
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

author:Yu Jin's Food

1. Double pepper fish pieces

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

Ingredients: grass carp, beer.

Seasoning: salt, chicken essence, pepper, steamed fish soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger, pickled pepper, chopped chili, black bean sauce, chopped green onion.

The production steps are as follows:

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

1. Wash the grass carp, cut it into pieces, add salt, chicken essence, pepper, steamed fish soy sauce, oyster sauce, appropriate amount of beer, ginger, grasp and mix evenly and marinate for 30 minutes for later use.

2. Add chopped peppers, pickled peppers, and tempeh to the bowl and stir well for later use, put the marinated fish pieces in a bowl, pour in the stirred chili peppers, and drizzle with 35 grams of cooking oil.

3. Boil the water, boil the water and steam for 30 minutes, sprinkle with chopped green onions and eat.

2. Stir-fried sea cucumber with chili

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

Ingredients: sea cucumber, pork, green chili.

Seasoning: millet spicy, garlic, tempeh, soybean paste, light soy sauce, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate.

The production steps are as follows:

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

1. Wash the green chili pepper and cut it into sections for later use, wash and slice the pork for later use, heat the pot without oil, add the chili pepper and fry until the tiger skin is in a state and serve it for later use.

2. Add oil to the pot, fry the pork under the heat of oil until it changes color, pour in the fried green peppers, add minced garlic, millet spicy, black bean sauce, a small half spoon of soybean paste, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a small half spoon of sugar, a little salt, a little monosodium glutamate, stir well, stir over high heat for 30 seconds to get out of the pot and eat.

3. Grilled pork chops at home

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

Ingredients: pork loin, eggs.

Seasoning: soy sauce, sugar, tomato paste, garlic slices, ginger slices, soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch.

The steps are as follows:

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

1. Mix a teriyaki sauce: add a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of tomato paste, and a bowl of water to the bowl and stir well for later use.

2. Wash the pork tenderloin, cut it into 1 cm thick slices, beat it horizontally and vertically with the back of a knife, add ginger slices, garlic slices, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a tablespoon of starch, grasp and mix evenly and marinate for 15 minutes for later use.

3. Pour oil into the pan, heat the oil and wrap the marinated pork loin with a layer of egg liquid, then cover with a layer of starch cornstarch, repeat twice, put it in the pan and fry it slowly, and slowly fry it over low heat until golden brown on both sides.

4. Pour in the teriyaki juice just adjusted, cover and cook over low heat until transparent, and the juice can be eaten on high heat.

Fourth, fried meat with eggs

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

Ingredients: pork, eggs, green and red peppers.

Seasoning: salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, minced garlic.

The steps are as follows:

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

1. Heat the oil, fry the eggs in the hot oil and put them out for later use, add oil to the pot, add the green and red peppers cut in advance and stir-fry them to make them spicy, add a little salt to fry the peppers until soft, and set aside.

2. Pour oil into the pot again, fry the pork cut in advance under the heat of the oil, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in green and red peppers, scrambled eggs, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, stir-fry evenly over high heat and you can start eating.

5. Ketchup cauliflower

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

Ingredients: tomatoes, cauliflower.

Seasoning: light soy sauce, oyster sauce, minced garlic, salt, chopped green onion.

The steps are as follows:

lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking
lost weight and lost the soup again, who let me meet a mother-in-law who is so good at cooking

1. Wash the cauliflower, tear it into small pieces, boil the water, blanch the cauliflower in the water, and put it out for later use.

2. Friends in the pot, fry the minced garlic in the hot oil until fragrant, add the pre-cut tomato pieces and stir-fry the juice, and pour in the blanched cauliflower.

3. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a little salt, stir-fry over high heat for 30 seconds, sprinkle with chopped green onions and stir-fry two or three times to eat.

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