
never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

author:Cantaloupe is a joy to read
never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way
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never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

In August 2023, a mediocre live broadcast event plunged the veteran actor Du Xudong into an unprecedented storm of public opinion. This national first-class actor, who is famous for his villain role, instantly became the target of public criticism because of a seemingly contemptuous comment and a misread look.

used to be a "bad guy professional" that the audience loved and hated, but now it has been labeled as "disrespectful to the old". What was it that made this respected artist lose the audience's favor overnight? What is the hidden story behind this turmoil? Let's unravel this controversial mystery together and explore Du Xudong's complex transformation from a "screen villain" to a "real controversy".

In 1956, an ordinary baby was ushered in in the city of Beijing, and he was the future actor Du Xudong. Born in an ordinary family, the young Du Xudong should have spent a carefree childhood.

However, fate seems to have prepared a dramatic turn for him early on.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

When Du Xudong was 7 years old, an accident changed the trajectory of his life forever. That day, the naughty little Du Xudong was playing at home when he accidentally rolled down the stairs on the second floor.

Although he was lucky to save his life, the accident left a permanent scar on his face. Since then, Du Xudong has had to face a cruel reality: his appearance has become different.

This accident brought a huge psychological shadow to the young Du Xudong. In a later interview, he confessed that even his own daughter was ashamed of his appearance and did not want her father to attend parent-teacher conferences or pick up and drop off at school.

This pain of being disliked by his relatives deeply pierced Du Xudong's heart.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

However, Du Xudong's family did not give up on him. With love and wisdom, they showed a new path for this wounded child. They sent Du Xudong to the troupe, where the heavy oil paint could hide his scars, and the stage gave him a new world to express himself.

In the troupe, Du Xudong gradually regained his self-confidence. Through continuous training and performances, he began to rediscover his talent in acting.

This experience laid a solid foundation for him to become a good actor in the future.

At the age of 16, Du Xudong's life ushered in another important turning point. He joined the army and became a literary soldier. In the army, Du Xudong not only contributed his artistic talents, but also showed his talents in many aspects.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

He even designed the college's emblem himself, showing extraordinary creativity. This military career not only exercised Du Xudong's will, but also added a unique foundation to his future acting career.

In 1985, 29-year-old Du Xudong officially stepped into the showbiz and joined the repertory troupe. Since then, a life full of drama has begun. Du Xudong's story seems to be a realistic version of the "Harlequin Metamorphosis", but no one knows what kind of dazzling light this "Harlequin" will shine on the stage in the future.

Du Xudong's acting career was not all smooth sailing. When he first entered the film and television industry, he was just an unknown supporting role, working in obscurity in various crews. In 1991, the opportunity finally came, and he played an impressive role in the TV series "Fire and Gold" - the traitor and the second bald man.

Du Xudong portrayed this flattering and treacherous villain vividly, which made the audience hate itchy. However, despite the success of the characterization, this performance did not bring him a substantial breakthrough, and he is still a small supporting role in the entertainment industry.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

The burdens of life come with it. At this time, Du Xudong's daughter unfortunately fell ill, and the high medical expenses made the already not wealthy family even worse. In order to raise medical expenses, Du Xudong had to run around and take on various roles.

This difficult period lasted for a full ten years, and Du Xudong shuttled between various crews, playing large and small supporting roles, interpreting the greatness of father's love in his own way.

The turning point came in 2001. The broadcast of the TV series "Mansion Gate" made the villain Han Rongfa played by Du Xudong a topic of conversation among the audience after dinner.

The role of Han Rongfa can be described as full of evil, lazy and lazy, and doing everything. With his unique appearance and superb acting skills, Du Xudong portrays this villain perfectly.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

His slightly evil smile and sharp and cunning eyes vividly interpret a villain who does no evil.

After "Mansion Gate" was broadcast on CCTV primetime, the ratings soared, and Du Xudong's name became a household name. However, the price of fame is enormous.

Du Xudong's image is deeply imprinted in the minds of the audience, so much so that once when he was shopping for vegetables in the market, he was almost hit by the angry crowd with rotten vegetable leaves. This embarrassing experience not only made Du Xudong cry and laugh, but also proved the success of his acting skills.

Since then, Du Xudong has become a well-deserved "villain expert". His unique looks and superb acting skills made him go further and further on the road of villain.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

The audience developed mixed feelings about him, hating the hateful role he played, but also loving him for interpreting the role so vividly. Every appearance of Du Xudong can make the audience remember the "bad guys" in the play.

However, when an actor is too successful in creating a certain image, is it a blessing or a curse? Du Xudong may not have thought that his image of a "bad guy" on the screen would one day affect himself in reality.

When he tries to show his true self, he finds that the public has difficulty separating him from those villains. This predicament also laid the groundwork for future controversies.

Du Xudong's success is the perfect combination of actor and role, and it is the result of years of silent accumulation. However, this success also comes with unexpected challenges. How to maintain your own artistic characteristics while allowing the public to see your true self? This problem is not only something that Du Xudong needs to face, but also something that every actor who has successfully created a specific image needs to think about.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

In August 2023, a seemingly ordinary live broadcast event plunged Du Xudong into an unprecedented storm of public opinion. This veteran actor who is well-known in the entertainment industry conducted a live broadcast on a short video platform, claiming to recruit female apprentices.

As the two young women stood in front of the camera, Du Xudong looked at them with his trademark eyes, and then uttered the controversial words: "How is this figure?" It's too ordinary.

In fact, after Du Xudong finished saying that controversial sentence, he immediately added: "This is far less than me!" This is clearly a self-deprecation, a humorous mockery of his unique appearance.

Not only that, but there is also a video of Du Xudong interacting with the famous actress Ren Jing on the Internet. In the video, Du Xudong seemed to be holding Ren Jing's hand, while Ren Jing's husband Fu Disheng was so anxious that he shouted, "Teacher, teacher, your hand... Hand! Hands! The video has once again sparked public criticism of Mr. Du, which many see as disrespectful or even sexual harassment towards women.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

However, attentive viewers may find that this video is not from the official account of Ren Jing and his wife. In fact, it could well be a well-choreographed performance.

Du Xudong, Ren Jing and Fu Disheng, these three old drama bones staged an improvised comedy in front of the camera, evoking the audience's memory of Du Xudong's "bad guy" image.

This kind of performance just shows their superb acting skills and tacit understanding.

The truth of these two incidents may be much more complicated than it seems. Du Xudong, the actor who has created countless villain roles on the screen, seems to have fallen into the trap of creating his own image.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

The public has become accustomed to equating him with evil, cunning characters, so much so that every look and word he says can be interpreted differently.

This misunderstanding is not just what happened to Du Xudong alone. It reflects a common phenomenon of our time: in today's fast-paced spread of information, people tend to believe first impressions, or interpret them according to their expectations.

The truth is fragmented, misinterpreted, and even ignored.

For Du Xudong, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge. How to maintain your own artistic characteristics while allowing the public to see your true self? How to maintain your authenticity in this era that is easily misunderstood? These questions are not only what Du Xudong needs to face, but also what every public figure needs to think about.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

At the same time, this event also brings us profound enlightenment.

Du's story reminds us that everyone is a complex individual and should not be simply labeled. We need to be more tolerant and rational about others, especially those who have been in the public eye for a long time.

After all, the characters on stage are only part of them, not all of them.

Under the haze of controversy, we seem to have forgotten Du Xudong's true face as an actor. In fact, he is an extremely dedicated artist, and he will pay a huge price in pursuit of the realism of his characters.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

On the shooting scene, Du Xudong often asks for a real duel with his partner. In order to present the most realistic performance effect, he did not hesitate to put himself in danger.

As a result, injuries have become commonplace for him. Even the iconic mole on his face is a permanent imprint left on a single shoot and becomes part of his unique image.

When he was young, Du Xudong was a heroic soldier. At that time, he was tall and determined, which was completely different from the image of "bad guy" in people's impressions today.

It was this military career that shaped Du Xudong's indomitable character and laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

These little-known details show us a three-dimensional and real Du Xudong. He is not only an actor who is good at playing villains, but also a person who is passionate about art and is willing to give everything for it.

Du Xudong's professionalism reflects his persistent pursuit of performing arts and his deep understanding of the role.

Behind the camera, Du Xudong has always maintained his love and awe for acting. Whether on stage or in front of the screen, he devotes himself to each role, interpreting the true meaning of art in his own way.

This professional attitude and professionalism are the key to his ability to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry for many years.

never thought that the old drama bone Du Xudong would damage the audience in such a way

Du Xudong's story has brought us profound inspiration.

For public figures, how to maintain oneself without being misunderstood is a topic that needs to be constantly explored. For each of us, learning to look at others with a more inclusive and rational perspective may be the direction we should strive for.

After all, everyone is a complex individual and should not be simply labeled. Du's experience reminds us to maintain an objective and holistic perspective when judging others.

This applies not only to the perception of public figures, but also to the interpersonal interactions in our daily lives. Perhaps, Du Xudong's story will be an opportunity for us to re-examine our own way of knowing.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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