
She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

author:Luna talks about life

In 1974, Xie Yuxin was born in a relatively well-off family in Hefei, Anhui Province. Her father worked for a local electricity company, while her mother had been in poor health since she was injured in an accident before Xie Yuxin was born.

Despite this, little Xie Yuxin still came to this world in good health. Since childhood, Xie Yuxin has shown extraordinary talent. The teachers all thought that she would be able to go to university in the future.

However, Xie Yuxin's parents had other plans. They hope that their daughter can learn the traditional Huangmei opera of Anhui Province and take art as a career development direction. So, when Xie Yuxin was in middle school, her parents sent her to study at Huangmei Opera Art School.

Xie Yuxin has a natural love for the art of opera in her hometown. Knowing that she had her parents' expectations on her shoulders, she worked hard during her time at school to make a difference in this field.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

However, fate dealt her a heavy blow. Just two months before graduation, Xie Yuxin's mother suddenly fell seriously ill, and her condition quickly deteriorated into uremia. In order to take care of her mother, Xie Yuxin had to drop out of school.

At the end of her life, the mother had only one wish, hoping that her daughter would start a family as soon as possible. In order to fulfill her mother's last wish, 18-year-old Xie Yuxin agreed to the family's arrangement and hastily married the son of a provincial leader.

Soon after Xie Yuxin's flash marriage, her mother died. The blow of losing a loved one made Xie Yuxin grief-stricken, and even fainted from crying for a while. However, fate doesn't seem to intend to give her a respite.

When she woke up in the hospital, she was told that she was pregnant. Cracks soon began to appear in this hasty marriage. Xie Yuxin and her husband do not have a deep emotional foundation, and conflicts continue to accumulate.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

In the end, the two chose to separate. The next year, Xie Yuxin gave birth to a daughter alone, and then divorced her husband. Giving birth to a child at the age of 18, the death of his mother, and the breakdown of his marriage, this series of blows almost crushed the young Xie Yuxin.

In order to take care of her daughter wholeheartedly, she had to temporarily put her opera career on hold. Faced with the pressure and gossip around her, Xie Yuxin was tormented in her heart. In the end, she made up her mind to change the status quo, took her young daughter, and went to Hainan to work hard to make a living, opening a new chapter in her life.

In the early spring of 1995, Xie Yuxin carried hope for the future, holding her infant daughter in one hand, and embarked on a journey to Qionghai City, Hainan Province. Through a friend's recommendation, she found a job as a resident singer at a dance hall called "Wanghailou".

Xie Yuxin's beautiful appearance and sweet voice soon attracted attention in the dance hall. Her unique way of performing often invites the audience to sing on stage, and this kind of friendly and interesting interaction has won a lot of applause.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

Xie Yuxin's eyes flashed with hope and determination, and she knew that this could be a turning point in her life. A twist of fate quietly came in a fortuitous performance. On that day, Xie Yuxin invited the audience to the stage to sing as usual, and a tall man was invited.

This man was the fugitive Shen Junlin who was later exposed, and he was known as "Pan Shunbao" at that time. The encounter between the two completely changed the trajectory of Xie Yuxin's life. From the moment he fell in love at first sight, Shen Junlin launched a crazy pursuit of Xie Yuxin.

Xie Yuxin was moved by his new and firm love, and her heart rippled. During the relationship in Hainan, Shen Junlin not only treated Xie Yuxin and her daughter sincerely, but also secretly operated to seek development opportunities for her.

In 1996, under the control of Shen Junlin, Xie Yuxin released her first solo single "Flower Street", which opened the curtain of her music career. Xie Yuxin's eyes flashed with excitement and gratitude, and she finally saw the dawn of her career.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

The following year, Xie Yuxin took advantage of the victory and released the album "Backgammon", and participated in starring in many TV series. Due to the excellent quality of the works and the publicity in place, Xie Yuxin can be said to be an instant hit, and he walked out of his own film and television road in a short period of time.

It is particularly worth mentioning the episode of the TV series "Carry on Love to the End", which not only made Xie Yuxin famous in one fell swoop, but also confirmed her character as "the head of the jade girl" to a large extent.

Xie Yuxin's excellent acting skills and several youth brainwashing songs in the play made her establish a positive image in the hearts of the audience, especially young people. In 1999, Xie Yuxin, whose career was gradually emerging, ushered in another highlight moment in his life.

She made her debut on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala and sang "Spring Blossoms". Xie Yuxin's crisp and pleasant voice and clean and sweet temperament are unforgettable, and she is known as "a new generation of Liu Xiaoqing".

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

In fact, at that time, she was often compared by the media with Yang Yuying, who was a smash hit at the time. Standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Xie Yuxin's eyes were full of joy and gratitude.

She knew that she had finally ushered in the spring of her career, and all of this was inseparable from the man she met by chance. However, she didn't know what opportunities and challenges the relationship would bring her.

In 2000, Xie Yuxin appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again, and this time she cooperated with popular singers Pu Shu and Jin Haixin, which undoubtedly pushed her fame and influence to a new height.

Xie Yuxin's eyes flashed with confidence and joy, and she knew that she was standing at the pinnacle of her career. In the next few years, Xie Yuxin's career was booming. She has participated in the recording of an endless stream of TV drama works, and has also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala three times.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

During this period, Xie Yuxin's popularity even surpassed that of Yang Yuying, who was a smash hit at the time, and the media often compared the two. Xie Yuxin is known as the "head of the jade girl in the mainland", and her pure image and outstanding talent have won the love of the audience.

However, while their careers were booming, the relationship between Xie Yuxin and Shen Junlin quietly cracked. On the surface, Shen Junlin has always been the driving force behind Xie Yuxin's career development, but for a long time, he began to often stay home at night, and his feelings for Xie Yuxin seemed to have become alienated.

Xie Yuxin was keenly aware of these changes, and her heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. She tried to salvage the relationship, but Shen Junlin became more and more elusive. Xie Yuxin's eyes showed confusion and pain, she didn't understand why there was a crisis in her love life when her career was at its most brilliant.

It wasn't until 2004 that Shen Junlin suddenly proposed to break up and gave Xie Yuxin a blow to the head. This sudden decision plunged Xie Yuxin into deep grief. She recalls that her heart was filled with shock, anger and helplessness.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

What made Xie Yuxin even more sad was that Shen Junlin smashed the signboard for her back then, but now he chose to leave her. After the breakup, Xie Yuxin had no way to verify the real reason for Shen Junlin's departure.

After all, in the years they have been together, she doesn't even know Shen Junlin's real name. Xie Yuxin's eyes were full of confusion and pain, and she didn't know where her future would go.

Despite the devastation in her love life, Xie Yuxin did not let personal problems affect her career. She still maintains a professional attitude and continues to shine on the stage.

However, what Xie Yuxin did not know was that an even bigger storm was quietly approaching, and this storm would completely change the trajectory of her life. In 2004, just a few months after Shen Junlin and Xie Yuxin broke up, a shocking revelation was exposed, which instantly detonated public opinion across the country.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

It turned out that Shen Junlin was a felony who escaped from the first-instance trial in Harbin 20 years ago and was wanted for many years. He was arrested for bribing Li Jianzhong, the former director of the Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, and thus exposed his major criminal identity.

As soon as this news came out, the whole country was in an uproar. Xie Yuxin endured heavy blows from the field of public opinion one after another, and her face was full of shock and overwhelm. As a client who has been in a relationship with a major fugitive for many years, her origin, experience and character have been scrutinized and questioned by the whole society in an instant.

Xie Yuxin recalled the scene at that time, and her heart was full of shock, anger and helplessness. She never imagined that the man she loved so much would hide such an amazing secret.

What made Xie Yuxin even more sad was that Shen Junlin smashed the signboard for her back then, but now he dragged her into the water as well. As the Shen Junlin case continues to ferment, public opinion's personal attacks on Xie Yuxin are also rising wave after wave.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

Regarding her origin and life experience, all questions have been raised, and negative remarks such as her being "adopted" by Shen Junlin have even been circulated. Even Xie Yuxin's 18-year-old childbirth, divorce and other past events have been turned out and pointed out.

The original innocent image of the "head of the jade girl" collapsed overnight, and Xie Yuxin became the target of everyone's abuse. Her career has taken a heavy hit, and the public image she has worked so hard to build over the years is in jeopardy.

Xie Yuxin's eyes were full of pain and confusion, and she felt as if her world had fallen apart overnight. Faced with such tremendous pressure and blows, Xie Yuxin fell into deep self-doubt for a while.

She kept recalling the bits and pieces of her time with Shen Junlin, trying to find any clues that might hint at his true identity. However, the more she thought about it, the more helpless and hopeless Xie felt about it.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

During this difficult period, Xie Yuxin chose to temporarily stay out of the public eye and avoid the overwhelming negative news. She locked herself in her home, afraid to see people, and even afraid to answer the phone.

Every day, she was tormented by pain and self-blame, not knowing how to face this sudden blow. However, in this predicament, Xie Yuxin did not choose to give up completely.

As time passed, a hint of determination appeared in her eyes. Xie Yuxin realized that she had to stand up for her and her daughter's future. She knew it was time to make a change and reinvent her life.

In 2006, in order to vent her complex emotions, Xie Yuxin chose an extreme way to reinvent herself. She shaved her head in public to show the outside world that she was transforming and turning her life around.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

This bold act was seen as her determination to draw a line with the past, and her eyes shone with determination and courage. After half a year of precipitation and adjustment, in 2007, Xie Yuxin regained the pillars of his career and released the single "Fighting the Landlord".

This song was in full swing at the time, and its popularity and downloads were at the top of major music charts. Xie Yuxin has proved with practical actions that as long as she creates with her heart, her music is still quite attractive.

In addition to music, Xie Yuxin has never given up in film and television. She has participated in the recording of many dramas such as "Poker Game of the Miracle Three" and "Eternal Loyalty". Among them, "Eternal Loyalty" won the first prize of the 29th TV series "Feitian Award", which is undoubtedly a great affirmation of Xie Yuxin's acting skills.

Xie Yuxin's eyes rekindled the light of hope, and she knew that she was rebuilding her career and life step by step. Despite the turmoil of the past, she was not crushed.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

On the contrary, Xie Yuxin's shaved head showed her courage to surpass herself and reinvent her image. In 2014, Xie Yuxin's career ushered in a new turning point. She cooperated with singer Xie Xiaowei to set up the singing group "Auspicious Ruyi" to send New Year's wishes to everyone.

The establishment of this group not only shows Xie Yuxin's new attempts in music, but also symbolizes her positive attitude towards life. Looking back on this process of self-reinvention, Xie Yuxin's biggest experience is that when encountering unforeseen circumstances, only if the heart is tenacious enough can she withstand the difficulties.

She used her actions to interpret what true courage is and what love for life is. Xie Yuxin's story has undoubtedly brought hope and inspiration to many people facing difficulties.

Today, 50-year-old Xie Yuxin has come out of the haze of the past and lives a peaceful life. She often shares her warm daily life with herself and her daughter on social platforms, and enjoys the happy time with her daughter.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

Xie Yuxin's eyes showed tranquility and contentment, as if she had experienced a clear sky after a storm. Looking back on the ups and downs of the first half of her life, Xie Yuxin has a new understanding of life.

She deeply realized that only if her heart is tenacious enough can she withstand difficulties when encountering unforeseen circumstances. Although she was shocked by the exposure of Shen Junlin's identity, she was not completely crushed by this incident.

On the contrary, Xie Yuxin showed the courage to surpass herself and reinvent her image in her own way. Regarding Shen Junlin's past, Xie Yuxin chose a tolerant and kind attitude. Although the relationship has cast many shadows on her life, she still approaches the experience with understanding.

Xie Yuxin's eyes flashed with wisdom and open-mindedness, and she knew that only by letting go of the past could she truly gain a new life. Today's Xie Yuxin cherishes the current peaceful life even more.

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 18, appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was popular with Yang Yuying at her peak, but lived with the fugitive for three years

Instead of clinging to the glory of the past, she focused on getting along with her daughter. Xie Yuxin's story, from giving birth to a daughter at the age of 18 to the Spring Festival Gala for the fourth time, from being popular with Yang Yuying at her peak to living with a fugitive for three years, and then to today's peaceful life, is undoubtedly a dramatic life journey.

This experience made Xie Yuxin understand the true meaning of life better. She proved with her actions that no matter how big the setbacks are, as long as you remain strong and courageous, you will definitely be able to get back on your feet.

Xie Yuxin's story is not only an inspirational legend for her, but also a source of hope and inspiration for many people facing difficulties.

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