
"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

Catching dolls? No, it's about the details!


I heard that Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" is about to be released, and the name sounds like it makes people laugh. But don't worry, let's talk about a stroke of genius in this trailer - Chunlan's baby's "elegant" rice serving posture. You see, the meal is not served casually, it has to be the kind of posture of "someone else has done it, and I am responsible for bringing it out".

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

With a slight lift of two fingers, the basin hung firmly in the air, as if to say: "Look, this job, my Chunlan baby is so uncannibalistic." Netizens left messages: "Chunlan baby, are you serving rice, or practicing acrobatics?" "It's a pity not to play the piano with this finger kung fu!"

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

Leaky rain room? Donkey cart shop? The "bitter" days of Shen Ma and his wife

Let's talk about the new challenges of Shen Teng and Ma Li, the screen CP. In the trailer, they live in a leaky room, wear torn shoes, and have to rely on a donkey cart to get around. This style of painting is simply a model of "no hard eating"!

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

However, Shen Teng's helpless and humorous expression, coupled with Ma Li's slightly disgusted but full of love eyes, instantly made people laugh. Netizens opened their minds: "Does this donkey cart still have to be insured?" What if Uncle Shen is too heavy and the donkey strikes? "Sister Ma Li, your shoes are torn, are they deliberately for fashion sense?"

Shen Ma made a move, and the jokes continued

As soon as the news of the promotion of "Catching the Doll" came out, the enthusiasm of netizens was instantly ignited. Shen Teng and Ma Li, the golden pair, are simply the "Dinghai Shen Needle" in the comedy industry. Every time they cooperate, they can bring unexpected surprises to the audience.

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

This time is no exception, as you can see from the trailer, although the living conditions are difficult, the interaction between the two is full of laughter. Netizens said: "Shen Ma's shot must be a high-quality product!" This summer, it's up to your laughter! ""Catching the Doll"? I think it's the right thing to laugh at! ”

Alternative style, refreshing


"Catching the Doll" is not only ingenious in the plot, but also unique in style. Shen Teng and Ma Li are no longer urban white-collar workers or costume heroes this time, but have become the funny roles of the "rural version".

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

This contrast is cute, and it is eye-catching. Netizens ridiculed: "Uncle Shen, are you going to lead the dance on the big stage at the entrance of the village?" "Sister Ma Li, are you going to participate in the beauty contest in the village in this costume?"

Controversial ending: Tears in laughter, or laughter in tears?

Speaking of which, one controversial point has to be mentioned. Although "Catching the Doll" is a comedy movie, the trace of warmth and difficulty revealed in the trailer also made many netizens start to think: Is this a laugh with tears, or a tearful laugh?

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

Can Shen Teng and Ma Li be funny and at the same time touch the heartstrings of the audience? In this regard, netizens have different opinions: "I think it should be laughter with tears, after all, no matter how hard life is, having loved ones by your side is the greatest sweetness." "No, no, no, I'll bet five cents, this is definitely a tearful laugh, the funny skills of the Shen Ma combination can definitely make you laugh and cry!"

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

In short, the movie "Catching the Doll", whether from the trailer or the heated discussions among netizens, can feel its unique charm and infinite expectations. This summer, let's walk into the theater together and feel the laughter and emotion brought by Shen Teng and Ma Li!

"Catching the Doll" revealed new information, and Shen Ma and his wife laughed all over the Internet "without hard work"!

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