
Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

author:Cantaloupe is a joy to read
Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family
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Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

In 1998, a TV series swept the country like a whirlwind, and it was "Huanzhu Gege". Along with the popularity of the series, the beautiful melody of the ending song "Rain Butterfly" also left a deep impression on the audience.

The singer of this song, Li Yijun, seems to have become a rising star in the music industry overnight.

However, just when Li Yijun's career was in full swing, the star, known as the "queen female singer of Qiong Yao drama", quietly faded out of the public eye.

Let's uncover the mystery behind Li Yijun's legendary life and explore the true story of this singer.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

In 1969, in an ordinary family in Taipei, Li Yijun fell to the ground. As the eldest daughter in her family, she showed extraordinary musical talent from an early age. However, the family's financial situation is not well-off, and the relationship between her parents is also quite strained, these factors made the young Li Yijun experience the hardships of life early.

The turning point of fate came quietly when Li Yijun was ten years old. With her father's encouragement, she bravely stepped through the doors of drama school. This decision not only eased the financial burden on her family, but also laid a solid foundation for her future artistic career.

However, the learning process is not all smooth sailing. Strict teachers and heavy training often made the young Li Yijun feel powerless. Sometimes, she will secretly hide in the corner to wipe her tears, but the love for performing arts in her heart has never been extinguished.

While studying in drama school, a chance chance changed the trajectory of Li Yijun's life. She accompanied her senior sister to Shanghua Records for audition, but she didn't expect that a song she sang casually surprised everyone present.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

The record company immediately said that it would sign this talented girl, but Li Yijun's mother was full of concerns about the entertainment industry. Under the repeated assurances of the record company, 17-year-old Li Yijun finally got the opportunity to step into the music world.

In order to open up the situation in the entertainment industry, Li Yijun chose a stage name at the suggestion of his teacher. The name is not only catchy, but also a great hope for the future.

In 1987, 18-year-old Li Yijun released his first album "Pingju", and the title song of the same name became an instant hit. Her young but infectious voice, combined with the melodious and tactful melody, instantly captured the hearts of countless listeners.

In the following years, Li Yijun successively released a number of albums, such as "Cherish Goodbye", "You Are the Love of My Life", etc., and gradually gained a firm foothold in the Taiwanese music scene.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

In 1990, her album "Such Me" exceeded one million sales in one fell swoop, and "Promise in the Wind" became a must-have KTV hit.

From the theater stage to the new star in the music world, Li Yijun used his hard work and talent to realize his childhood dream step by step. Like a rising star, she began to shine in the Chinese music scene, laying a solid foundation for becoming a singer in the future.

Entering the 90s, Li Yijun's music career ushered in a period of rapid rise. However, what really made her a top singer in the Chinese music scene was the indissoluble bond with Qiong Yao drama.

This cooperation not only allowed Li Yijun's singing voice to spread all over the country, but also established her status as a diva in the Chinese music scene.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

Li Yijun's fate with Qiong Yao drama began with the TV series "Six Dreams". "Wanjun", which was sung for this drama, became an important turning point in her career. When recording this song, Li Yijun was fully engaged and completely immersed himself in the role.

During the eight-hour recording, she shed countless sweat and tears, and even lost control of her emotions at one point and had to hide in the bathroom to calm down. This dedication was finally recognized by the audience, and "Wanjun" not only became a widely sung golden song, but also helped Li Yijun open up his popularity in the mainland market.

Since then, Li Yijun has successively sung theme songs for many Qiong Yao dramas. In 1991, she sang the theme song of the same name "Xueke" for "Six Dreams"; The following year, he presented the ending song "Can't Break the Love Network" for "The Last Emperor and Sun".

Every song has been widely acclaimed, and Li Yijun's gentle and tactful yet powerful voice seems to have been born for Qiong Yao drama. In this process, she also gradually explored her own singing style, perfectly combining delicate emotions with profound singing skills.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

1998 is undoubtedly the peak year of Li Yijun's career. The ending song "Rain Butterfly" she sang for the hit drama "Huanzhu Gege" was like a sweet drizzle, quietly infiltrating the hearts of countless audiences.

"I fly to you, and the raindrops fall gently", Li Yijun uses her ethereal and penetrating voice to vividly interpret the love and sorrow in the lyrics.

This song not only made Li Yijun's name resounding all over the country, but also allowed her to harvest more than 1.2 million album sales, establishing her status as a diva in the Chinese music scene in one fell swoop.

The success of Rain Butterfly is no accident. It embodies Li Yijun's accumulation and precipitation on the road of music over the years. From the original "Pingju" to the later "Promise in the Wind", and then to the Qiong Yao drama series, Li Yijun's every step has been solid and steady.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

Her voice has both the innocence of a girl and the charm of a mature woman, which perfectly fits the emotional expression required by Qiong Yao's drama.

In addition to Qiong Yao drama, Li Yijun's talent has also been fully demonstrated in other works. In 2002, she sang the theme song "Forever and Forever" for "The Heroes of the Storm", once again proving her excellent performance in different styles of songs.

Looking back on this glorious time, Li Yijun's eyes flashed with relief and gratitude. She knows that being able to meet the stage of Qiong Yao Opera is the greatest luck in her artistic career.

It is these deeply rooted songs that allow her to pass on her voice to more people, and also allow her to find her own place in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

From an unknown drama school student, to a queen singer of Qiong Yao Opera, to a diva in the Chinese music scene, Li Yijun has written a legendary musical life with his own efforts and talents.

Her singing has become a memory of an era and has left a deep imprint in the hearts of countless people.

While Li Yijun's career is in full swing, her personal life is also quietly changing. In 1997, 29-year-old Li Yijun and an actor 17 years older than him got married in Singapore in a low-key manner.

This marriage is like a carefully guarded secret, which has not been disclosed to the public for many years, and even the wedding photos were taken in a low-key manner in Li Yijun's sister's wedding dress shop.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

However, the happy life after marriage soon came to the test. Due to physical reasons, Li Yijun has not been able to get pregnant as she wished. This troubled couple felt anxious, especially Li Yijun, whose desire to become a mother became stronger and stronger.

She began to think about the priorities of her life, weighing her career and family.

In 2000, after a long wait and many attempts, Li Yijun successfully became pregnant through IVF technology. This good news came so suddenly that Li Yijun also shared with the public the joy of being a mother while announcing the marriage.

This year, they also held a romantic wedding and looked forward to the arrival of a new life together.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

At the beginning of 2001, 32-year-old Li Yijun successfully gave birth to a lovely daughter named Chanel. When she picked up her baby for the first time, the happiness almost overflowed her heart.

It was from that moment that Li Yijun realized that his life was about to usher in a major turning point.

In the face of career and family, Li Yijun fell into deep thinking. She recalls her childhood, the little girl who had to go to drama school early because of her family's financial difficulties.

She didn't want her daughter to go through a similar childhood. In addition, years of hard work in the entertainment industry have also made her deeply tired.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

After repeated considerations, Li Yijun made a decision that surprised many people: gradually fade out of the public eye and devote himself to the cultivation of his daughter. This decision means that she will give up the career she has worked hard for years, but Li Yijun feels extremely relaxed.

She believes that nothing is more important for a mother than accompanying her child as he grows up.

In this way, the former queen of the music world chose a new way of life. She kept the splendor of the stage spotlight in her memory and began to focus on the ordinary but happy family life.

Li Yijun's choice not only reflects her cherishing of her family, but also shows her courage to make major decisions for her life.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

Li Yijun's withdrawal caused a lot of waves in the entertainment industry at that time. Many people wonder why a singer who is at the peak of his career would choose to retire. For Mr. Lee, however, the decision was deliberate.

Looking back on his own growth process, Li Yijun knows the sweat and tears behind his success. She doesn't want her daughter to lose the joy of her childhood because of her busyness.

At the same time, years of living in the spotlight have also made her yearn for peace and tranquility.

In Li Yijun's view, being a good mother is more meaningful than being a successful singer. She hopes to be able to accompany her daughter to grow up and give her enough care and guidance.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

Although this decision meant giving up the career that he had worked hard for many years, Li Yijun felt extremely relaxed and happy.

Of course, this decision was not without its struggles. Whenever he hears his songs playing on TV or radio, Li Yijun's heart still ripples. She will think of those days of sweating on stage, the enthusiastic applause and cheers of those fans.

However, when she sees her daughter's innocent smile, all the reluctance will disappear.

Li Yijun firmly believes that he has chosen a more rewarding life path. She used her actions to interpret what true happiness is, and also let us see the value of life beyond fame and fortune.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

In her opinion, it is an irreplaceable happiness to be able to devote herself wholeheartedly to the family and accompany her daughter to grow up.

This decision not only reflects Li Yijun's importance to her family, but also shows her thinking about life and her pursuit of life value. In her own way, she illustrates how an artist can find a balance between career and family, providing an example for many to think about.

Today, 55-year-old Li Yijun lives a quiet life and rarely appears in the public eye. Her daughter Chanel is 23 years old, and Li Yijun devotes most of her time and energy to the family.

Although she faded out of the entertainment industry, the musical works she left behind are still sung and influenced generations of listeners.

Li Yijun: Because of the popularity of "Rain Butterfly", she married her husband who was 17 years older and quit the music scene for her family

Li Yijun's story is not only a singer's growth legend, but also a life inspiration about choice and balance. She used her actions to interpret what true happiness is, and also let us see the value of life beyond fame and fortune.

From a singer to a stay-at-home mother, Li Yijun's transformation shows the many possibilities of life.

Although she is no longer active on the stage, Li Yijun's singing voice and her life choices still ripple in the hearts of countless people and become an unforgettable collective memory.

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