
Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

author:Liu Youyi

I am a former security guard and am now unemployed at home. I didn't get a single point of entry, but I didn't worry. What is there to worry about? The days go by day by day, and living is a mood.

Don't look at me poor, but I'm happy. I'm in a good mood and I'm optimistic.

My old friend Li took me as a role model. He said that he had never seen a person who owed hundreds of thousands of mortgages and lost his job, and he was very happy to be happy with me all day long.

He asked me how I did it. I told him to go to school. What did he say he was going to read?

I told him to read the Tao Te Ching.

Lao Li listened to me and bought a copy of Wang's Tao Te Ching from the Internet. After watching it for two days, he sent a message, saying that he was a little confused and couldn't understand it.

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

I asked Lao Li to go downstairs to the grove in the evening to talk in detail, and repeatedly told Lao Li that he must bring enough soft bags of Huazi and start with two packs.

In the evening, I took two mazahs and a thermos cup and went downstairs to the grove in the community. Lao Li has already arrived. He was such a good student.

The two of us sat in the woods, with the breeze blowing, leisurely.

Lao Li handed me Huazi, smoked his Huazi, and began to talk to Lao Li about the Tao Te Ching.

I always think that the Tao Te Ching should start in such a situation. To tell you the truth, whenever I see someone sitting in a particular study, blowing the air conditioner, leaning against a row of neat bookcases, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a big back hair, talking about the Tao Te Ching, with a mouth full of oil, I will immediately black.

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

The Tao Te Ching is not a dream of red mansions, it will not become a prominent study, and it will not become a job.

The Tao Te Ching should be like me, sitting in the woods, blowing the dusk wind, drinking light and tasteless tea, two old friends are idle, you say a word, I say a word, nothing to do with right or wrong, nothing to do with red dust, casual chat.

I once had one such friend, the poet, but unfortunately he went back to his hometown to farm. Now I can only make small talk with Lao Li.

The poet is very learned, and I am his audience. Although Lao Li doesn't have much knowledge, he has Huazi.

Don't be sorry if you're gone. To live at this time is to understand people.

After smoking a Huazi, Lao Li suddenly asked me, "Is Lao Tzu a little?" ”

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

I have read the Tao Te Ching more than 100 times, so I naturally know the source of Lao Li's words. In addition, he has just come into contact with the Tao Te Ching, so he must not be able to read a few chapters.

It should be that I saw the six chapters "Ceres' Immortality", and I asked this question when I saw Xuanqi.

The god of grains is immortal, it is called Xuanqi. The gate of Xuanqi is the root of heaven and earth. If it exists, it is not used diligently.

I asked Lao Li if he had seen this chapter? Lao Li said yes. I told Lao Li that this chapter is about the content of the Tao and the characteristics of the Tao. For ordinary people like us who don't want to achieve anything by reading the Tao Te Ching, it's enough to understand the characteristic of "the Tao is not diligent".

What should Lao Li say about the word "diligence"? The word "diligence" should be spoken. It means that the word "has an infinite effect." ”

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

Then why does Lao Tzu compare the Tao to the god of ceres, and talk about immortality, is this the Taoist method?

Lao Li is obviously a little crazy and wants to go astray. I'm going to have to pull him back.

I told Lao Li to understand "Ceres" as another name for enlightenment. Immortality does not refer to life, but the "avenue" that we talk about will never stop and will not stop.

Xuan, Xuan is an interjection, which can be understood as wonderful. It is the place where all things come into being. "The god of grains is immortal, it is called Xuanqi". The avenue is as empty as a valley, endless, never stopping. How wonderful she was, giving birth to all things.

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

The Gate of Xuanqi is the "Gate of All Wonders" in the first chapter, the wonderful avenue gives birth to all things in heaven and earth, and gives birth to wonderful beings in the ethereal nothingness, she is the source of life in heaven and earth, and the beginning of all things in the universe.

In order to better explain that "the god of grains is immortal", Lao Tzu continued to write, "If it exists, it is not used diligently." It means that the word will not dry up and will not cease.

Speaking of this, I reached out and took Huazi from Lao Li's hand and ordered one for myself.

Lao Li made me even more confused. He asked, "How does that help us?" We're just ordinary old men, what's the use of learning this? ”

I told Lao Li, have you ever heard of the term "humble valley"?

Lao Li nodded.

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

The "valley" of humility and the immortal "valley" of the god of grains actually mean the same thing. If I regard my own body as a "valley", I don't seek anything when I encounter problems, but instead seek for myself, look at myself, and find problems from myself, so that I can achieve the realm of "humility like a valley".

When we are able to "be humble as a valley", regard our body and mind as a "valley", observe the changes in our emotions at any time, and then "always have no desire to observe the wonderful, always have desire to observe the subtlety", and constantly correct ourselves, we can understand the wonderful use of the "Tao". As for "immortality", it can be understood.

If you follow the way of heaven, you will be endless, and you will be endless.

This is called "longevity".

Lao Li still looked incomprehensible. Seeing that it was getting dark, I had to explain it to Lao Li tomorrow.

Liu Youyi said the Tao Te Ching, and the controversy has never left Lao Tzu, such as the Gate of Xuanji

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