
On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

"Jade Bone Yao" Anniversary Celebration: Time Shadow's "Memoirs of the Cloud Wilderness"


The poster is back in the wind, and the snow violi flowers are blooming to welcome the shadow

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? The first anniversary celebration of "Jade Bone Yao" is here! No, as soon as Xiao Zhan Yuguyao's new poster came out, it simply added another fire to the hearts of us drama fans!

On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.

On the poster, Lord Shiying is dressed in a flowing robe, standing among the snow myrtle flowers, with that look and that temperament, as if to say: "Look, my Shiying is back again!" Netizens left messages one after another: "Lord Shiying, are you planning to conquer the cloud wilderness again with your appearance and temperament?" ”

On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.
There is also a more skinny one: "The snow will flowers are all blooming, is the time shadow big also going to have a cloud wilderness version of 'Flowers and Youth'?" ”

The drama reviews are flooding, and Xiao Zhan's acting skills have become the focus of heated discussions


Speaking of "Jade Bone Yao", it is really "often seen and often new, often thought and often remembered". has been on the air for a year, and the popularity has increased instead of decreasing, and drama reviews and praises on major platforms have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Especially Xiao Zhan's acting skills are simply a hot topic after dinner.

On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.
Some netizens jokingly said: "Xiao Zhan's eye drama is more powerful than the spells in the play, and it hits the heart at a glance for ten thousand years." There are also people who imitate the tone of Shi Ying: "The original lines belong to me, and you are a common man, have you ever been taught?" These comments made people laugh at the same time, and at the same time, they also felt the audience's high recognition of Xiao Zhan's acting skills.
On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.

You can see the sweat behind the acting skills and Xiao Zhan's efforts

But then again, Xiao Zhan's wonderful performance in "Jade Bone Yao" did not come out of thin air. It is said that in order to play the role of Shiying well, he has put in a lot of hard work.

On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.

From the repeated scrutiny of the lines to the delicate grasp of emotions, every detail strives for perfection. Some netizens broke the news: "Xiao Zhan often practices his eyes in the mirror alone on the set, and his concentration is more serious than practicing spells." "How can such professionalism not be admired?

Controversial summary: The return of time and shadow, is it feelings or hype?

Well, with all that said, let's have to make some "controversial" summary. A year has passed, and the popularity of "Jade Bone Yao" and Xiao Zhan is still unabated, is this the audience's deep friendship with the works and actors, or the usual hype methods in the entertainment industry?

On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.
Someone said: "The first anniversary of the launch of "Jade Bone Yao" is a natural response from the audience to high-quality works, and Xiao Zhan and Shi Ying have become indelible classics. Some people also retorted: "In these years, anything can be fried, and the anniversary celebration is just an opportunity to become popular again." ”
On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.

But in any case, don't we young social media users like this lively and interactive atmosphere? So, whether you are here for feelings or to join in the fun, you are welcome to leave your views in the comment area.

On the anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Xiao Zhan Shiying returned, and the memory of killing was coming.

After all, in the world of cloud waste, everyone has their own story and point of view, doesn't they? Come and join us in the discussion and let the legend of "Jade Bone Haruka" continue!

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