
The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

author:Rich flowers in the world
The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?
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Text | Jokes

Editing: Jokes


I believe you still remember the incident of a student in Fudan beating someone at the graduation ceremony.

After so many days, this matter has finally come to an end.

Both the public security organs and the school dealt with him severely.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

The editor will take you to review this matter, and you will find the wonder here.

【What happened】

On June 19th, a college in Fudan held a grand graduation ceremony on campus.

We can see that the scene is really crowded.

After all, this is the last in college.

The usually serious teacher was also smiling and ready to bid farewell to the graduates.

And in the midst of this beautiful moment, something infuriating happened.

At the graduation ceremony, of course, the graduation certificate will be awarded.

But just as a row of students came up to the stage to receive their diplomas, an accident happened.

A male student standing in the back rushed forward and hit the teacher on the stage.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

The teacher didn't react at all and was caught off guard.

Glasses and hats were also knocked out.

The scene was suddenly chaotic, and the colleague next to the beaten teacher was also frightened.

And the male student ran away directly after the beating.

He was quickly found afterwards.

After all, beating the teacher in full view of everyone is too bad.

Then the police came and took him away.

When the reporter asked the security department, the staff said that the person had been taken away.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

The teacher who was beaten was also sent to the hospital for examination.

The same was true of the subsequent rhetoric of the Ministry of Education and Engineering.

But as this incident became more and more troublesome, the reason for the student's beating and the black history seemed to have been exposed.

It is said that the male student repeatedly made rebellious remarks at school.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

And it's hard not to doubt his mental state by doing things.

He allegedly wanted to drop out of school before that, but his parents certainly disagreed.

So that's it.

But I didn't expect this person to be a thief, and he actually played a commotion during the final exam.

Hopefully it will be able to get him out of school.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

And afterwards he apologized to the teacher.

There is no one in this brain circuit.

This time the beating at the graduation ceremony may have been to get revenge on the dean.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

But I didn't expect him to hit the wrong person.

And some say he may indeed have a little mental problem.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

That teacher was also said by many students to be a very good person.

I did my best for the sake of my students, but I didn't expect to be beaten at such an age.

Please don't get me wrong.

This matter is not over yet, but another thing has been on the hot search.

It was rumored on the Internet that this male student applied for the graduate school of Peking University and was admitted.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

Now Peking University can't sit still.

Immediately came out to clarify the rumors.

The student is still in the ideological and moral assessment period and has not been admitted.

Moreover, Peking University also said that if you fail the assessment, you will not be admitted.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

Presumably, Peking University breathed a sigh of relief after finishing speaking.

Otherwise, I will be scolded again.

After so many days, the matter has also ushered in the final result.

[The school statement was released, and the male students got what they wanted? 】

The law school issued a statement on July 2.

The statement said that the student (Xia Moumou) had caused a very bad influence.

Therefore, the police have already imposed a penalty of public security detention on him.

The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?

After this incident, the student could not stay at school.

He was directly informed by the school that he had been expelled.

If the average person heard the news, they would have to weep to death.

But isn't that exactly what he wanted?


After making such a big fuss, the male classmate was finally expelled.

I don't know how he will feel when he learns this result.

Is it excitement or sadness?

I just hope that nothing like this will happen again.

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The Fudan graduation ceremony incident has come to an end, and the law school issued a statement! What do students want?
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