
Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

author:High cold sesame sauce

You're blocking its launch, and a dozen pieces are gone! [tears] [tears]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

I couldn't afford to sit in the mall before, and it said it was going to kick me away, haha! [covers face] [covers face]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

And it massages a huge pain, and it's really embarrassing to lie there and massage people coming and going! [tears run] [tears run]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

I was fortunate enough to experience it once, and I quickly asked the clerk to close it, it was so uncomfortable! [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

Yes, I was sitting comfortably, but I started to get annoyed when I clicked! [sighs] [sighs]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

Some of the massage chairs really look like torture tools, and I only feel very painful! [I'm about to cry] [I'm about to cry]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

Get up and stand for a while, then sit again, and you can sit for another five minutes! [tears run] [tears run]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

I knew it wasn't me who was the victim, just the same idea! [tears run] [tears run]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

If it's a horror movie again, the atmosphere is really amazing! [snickering] [snickering]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

Normally, I want to say that no one will let it serve me when I get up, but it can't understand human speech! [呲tooth] [呲tooth]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

It affects the mood of watching the movie too much! [Melon-eating masses] [Melon-eating masses]

Who knows, I really can't figure out who the audience of massage chairs is? It feels like it's everywhere now

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