
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

author:Yu Jin's Food

1. Steamed pork patties

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

Ingredients: Corn and pork.

Seasoning: ginger, soy sauce, starch.

The production steps are as follows:

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

1. Wash and cut the white cocoon and set aside, mince the pork and set aside, add minced meat to the bowl, add an appropriate amount of minced ginger, soy sauce and starch and stir well. Add the white corn kernels, stir well and set aside.

2. Stir the minced meat, put it in a steaming bowl, boil the water, boil the water in the pot and steam for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes, sprinkle with chopped green onions and start eating.

2. Meat sandwich buns

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

Ingredients: chicken thighs, green peppers, finger cakes, onions.

Seasoning: light soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce.

The production steps are as follows:

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

1. Wash the chicken thighs, change the knife for later use, cut the onion into shreds, spread it on the bottom of the rice cooker, put in the chicken thighs, add 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, a bowl of water, and cook in rice mode. 2. Take out the cold point and chop it, add the green chili pepper and chop it, pour some soup from boiling chicken thighs, stir well and set aside.

2.3. Take out and thaw the finger cake, roll it into long strips, roll it up again, flatten it, heat the oil in the pan, fry it in the pan with hot oil, fry it until it is golden and crispy on both sides, take it out completely cooked, make a hole from the side, sandwich the minced meat just now, and then pour some soup on it to eat.

3. Lettuce fried rice

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

Ingredients: eggs, leftover rice, luncheon meat, lettuce.

Seasoning: light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cumin powder.

The steps are as follows:

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

1. Heat the oil, fry the eggs in the hot oil and put them out for later use, add oil to the pot, add the cloves of the lunch meat cut in advance and fry them until fragrant, and pour in the scrambled eggs just now.

2. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, stir-fry evenly, pour in the leftover rice, add cumin powder, stir-fry evenly over high heat until the rice is one grain at a time, add lettuce, stir-fry over high heat for 30 seconds, and you can eat it out of the pot.

Fourth, leek egg cake

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

Ingredients: leeks, eggs, flour.

Seasoning: five-spice powder, salt.

The steps are as follows:

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

1. Wash the leeks, drain and chop them, add 3 tablespoons of flour, 3 eggs, an appropriate amount of five-spice powder and salt, stir well and set aside.

2. Heat the oil, scoop in a spoonful of batter in the hot oil, arrange it into a round cake shape, fry on one side until it is set, then turn it over to the other side, until both sides are fried until browned, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

5. Porridge with mushroom pork ribs

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

Ingredients: pork ribs, rice, shiitake mushrooms, green vegetables.

Seasoning: pepper, sesame oil, salt.

The steps are as follows:

I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network
I declare that my mother-in-law's breakfast is the best on the whole network

1. Wash the rice and soak it for 2 hours in advance for later use, wash the ribs, soak it in cold water to remove the blood, and use kitchen paper to absorb the surface moisture.

2. Heat the oil, fry the pork ribs until the surface is golden brown, add the pre-cut shiitake mushroom slices and stir-fry until the shiitake mushroom slices are soft, then add two bowls of boiling water.

3. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer for 15 minutes, add soaked rice, cook for 25 minutes, add pepper, sesame oil, lettuce, stir evenly and cook for another 1 minute, turn off the heat and start eating.