
Transferring to an eVTOL from Shuangliu Airport to Taikoo Li will take no more than 10 minutes

author:Optimism in life

Transferring to an eVTOL from Shuangliu Airport to Taikoo Li will take no more than 10 minutes

Flight experience in the city of the future: Chengdu FBO opens a new chapter in business aviation

Driven by technology and innovation, the mobility mode of future cities is undergoing earth-shaking changes. As an important aviation hub in southwest China, Chengdu is bringing a new flying experience to passengers through the construction of a business jet base (FBO) and the introduction of emerging technologies such as vertical take-off and landing electric aircraft (eVTOL).

The official commissioning of Chengdu FBO marks a new development opportunity for business aviation and low-altitude economy in southwest China. Covering an area of 5,500 square meters, this modern business jet base has 20 dedicated seats, multi-functional conference halls, passenger lounges and other supporting facilities to meet the needs of various business aviation businesses. What's more exciting is that, as the first company in China to successfully complete the test flight of the eVTOL series, Geely Wofei Changkong has reached a cooperation with local business airlines, and will start eVTOL commercial operation in the future, allowing passengers to fly directly from Chengdu Airport to the core area of the city in about 10 minutes.

This technology-driven mobility revolution will not only improve the service level of business aviation, but also inject new momentum into urban development. With clean and efficient eVTOLs, business aviation can better integrate seamlessly into urban transportation networks, providing more convenient door-to-door services for business elites and dignitaries. At the same time, the low-altitude flight economy will also drive the development of a series of industrial chains, from aircraft manufacturing and maintenance to airport construction and operation, which will surely make Chengdu occupy a leading position in the field of business aviation and future travel.

It takes only 10 minutes to get to Taikoo Li from Shuangliu Airport

As an important aviation hub in southwest China, Chengdu Shuangliu Airport has been continuously improving its service capabilities and infrastructure to inject new vitality into the passenger experience. The official commissioning of the business jet base has opened a new chapter in Chengdu's air travel.

As the core supporting facilities of Chengdu FBO, the eVTOL of Geely Wo Fei Changkong is undoubtedly the most eye-catching highlight. This company successfully completed the test flight of the eVTOL series, becoming the first company in China and the second in the world to achieve this goal. "We have started the formulation of the trial approval plan, and it is expected to complete the entire trial certification process in 2025~2026, and then we can gradually start small batch commercial operations." Fei Lan, marketing director of Wofei Changkong, said.

Once commercially operational, this VTOL electric aerial vehicle will revolutionize the way people think about urban mobility. Taking an eVTOL from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport takes only about 10 minutes to reach Chengdu High-tech Zone or core areas such as Chunxi Road and Taikoo Li, which greatly reduces travel time compared to traditional ground transportation. For business aviation customers, this "door-to-door" high-quality travel solution is undoubtedly a boon.

"At present, the mainstream business jets in the market are jet aircraft, which perform long-distance flight missions between airports and airports, and have certain requirements for airports and runways. The low-altitude aircraft represented by eVTOL have the characteristics of low requirements for take-off and landing sites, pure electric zero carbon emissions, high performance, and high safety, which can be efficiently linked and perfectly complemented by business jets. Zeng Yan, executive director of Sichuan Huahui Business Aviation Services Co., Ltd., said.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous maturity of emerging technologies such as eVTOL, the future of urban mobility will enter a new era. Not only will business aviation customers enjoy more convenient and efficient services, but ordinary citizens will also benefit from this, and the city's transportation network will be upgraded as a result. The official commissioning of Chengdu FBO has undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for this vision.

Business aviation contributes to the development of Chengdu

As a special form of aviation service, business aviation has always been the first choice for business elites and dignitaries. The completion of Chengdu FBO will not only improve the service level of business aviation in southwest China, but also inject new momentum into Chengdu's urban development.

First of all, the development of business aviation will lead to the prosperity of related industrial chains. In addition to aircraft manufacturing and maintenance, the construction and operation of business airports is also a systematic project, involving aviation material supply, ground handling services, catering and accommodation and other fields. As an important aviation hub in southwest China, Chengdu is expected to take the lead in these fields, attract more related enterprises to settle down, and enhance the industrial agglomeration effect.

At the same time, business aviation can also create new opportunities for Chengdu's opening up and cooperation. As a national high-tech zone and a national central city, Chengdu has been increasing exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign countries, and the development of business aviation can undoubtedly provide more convenient and efficient guarantees for these activities. Whether it is a visit by dignitaries, business negotiations or international conferences, the seamless connection between eVTOL and business jets will surely bring more domestic and foreign merchants and investment to Chengdu.

Transferring to an eVTOL from Shuangliu Airport to Taikoo Li will take no more than 10 minutes

In addition, the development of business aviation can also lead to the upgrading of urban infrastructure. In addition to the business airport itself, the urban transportation network, terminal functions, information systems, etc. need to be optimized and transformed accordingly to meet the needs of business aviation business. This will not only enhance Chengdu's image as a city, but also bring a series of infrastructure construction projects to inject new impetus into the local economic development.

With the official commissioning of Chengdu FBO, Chengdu will play a more important role in the field of business aviation. In the process, not only will business aviation customers be better served, but the entire city will also benefit. The development of business aviation will help Chengdu further improve the level of opening up and cooperation, and will also bring a series of effects such as industrial chain upgrading and infrastructure construction, injecting new vitality and momentum into this ancient capital of Bashu.

The future has come, and Chengdu has set sail

As the first company in China and the second in the world to successfully complete the test flight of the eVTOL series, Geely Wofei Changkong has injected a strong impetus into the future development of Chengdu FBO. Once eVTOL is put into commercial operation, its characteristics of "low-altitude flight, zero emission, high performance, and high safety" will surely bring a new travel experience to business aviation customers and ordinary citizens.

Taking an eVTOL from Chengdu Shuangliu Airport takes only 10 minutes to reach the core area of the city, compared to ground transportation

Improvement and development: Chengdu FBO opens a new chapter in business aviation

With the official commissioning of the Chengdu FBO, the eVTOL of Geely Wo Flying Sky will also be put into commercial operation one after another, which will not only bring a new travel experience to business aviation customers, but also inject new momentum into Chengdu's urban development.

For business aviation customers, the addition of eVTOLs is undoubtedly a major benefit. From Shuangliu Airport, it only takes about 10 minutes to reach the core area of the city by taking this vertical take-off and landing electric aircraft, which greatly shortens the travel time. Not only that, eVTOL's own characteristics of "low-altitude flight, zero emission, high performance, and high safety" can also perfectly complement traditional business jets, providing customers with high-quality door-to-door services throughout the process.

But the commercial application of eVTOL is much more than just bringing convenience to business aviation customers. In fact, the introduction of this new type of aircraft will also drive the further upgrading of Chengdu's urban infrastructure and industrial chain.

First of all, the commercial operation of eVTOL will inevitably promote the optimization and transformation of urban transportation networks. The connection link from the airport to the city requires the coordination of infrastructure such as roads, parking lots, and command centers to ensure a smooth transfer experience for passengers. This will not only enhance Chengdu's overall urban functions, but also create new development opportunities for related infrastructure industries.

Secondly, the improvement of the eVTOL industry chain will also bring new economic growth points to Chengdu. From aircraft R&D, manufacturing, maintenance, to the development of related software and hardware systems, and even the formulation of rules and standards, a large number of professionals and enterprises are required to participate. As a national high-tech zone, Chengdu is expected to become an important hub of this industrial chain, attracting more innovative enterprises to settle down and helping the local economy to transform and upgrade.

More importantly, the development of business aviation and eVTOL will inject new impetus into Chengdu's urban internationalization process. As an important aviation hub in southwest China, Chengdu has been increasing exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign countries. Business aviation can undoubtedly provide more convenient and efficient guarantee for political dignitaries, business negotiations and other activities, and create favorable conditions for Chengdu to attract more domestic and foreign merchants and investment.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous maturity of new technologies such as eVTOL, the appearance of urban mobility in the future will undergo profound changes. In this process, Chengdu is writing a wonderful new chapter of business aviation, which will not only bring new experience to customers, but also promote the comprehensive upgrading of urban infrastructure and industrial structure, and inject new development momentum into this ancient capital of Bashu.