
I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

author:High cold sesame sauce

Ah, can't the owner of the store not want to open a business? Didn't the owner rent the shop himself? [black line] [black line]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

There is also this, getting up earlier than normal work, and I feel like I am renting a house to work! [Laughs] [Laughs]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

Ah, it turns out that I have to be stared at when I open a store! [Petrochemical] [Petrochemical]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

Haha, it's so miserable, I really can't escape the fate of having a morning meeting anywhere! [tears] [tears]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

It's not at all what I imagined ... You can't be late or leave early, you can't ask for leave! [covers face] [covers face]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

The boss shouldn't go, it's usually an employee, just find a representative to go for this kind of thing! [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

Haha, are you lazy then! [tears run] [tears run]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

Most of the people named here are not bosses, but employees! [I'm about to cry] [I'm about to cry]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

You can't see it, it's usually inside the mall, but not outside! [snickering] [snickering]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

He may not have much to say, he has a meeting every day, how can there be so many things! [Melon-eating masses] [Melon-eating masses]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

It's miserable! [sighs] [sighs]

I can't laugh anymore, it turns out that the shopping mall has to be named before it opens, netizens: I have to get up early until I become the boss

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