
Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

author:When he woke up, he was drunk

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: "Lao Tzu is going to kill you!" What is the background of this surprising scene? Yijie Buyi's own uncle actually made the mighty and majestic General Xu so angry, what is the deep hatred and hatred that makes this pair of relatives whose blood is thicker than water turn against each other? Is it just an impulsive anger, or is it a deep hatred that has been precipitated over the years? In the revolutionary era, everyone was in danger, and the power often made people lose their minds, and there was a difference between relatives and relatives. So, how will this conflict, which shocked the villagers, end up? Once upon a time, family affection or reason would prevail?

1. A glorious but difficult family

When it comes to General Xu Shiyou's family background, it can be said that he came from a humble background. He was born into an ordinary peasant family, his family was poor, and he made a living from farming. Xu Shiyou has seen the hardships of the world since he was a child and grew up in a poor environment.

The ancestors of the Xu family have been farming for generations, and their ancestors have only a few acres of contracted land from generation to generation. Although it was not too poor, in those days, the family was often stretched thin. Even Xu Shiyou's name was given by his parents in a kind of expectation. His name "Shiyou" means "nothing to do with the world", and he hopes that his son can pursue a different life and not be just a poor peasant like them for generations.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

When Xu Shiyou was a child, there were only two people in the family: his mother and him. His father died when he was very young, leaving an old man and a young man alone. In order to support the family, her mother had to abandon the greenhouse and start her own business from scratch, making ends meet by doing some odd jobs.

In those years, Xu Shiyou's mother came and went in the wind and rain, and she was covered with bruises. Sometimes I didn't eat a full meal for several days in a row, so I could only nibble on some wild vegetables to satisfy my hunger. And Xu Shiyou, who was young, could only watch his mother crawl through the difficulties and could not do anything.

The mother worked hard to pull the child to grow up little by little. In those days, women had no power and power, and life was not easy. But she never gave up, not only did she not abandon the child, but did everything she could to maintain this small family.

The family is surrounded by walls, but the lives of the mother and son have not been swallowed up in a desperate situation. Mother's love warmed the heart of little Xu Shiyou like the rising sun, and she taught Xu Shiyou to understand what tenacity is, what courage is, and what hope is with her actions.

Although the family is poor, his mother has never slackened in Xu Shiyou's education. In her poor life, she still did her best to give Xu Shiyou the opportunity to go to school and read and write. She hopes that her son will have a skill and will not be like their family without food and clothing in the future.

Under the influence of his mother, Xu Shiyou has established the belief of changing the status quo since he was a child. Those years of hardship forged Xu Shiyou's tenacious and unyielding personality and laid the foundation for his outstanding achievements in the revolutionary cause in the future.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

2. Participatory Revolution

Xu Shiyou, who was tormented by poverty, was determined to change his fate since he was a child. His mother's hard work made him realize the injustice of the old society and ignited his ambition for reform. In 1927, under the opportunity to get in touch with the revolutionary cause, Xu Shiyou joined the Communist Party of China and started his revolutionary career.

Xu Shiyou, who was young and vigorous, volunteered to join the arduous rural guerrilla forces and carried out the construction of the party's base areas in the mountains and deep ravines. In this way, he began his long journey on the road of revolution.

At first, Xu Shiyou was just a small guerrilla, in charge of some basic work. However, he scrupulously abided by revolutionary discipline, and was born and died in the rain of bullets for many years, and soon showed his outstanding military command ability.

In 1930, he took part in a battle in Jiangxi that was besieged by the enemy. It was winter, and the mountains were covered with snow and white fog. The enemy attacked with heavy troops, and the guerrillas were almost surrounded by enemy layers. The situation is extremely critical, and most people are ready to resign themselves to fate.

At this critical moment, Xu Shiyou made an impromptu decision and commanded all the team members to flee along a canyon. The enemy set fire to smoke screens into the canyon from afar, intending to leave the partisans with nowhere to hide.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

Xu Shiyou made a quick decision and ordered someone to blow up a crack, and everyone urgently drilled into the ground. The enemy did not notice any movement outside the gorge and, believing that the guerrillas had been completely annihilated, withdrew as such.

In this way, Xu Shiyou relied on his extraordinary command skills and bold decision-making to lead all the personnel to escape from death. From then on, he became famous among the partisans.

In 1933, Xu Shiyou joined the Red Army of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and since then his career has risen step by step. In the following years, he successively participated in major revolutionary events such as the Zunyi Conference and the Brazilian Division, and made many military exploits, as if he had become an outstanding military talent.

During the civil war, Xu Shiyou made great achievements. In the Battle of Jinsui in 1947, he led more than 100,000 troops to drive straight in, captured the enemy's base camp in Shanxi, and turned the entire tide of the war. In this battle, Xu Shiyou interpreted the ancient motto of "encircling but not annihilating, decisively but not attacking" with actions, reflecting Yuanyu's military wisdom.

In the Pingjin Campaign the following year, Xu Shiyou made even more meritorious achievements, fighting a textbook battle in a small urban environment. He cut off the enemy's only retreat route and smashed into the tiger's den, causing the opponent to collapse, and finally took the Pingjin area in one fell swoop.

After the baptism of these battles, Xu Shiyou grew from a young soldier to a battle-hardened military commander, and his reputation was growing day by day, and his fame was at home and abroad. His eloquence and extraordinary command laid the foundation for his more brilliant performance on the road of revolution in the future.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

3. Betrayal when returning to visit relatives in his hometown

The war-torn era has finally passed, and the land of China has returned to a peaceful scene. General Xu Shiyou made outstanding achievements and made great contributions in the revolutionary war. But at the same time, he also neglected his family for years. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he finally had the opportunity to temporarily put aside military affairs and return to his hometown to visit his relatives.

In the spring of 1950, Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown in Henan with mixed feelings. In addition to the joy of reunion after a long absence, he inevitably felt strange and guilty about his relatives he hadn't seen for a long time. When he set foot on the land of his homeland, memories flooded over him.

Walking through the familiar village roads and alleys, Xu Shiyou had mixed feelings in his heart. Too many things have changed over the years, and the village has changed beyond recognition. The barren streets have now been replaced by new houses, and the lives of the villagers have been turned upside down.

Compared with the great changes in the appearance of the village, what makes Xu Shiyou even more shocking is the change of his relatives. When he walked into the ancestral home, the broken gate came into view. The open space in front of the door is the same, but the mother and sisters of the past can no longer be found.

The house was quiet and empty. Xu Shiyou called repeatedly, but still couldn't wait for any response. This made him feel extremely frightened, for fear that something would happen to his family. Fortunately, the neighbor told her mother that she was just going out to work.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

When he came to the field, Xu Shiyou saw a rickety figure plowing the ground from a distance. The vague outline instantly reminded him of a childhood scene where his mother worked hard and rain or shine, working all day long without enough income. It is heart-wrenching that the image of the mother is so haggard today.

Xu Shiyou couldn't help but rush forward, knelt down in front of his mother, and didn't say a word for a long time. After many years of fighting abroad, as long as he thinks of his mother's hardships, his heart will be like a knife and tears will rain down. And seeing his mother so difficult made him even more heartbroken.

The mother's eyes were glazed, and she looked at the heroic and strong man in front of her, and it was difficult to recognize it for a while. Time flies, and they really haven't seen each other for too long. Afterwards, the mother and son wept bitterly, hugged each other, and could no longer speak.

At the rare moment of reunion between the two, an unexpected person appeared. Xu Shiyou's own uncle Xu Cunli held some gifts and greeted him with an unnatural expression.

Xu Shiyou recognized him at a glance. It was none other than the uncle who wanted to betray his mother and sisters during an extremely difficult time. How could this man be on this occasion? He was immediately furious, threw the gift on the ground, drew his pistol and pointed it at Xu Cunli, and roared to kill him!

For a while, the originally warm scene suddenly became tense. Both mother and Xu Cunli were stunned by Xu Shiyou's reaction, and begged Xu Shiyou to calm his anger at a loss. And Xu Shiyou's heart is surging with years of humiliation and hatred.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

Fourth, justice and righteousness destroy relatives

Seeing his own uncle who had been betrayed on the spot, how could Xu Shiyou not be angry? The unrelenting incident of that year still hangs in his heart today.

Looking back, my family was in the most difficult time. The mother and sisters were penniless and had to sell the last of their possessions in exchange for a living. At this critical moment, his uncle Xu Cunli took the initiative to offer a plan, saying that he would betray his mother and sisters in exchange for a sum of money.

Hearing this outrageous suggestion, Xu Shiyou felt that five thunders had hit the top at that time, and his whole body was like being struck by lightning. As the only male in the family, Xu Shiyou has the responsibility to protect this family. How could he watch his loved ones being sold?

So, Xu Shiyou resolutely rejected his uncle's suggestion. He scolded Xu Cunli, denouncing him for being inhumane and inferior to a beast. The two thus formed a bond and drifted apart.

Who knew that many years later, Xu Cunli, the enemy, would appear in front of his mother with a dead face? Seeing this scene, how could Xu Shiyou endure it? Immediately he drew his pistol and couldn't wait to end the enemy's life.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

In the face of Xu Shiyou's anger, Xu Cunli was so frightened that he fell to his knees, crying and begging for mercy. However, Xu Shiyou only sneered at this, he had already accumulated too much hatred for his uncle's shameless behavior.

Seeing this, the mother hurriedly stepped forward to stop her son. She begged her son to spare Xu Cunli's life and not to do anything hurtful. But Xu Shiyou was blinded by hatred at this time, and turned a deaf ear to his mother's pleas.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, the guards around Xu Shiyou also hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to stop the general's atrocities. However, Xu Shiyou's martial arts are mighty, and these little pawns can't help it at all.

At this critical moment, Xu Cunli suddenly knelt down and wept bitterly and said the beginning and end of the year: the reason why he put forward such a dirty suggestion was entirely because his family was surrounded by walls and his life was in a desperate situation. He was helpless to have that kind of evil thought. Since that incident, he has been living a life of self-deprecation, constantly condemned by his conscience......

Hearing these words, Xu Shiyou, who was determined to get rid of Xu Cunli, was also shaken. As a soldier, he knew how desperate poverty could be. At that time, Xu Cunli may have fallen into that whirlpool.

Fifth, family affection and reason triumph over hatred

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

Xu Cunli's pleading and confession finally calmed Xu Shiyou down. The hatred that had once vanished in an instant, and he realized that hatred was a terrible emotion that would make people lose their minds.

Xu Shiyou lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then pointed the gun in his hand at himself and said to his mother: "Mother, do you think I should end my life here?" If hatred had turned me into this bloodthirsty look, I would rather die for now. "

The mother was taken aback by her son's words, and waved her hand again and again: "Son, you can't do this! Hatred is terrible, but reason is even more important. Now that you have the weight of the country, and the people of the whole country have high hopes, how can you take your own life?"

"But mother, look at me like this, hatred has turned me into a bloodthirsty beast." Xu Shiyou said bitterly, "You have seen it, I actually wanted to kill my uncle's family, it is really a crime. "

The mother shook her head and comforted: "You are a revolutionary soldier, how many life and death tests have you experienced?" In that environment, it is inevitable to lose your mind. But as long as you maintain your good nature, you will never degenerate into a demon. "

"Mother, you have a point." Xu Shiyou nodded, and turned the muzzle of the gun to Xu Cunli, "But uncle, what you did back then, I really can't let go." "

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

Xu Cunli was so frightened that he trembled, and quickly kowtowed to admit his mistake: "Nephew, I did something wrong back then!" I was forced by poverty, and I was confused for a moment before I had such vicious thoughts. Since then, I have been condemning myself every day and living a life that is worse than death...... If you do kill you, I'll do it!"

Seeing this, the onlookers also pleaded for Xu Cunli and persuaded Xu Shiyou not to hurt the innocent. At this time, the mother knelt in front of her son and begged his subordinates to show mercy.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shiyou's eyes couldn't help but moisten. He remembered the same despair of the poor family he had had had all those years ago. If I had been condemned by others at that time, I am afraid that I would have been doomed.

In the end, Xu Shiyou put down the gun in his hand and helped his mother and Xu Cunli up. He said, "Uncle, what I said just now is actually a test of whether you truly repent. Now that you do have a deep repentance, I no longer hold a grudge. However, you should also remember that while family affection is important, justice should be paramount. If you do something wrong, remember to be humble and change it. "

Hearing his nephew's forgiveness, Xu Cunli was reborn and agreed. The mother and the villagers were also sincerely happy and stepped forward to thank them.

In this way, a catastrophe finally did not happen. Xu Shiyou let go of obsession and hatred, and defeated family affection with reason and righteousness. Since then, he has also regained his understanding of the value of family affection, and he no longer neglects to take care of his mother and relatives.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown, saw his uncle who came to visit, and shouted: Lao Tzu is going to kill you

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