
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

author:Bijia Minami

Yang Yuying, a name is like her person, gentle as jade, and as smooth as light.

Her singing voice is sweet and moving, as if she can travel through time and evoke soft emotions in people's hearts. Her elegance is not only reflected on the stage, but also integrated into every detail of life.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Walking into her world, you will feel the indifference and tranquility, as if the years are quiet here, and time flows here.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Yang Yuying's beauty lies not only in her appearance, but also in her temperament and connotation.

She speaks like a spring breeze and always brings warmth and comfort to people. Her smile is like sunshine that illuminates everything around her. On her body, you can't see the traces of time, you can only feel the eternal elegance and charm.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In her home, this elegance and tranquility are vividly displayed.

The furnishings of the home environment are full of warmth and comfort. The brown wooden planks on the ground seem to tell the story of nature, making people feel a fusion of simplicity and nature.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

The classic American dining table and chairs, calm and stylish, add elegance and taste to the home.

The white sideboard, with its simple design style, not only meets the storage needs, but also brings a fresh and bright feeling to the whole space.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In this warm home, Yang Yuying is not alone.

She has a faithful puppy by her side, which adds a lot of fun to her life. When cooking, the puppy is always jumping happily on the sidelines, looking forward to being able to taste delicious food.

And when it curls up on the sofa and enjoys a lazy time, the tranquility and serenity seem to infect the whole family.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Yang Yuying loves life and nature.

Her home is covered with a variety of flowers and plants, adding endless poetry to life. The fragrance of flowers and the vitality of green plants have injected vitality and warmth into this home.

Every bouquet of flowers and every green leaf seems to tell the beauty and hope of life.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In addition to raising flowers and growing vegetables, Yang Yuying also has many other hobbies.

She loves to cook and make traditional dim sum such as mooncakes for her family and friends to enjoy.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

She also likes to write Spring Festival couplets and blessing characters, using pen and ink to convey the blessings and hopes of the New Year. These activities not only enriched her life, but also allowed her to experience the charm of traditional culture more deeply.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In Yang Yuying's home, there is also a special corner - her small courtyard.

This space, which is less than 20 square meters, has been carefully created by her into a dream place full of idyllic style. Surrounded by flowers, fruits and vegetables and vines, it seems to be in a paradise away from the hustle and bustle.

Here, she can enjoy the fun of farming and feel the gifts and gifts of nature.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Under careful care, the process of seed germination and growth is also full of healing power.

Watching the small green shoots poke their heads out of the soil and grow towards the sun, the tenacity and beauty of that life make people sigh at the magic and greatness of nature.

And with the passage of time, the process of the plant gradually growing and growing stronger is full of expectations and hopes.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Whenever the harvest season comes, Yang Yuying will pick the fruits of her hard work with joy.

Each bright fruit has an enticing aroma that sparkles enchantingly in the shimmer of light. These fruits not only satisfy her taste buds, but also make her feel the satisfaction and happiness of hard work and harvest.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

However, life is not always smooth sailing, and Yang Yuying has also experienced injuries and setbacks. But she always maintains a positive attitude to face all difficulties and challenges.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

She never loses her temper, and always treats people with a gentle and warm attitude, making people feel the warmth and comfort of a spring breeze.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

This positive attitude towards life not only makes her stronger and more confident, but also infects the people around her, conveying positive energy and hope.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In order to cultivate self-cultivation and adjust her mentality, Yang Yuying also likes to taste tea, feel the tenderness of time and the tranquility of the years in the fragrance of tea, so that the soul can be comforted and nourished by peace.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Drinking tea is not only a way of life, but also a manifestation of a state of mind, tasting nature and understanding life in the fragrance of tea, so that the soul can find a peaceful harbor in the noisy world.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In addition to tasting tea, she also loves to read books, swim in the ocean of knowledge, absorb wisdom and strength, and know how to cherish the present and love life after reading thousands of sails.

Face the glitz and bustle of the world with a normal heart, and find the pure land of the soul in the fragrance of tea and books.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself
After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

In Yang Yuying's life, every detail is full of warmth and poetry, and she interprets the true meaning of the quiet years in her own way.

Let us see the beauty and hope of life, and let us cherish the current time and everything we have more.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself

Yang Yuying's attitude towards life has undoubtedly given us great inspiration.

In this fast-paced and high-pressure society, we should probably learn to face all kinds of challenges and difficulties in life with a calm and warm heart, feel the beauty and poetry of life, cherish the time with family and friends, and taste the happiness and satisfaction of every moment.

After seeing Yang Yuying's yard, I understood what it means to be quiet, raise flowers and vegetables, and use time to heal myself


The quiet years are the life state that everyone yearns for, and Yang Yuying interprets this beauty with her lifestyle.

May we all be like her, find our own poetry and distance in ordinary days, and let our hearts flow peacefully in the long river of years.

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