it is also a rare opportunity for growth. We believe that they will certainly draw valuable experience from this, further improve their products, and inject new vitality into the mainland's aerospace industry. Let us look forward to the new departure of Tianlong-3 and make unremitting efforts to realize the dream of a space power!