
"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

The nomination is rising, and Zhao Liying holds a hundred flowers in her "hand".


1. Silence is better than sound, Zhao Liying's "handicraft" award

In other words, the 37th Hundred Flowers Award for Popular Films is really lively, and movie stars from all walks of life have shown their skills to compete for the glittering trophy.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

And our little sister Zhao Liying, with her wonderful performance in the movie "Article 20", especially the performance that has no lines throughout the whole process and can pull the audience's heartstrings only by sign language, eyes and body language, directly entered the list of Best Supporting Actress nominees, which is simply a "hand" to catch!

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

Netizens turned into jokers and joked: "Zhao Liying's nomination is simply a shock bomb for the sign language industry and the acting school at the same time!" "In the future, don't say 'silence is better than sound here', just say 'Zhao Liying is in hand, I have a hundred flowers'! ”

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

Behind this, is Zhao Liying's countless days and nights of hard practice, from zero foundation to being able to express emotions fluently, the hardships of which are probably only known best by her talking hands.

2. The "Silent Artist" in Life

In order to get closer to the character Hao Xiuping, Zhao Liying not only studied sign language hard during the filming, but also tried to remain silent in life, as if she had really become the character living in a silent world.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

This move made many fans call "too hard"! Some netizens joked: "Zhao Liying is trying to compete with Siri on her phone?" However, her 'hand' machine operation must be better than Siri's! ”

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

This immersive performance method undoubtedly brought Zhao Liying's acting skills to a new level. She proved with her actions that a real actor is not only a transmitter of lines, but also a resonator of emotions. Even if there is no sentence, the audience can feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters, which is the charm of Zhao Liying.

3. Zhao Liying's "big heroine" advancement road

Speaking of Zhao Liying, we have to mention her inspirational "big heroine" life script. From being born in the countryside to today's top in the film and television industry, every step she takes is full of challenges and difficulties.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

But as she said: "If you don't have requirements for yourself, what are you going to live?" It is this hard work that does not admit defeat that makes her break through herself again and again on the fiercely competitive stage of the entertainment industry.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

From the sweet girl in costume dramas, to independent women in modern dramas, and now involved in the theme of "middle-aged women", challenging various roles such as entrepreneurs, psychiatrists, and poor mothers, Zhao Liying uses her actions to show the multiple powers and infinite possibilities of women.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

Netizens also praised one after another: "Zhao Liying's script is more exciting than a bloody drama!" "Who says women are inferior to men? Zhao Liying is a living example! ”

Fourth, controversy and growth coexist, Zhao Liying's "middle-aged woman" exploration

However, Zhao Liying's choice to step into the theme of "middle-aged women" has also caused a lot of controversy. Some people think that this is her brave attempt and in-depth excavation of her acting career, and some people are worried that such a choice will limit her acting career and make her fall into a "midlife crisis". But Zhao Liying doesn't seem to care about these outside voices, she just silently speaks with her works and proves her choice with her strength.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

As she said in an interview, "Age is just a number, what really matters is your mindset and what you want to be." This sentence is not only a spur to myself, but also an encouragement to all women. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, Zhao Liying uses her actions to inspire every woman to bravely pursue her dreams and happiness.

5. Conclusion: Zhao Liying's "hand" pen, you and I will continue to write

After watching Zhao Liying's journey, I have to sigh at her hard work and persistence. From being nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award to challenging the theme of "middle-aged women", she writes her own wonderful chapters in her own way.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

But the story is not over here, Zhao Liying's acting career is still long, and her "hand" pen still needs us to continue to write together.

"Zhao Liying: From the dragon set to the 'hand' holding a hundred flowers, I will give full marks for this wave of counterattack!"

So, what do you think of Zhao Liying's nomination and her continuous exploration in her acting career? Do you support her brave attempt, or are you worried about her future? Come and leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss together and cheer for Zhao Liying together! Maybe your comment could become the next internet meme!

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