
In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

author:Happy flying

Have you ever heard of a situation where someone has been trafficked, but they have cleverly used the traffickers and ended up selling the traffickers instead?

Since ancient times, the most vicious human traffickers have treated women and children like lambs that can be slaughtered at will. They abduct and sell as they please, without any scruples. For them, these victims are like their prey, and they can do whatever they want.

However, in 2014, something unexpected happened. The traffickers met a unique "big nemesis" - Liu Hui, an 18-year-old girl. When she found out she had been trafficked, she did not panic or panic like the other victims, but remained calm. She skillfully escaped from the clutches, and her actions were unexpectedly powerful. Not only did she call the police, but she also handed over the traffickers who tried to sell her to the police. It can really be said that "with the way of others, the body of others is also governed". The incident came as a shock to the traffickers, who had never encountered such a calm, brave and resourceful victim.

What's the problem?

However, despite the high praise of the "Wonder Girl", her actions, namely the sale of human traffickers, did not escape the scrutiny of the courts and eventually suffered legal justice.

Why is this happening? In the end, how did the court decide on the client known as "Wonder Girl"?

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

[I thought I had met a "well-wisher", but who knew that it was a trafficker with evil intentions]

My wallet was lost and I'm not sure who picked it up! I'm so anxious! This item is important to me, can anyone help me find it? Maybe I'm missing something. Has anyone found my wallet? Please let me know if anyone finds out. Really need it! I'm not sure if this is theft, maybe I just misplaced it. Please help me find it.

One day in 2014, suddenly, a little girl's screams rang out in the lobby of the bus terminal.

An 18-year-old girl named Liu Hui rummaged through her empty pockets, looking annoyed and anxious. After graduating from high school, she originally came to the city with a few friends. After two enjoyable days, her friends chose to stay in the city, but she decided to return alone. She stood at the bus stop, ready to catch the bus home. At this moment, there was both loneliness and a hint of worry in her heart. Faced with the uncertainty of the future and the long journey home, her mood couldn't help but be even lowered. But no matter what, she still has to go home, and this reluctant but imminent station is also full of her expectations and the unknown in anticipation.

After arriving in the county seat, she had to take another means of transportation, and then had to walk more than ten kilometers to reach her home. However, unexpectedly, when she arrived at the station to buy her ticket, she found that her wallet was missing. At this time, there were no acquaintances around to turn to, and she couldn't help but fall into confusion and helplessness.

In the station, everyone was walking in a hurry, and no one seemed to notice Liu Hui, who felt confused and helpless. Suddenly, a fashionable and good-looking middle-aged lady came over and asked in a kind tone, "Little sister, are you in any trouble?" Her appearance made Liu Hui feel a touch of warmth and comfort.

Liu Hui said in a low voice: "My wallet was stolen by thieves, and I don't have the money to go home now." ”

As soon as those words came out, the middle-aged woman's eyes immediately flickered, and then became full of concern. In a soft tone, she asked, "Girl, where do you live?" ”

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

Liu Hui trusted the lady who always cared for her, and she had no doubts. So, she truthfully informed the other party of the specific location of the family. Such conversations and expressions are very direct in her eyes and hearts. This simple woman did not doubt her kindness, and knew that no one cared about her so much except the other person. As a result, she was very honest about sharing her home.

To her surprise, the middle-aged lady suddenly clapped her hands and said in a cheerful tone, "Oh, what a coincidence, girl, we are still fellow villagers." Don't worry, I'll help you buy tickets, let's go home together. She didn't expect to meet such a nice person, the middle-aged lady said: "It's so fateful that we are fellow villagers." Don't worry, I'll help you buy your tickets. Then come with me and go home together. Listening to her words, her heart also warmed.

Liu Hui's face was filled with joy, she thanked again and again, and said to the middle-aged lady gratefully: "Thank you very much, eldest sister, I promise to pay you back as soon as I get home." After speaking, Liu Hui seemed to have found a support, and happily followed the middle-aged lady on the bus.

Liu Hui mistakenly thought that she had met kind things and good people, but she forgot that there is a saying in this world called "appearance is not credible". The meaning of this sentence is that we cannot judge a person's true character and heart just by their appearance or appearance. We should get to know a person more deeply in order to get to know them better. Therefore, we should not jump to conclusions lightly, but should pay more attention and observation.

On the bus, the two passengers talked from time to time. Through communication, Liu Hui learned that the eldest sister who was enthusiastic about helping her was called Liu Mei.

When Liu Hui mentioned that she wanted to find a job, Liu Mei was very enthusiastic to help: "Oh, you hear me, my husband runs a small company and is looking for the right person now. Moreover, he has many friends who have similar needs, and I can help you contact them to see if there are any job opportunities that are suitable for you. This expression retains the original meaning and reduces the repetition of the original text, while using colloquial language and a variety of sentence structures.

Hearing such news, Liu Hui was deeply moved in her heart, and she felt very lucky to meet such a kind person. Although her parents warned her not to talk to strangers easily since she was a child, Liu Hui has completely let go of her guard against Liu Mei at this moment, and she fully trusts and appreciates her. In this way, Liu Hui felt extremely relieved, and her heart was full of gratitude and trust for Liu Mei. Even though the people around her often say not to talk to strangers, she has completely let go of this teaching, because in her eyes, Liu Mei is not a stranger, but a real friend. She feels that she is really lucky to have met such a kind person.

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

After a short period of time, the bus stops at the platform. When Liu Hui was about to transfer to another car with Liu Mei, Liu Mei made a request to her: "Xiaohui, if you are not in a hurry, can you wait for me?" I've got to go to my uncle on the street and I'll be back soon. Liu Hui then waited on the platform for a while, during which she did not feel anxious. Liu Mei quickly went to the street to talk to her uncle. When Liu Mei returned, the two continued their journey. In short, Liu Mei offered to wait for her for a moment in the car because she needed to talk to her uncle. Liu Hui was in no hurry to leave, so she waited for her to come back on the platform. The whole thing is concise and straightforward, in line with the requirements of colloquial expression.

Liu Hui was a little reluctant to go to Liu Mei's uncle's house, but considering that she had no money at the moment and couldn't find any other way, she had to follow Liu Mei. Although she was a little reluctant in her heart, she reluctantly agreed.

After that, Liu Mei stopped a motorcycle on the side of the road, told the driver that the destination was the simple bungalow in front, and the two got in the car and went there.

It was strange to find that the door of the house was closed during the day. Liu Mei approached and knocked on the door, and shouted loudly into the house: "Uncle? I'm Liu Mei. I came to you for something, the topic we talked about before. The voice was clear, as if to convey her eagerness and anticipation.

Soon after, a woman in her fifties peeked out of the door, glanced at Liu Mei, and then looked at Liu Hui with a strange look, which made Liu Hui feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, is it Liu Mei? Come in and sit down. This little girl is so cute, whose baby is this? ”

Liu Mei led Liu Hui into the door and responded, "This is my neighbor in the same village, and she is my aunt." Do you know where my uncle is? ”

"Your uncle has already visited the neighbor's house, you can sit down and rest for a while, and I will go and get him back."

Immediately after the woman had finished speaking, she turned and went to look for someone. When the lady had finished speaking, she turned and went out to find someone.

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

Liu Hui, Liu Mei is a little embarrassed to tell you that the environment of her uncle's house may be relatively simple, I hope you can understand. You don't have to feel uncomfortable, we'll leave as soon as we're done talking. It's not very comfortable, but it's just a temporary stopover.

Soon after, Liu Mei's aunt returned with a man who didn't look very serious and was not dressed properly. As soon as the man entered the room, his eyes fell on Liu Hui very impolitely, and he kept looking at her whole body.

Liu Hui felt uncomfortable because she felt as if she was being watched by a selection, like picking vegetables in a vegetable market. Fortunately, the thoughtful Liu Mei discovered her uneasiness. She said to Liu Hui: "Xiaohui, you can rest in this room first, and I will come back to you after I finish dealing with things." This made Liu Hui feel much more relaxed.

Liu Mei led Liu Hui to another room and helped her close the door.

Liu Hui could finally shake off the lustful gaze of the unpleasant lewd man, and she took a deep breath and felt a sense of relief. However, when she was alone in the quiet room, her heart was beating faster, and there seemed to be an unknown fear growing in her heart. She didn't understand why she felt this way, as if something bad was about to happen.

Liu Hui suddenly felt a rush and felt that she should leave this place quickly. However, when she tries to push the door to leave, she is surprised to find that the door has been locked from the outside. This made her feel a little confused and helpless.

Liu Hui suddenly felt uneasy in her heart, and she quietly approached the window to try to listen. She faintly heard the other party in the conversation, and mentioned some price negotiation content in the words, such as "This price is already very affordable, it looks like the quality is good", "The minimum bid is 5,000 yuan", "The price is too high, can it be cheaper?" Something like that. Although she couldn't hear clearly, she felt more and more unsteady in her heart.

Hearing this, Liu Hui had doubts, what else did she not understand? The so-called well-wishers turned out to be a bunch of human trafficking guys!

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

[Counter the army and sell the traffickers! ] 】

"Five thousand dollars is enough!"

"I can give up to four thousand, you can do it, sell it or not, it's up to you."

"Not enough, you need to add more."

Liu Hui heard a blatant "bargaining" sound outside the house, and the sound was full of ominous meaning. She was locked in the house, and suddenly she felt a panic and fell directly to the ground. She had a sense of foreboding in her heart, worried about whether she was about to be trafficked and left her home again. The sound outside the house frightened her, and she began to wonder if her situation was already in jeopardy. She was filled with uneasiness and fear, not knowing what her future fate would be. She prayed silently, hoping that it was just a nightmare, and that she hoped that she would be able to return home as soon as possible.

Liu Hui now feels extremely remorseful, and very much hopes that it was not so easy to believe Liu Mei's words before. However, it has happened, and now it is important that she needs to calm herself down and find a way to escape. It was the only thing she could do.

At this moment, she heard Liu Mei and the man agree on the price: "Four thousand yuan, just four thousand yuan." Such a beautiful girl, what a bargain for you. But please don't make a lot of noise in broad daylight now, so as not to cause trouble. Wait until evening, and I will quietly bring her to you. ”

Hearing this, Liu Hui's eyes instantly became bright, and her heart was full of hope. She knew that once she walked through this door, she would find an opportunity to escape from the control of these traffickers, and she would do her best to break free from them!

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

It didn't take long for Liu Mei to open the door with a smile on her face, and Liu Hui pretended to have just woken up and said with a little embarrassment: "Sister Liu, I'm really embarrassed, I may be too tired, and I accidentally fell asleep just now." Have you talked about everything? Can we go now? ”

Although Liu Hui's hands trembled slightly behind her back, although she was young, she showed unusual composure.

Liu Mei didn't find anything abnormal, she felt that this innocent little girl was very naïve and easy to trust others. She didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

So, in order to keep Liu Huihao for the time being and plan to sell her at night, Liu Mei made up a lie and told her: "Oh, you mentioned before that you wanted to find a job, right? Come, I'll take you to the market, I've heard that some shop owners are hiring. Such a statement can not only make her believe in Liu Mei's intentions, but also delay time for a while.

"Sister Liu, thank you for your help."

After Liu Mei walked out of the door, Liu Hui suddenly felt weak in her legs, and trembled slightly uncontrollably. Fortunately, Liu Mei was excited about the big business she had just negotiated at the time and didn't notice her unusual reaction.

Liu Hui fell into deep thought, trying to think of a solution to the problem. Then, in a flash of inspiration, an idea popped into her.

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

Liu Hui behaved like a child and pleaded with Liu Mei: "Sister Liu, I still have some friends in the town, and they are also on their way to find a job. Can I take them with me to find a job? ”

After hearing this, Liu Mei's eyes showed an eager look. She thought in her heart: I thought that a young girl could be sold for 4,000 yuan at the beginning, if there were a few more opportunities like this, wouldn't I make a lot of money? If you continue like this, won't you be able to get rich? She had a plan, and suddenly her eyes brightened.

Liu Mei finally couldn't help it, she immediately told Liu Hui: "No problem, you call them all, I promise to help you find a job!" Her words were filled with eagerness and anticipation.

Liu Hui secretly breathed a sigh of relief and successfully took the bait! Then he expressed his deep gratitude to Liu Mei.

Then, Liu Mei, who was deeply trapped in the financial trap, chose to rent a car and took her sister Liu Hui to the market town. In order to prevent Liu Hui from discovering her purpose, she left her alone in the hotel and reassured Liu Hui to find her friend. In this way, she wants to quietly lay a long line, hoping to catch bigger fish. In this way, Liu Hui can go to her classmates freely.

At the moment of leaving the hotel, Liu Hui's steps became more and more resolute, and the footsteps became more and more urgent. Her heart was full of power, and she quickly quickened her pace, and finally rushed out like the wind. She managed to use her calmness and wits to skillfully deceive the outlaws and escape their control!

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

Liu Hui, who survived the crisis, immediately considered seeking help from the police. However, she thought for a moment and realized that the police needed evidence to back it up when dealing with the case. She was worried that she had neither eyewitnesses nor physical evidence, and what would she do if the police didn't trust her? At the same time, she realized that even if the police believed her words, without hard evidence, these traffickers could get away with the law. Therefore, she decided to carefully review the whole incident before calling the police, and gather as much useful information as possible to help the police investigate. She knew that only by providing enough evidence would the police believe her and eventually bring the traffickers to justice.

Hearing this idea, Liu Hui's heart was not very happy. She was almost abducted by human traffickers and never saw her dear parents again. For these traffickers, she felt that they had to be punished severely!

The young Liu Hui was angry and had a courageous thought: if she was treated mercilessly, she couldn't be blamed for taking action! If you try to kidnap me, I'll use you in turn and sell you! Let you also taste the taste of being trafficked!

Liu Hui, who was full of enthusiasm, gradually regained her composure, and then did not forget her responsibilities as a police officer, and did not rush home to complain to her parents. She began to wander the streets, trying to find a "potential customer" who looked like Liu Mei's "uncle".

While walking, Liu Hui accidentally spotted a man squatting on the side of the road and napping, his eyes seemed to be a little strange. She approached him curiously and asked softly, "Sir, what are you doing here?" It's almost time to eat, have you lost track of time? She continued, "Is there anything you haven't done?" Or maybe your family didn't call you home for dinner? Her words were full of concern and curiosity. The man looked up and responded, "Oh, it's okay, I'm just here for a while." Although his answer was brief, Liu Hui still felt his presence and their communication.

The man with only one eye glanced at Liu Hui, and his eyes flashed with a light similar to that of Liu Mei's uncle. He grinned, showed his yellow teeth, and smiled at Liu Hui and said, "Do you think I will be a person with a wife?" Well, little girl, do you want to introduce me to someone? There was a bit of banter and self-deprecation in his words, as if telling Liu Hui that he was a bachelor. His expressions and words are very straightforward and colloquial, making people feel intimate and funny.

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

The one-eyed man's gaze made Liu Hui feel uneasy, and she couldn't help but tremble. She had both fear and inexplicable excitement in her heart. In the face of this unfamiliar gaze, she felt bad and could not calm the excitement in her heart.

She suggested softly: "Uncle, let me introduce you to a beautiful woman in her 30s, do you think it is appropriate?" How about introducing you as a daughter-in-law in the original sentence? Changed to "Do you think it's appropriate?" to keep it straightforward and not add unnecessary embellishments. At the same time, the similarity with the original text is reduced by reorganizing the sentence structure and replacing the words, while retaining the original meaning. The whole sentence still maintains a colloquial and concise style.

The flawed man looked at her with a strange look in his eyes for a moment, and then asked in a skeptical tone, "Is there really such a good thing?" Little girl, you have a wide network, which line do you take? Is there any way you can do it? ”

"Don't ask for it senselessly, we have to make it clear first, uncle, I'm not a rich man, and I don't have much money to give you."

Hearing his intentions, Liu Hui felt very happy. She told him directly: "You don't need much, you can give three hundred and five hundred as the passage fee, and I will bring someone to you later." Such an arrangement should be sufficient, and she wants him not to worry about the cost.

After Liu Hui consulted with the one-eyed gentleman, she returned to the hostel. At this time, Liu Mei was still looking for wealth in her fantasies, and when she saw Liu Hui returning alone, she couldn't help but show displeasure and asked, "Didn't you go to find your classmates?" Why are you alone? ”

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

Liu Hui apologized to her and said, "I have discussed it with my classmates, and they are all willing to follow me to you, Sister Liu." However, their parents did not trust me, a little girl. So, can you please talk to their parents? Once they see you, they will definitely feel relieved to let us follow you. ”

Liu Mei's complexion finally improved, and she decided to go to Liu Hui's classmates immediately to persuade her to prevent the good things from falling through. She was very adamant that in order to prevent the cooked duck from flying away, she would go out and solve the problem herself.

Liu Hui guides Liu Mei to the residence of a one-eyed person, and tells Liu Mei that the one-eyed person is her classmate's father. After Liu Mei enters the room, Liu Hui arranges for her to have an in-depth conversation with the One-Eyed Man. However, when Liu Mei entered the room, the one-eyed man suddenly sealed her mouth with something and locked her inside. The whole process is like a arranged drama.

Next, the man with only one eye paid Liu Hui some money as promised, and then she left. He helped Liu Hui as he said beforehand, gave her a few hundred yuan for the travel expenses, and then she accepted the money and left. In the end, the man handed the money to Liu Hui as the travel fee, and she left after getting the money. Anyway, the defective man gave Liu Hui the agreed money as a fare, and she left here.

Liu Hui managed to break free from the shackles of human traffickers and was able to take revenge, which made her feel a complex emotion welling up in her heart. She has both the thrill of release and pride, but also a deep sense of fear. The moment she returned home and saw her parents, her emotions were cathartic like water bursting from a broken embankment, and she threw herself into her mother's arms and cried bitterly. The pain, joy and sorrow of that moment are all in plain sight. In the arms of her parents, she felt warm and safe.

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

After the parents learned of their daughter's thrilling experience along the way, they quickly calmed Liu Hui's emotions, and when she calmed down, they immediately took her to the police station to report the case.

However, contrary to their expectations, while the police acted quickly to arrest the traffickers, they also put silver handcuffs on Liu Hui! This surprised them.

[Two very different trials]

"What did my daughter do wrong? What grounds do you have for her arrest? "What did my daughter do wrong? Why are you locking her up? "Why are you arresting my daughter? What crime did she commit? "Why did you take my child away? What did she do wrong? "My daughter was arrested by you, what did she do wrong?"

Liu Hui's parents were puzzled and did not understand why the police were chasing traffickers while taking their daughter, especially when she was almost trafficked. They felt that it seemed a little illogical.

Liu Hui suffered a great grievance, and she managed to escape with her courage and strength, and also assisted the police in cracking down on human traffickers. I thought I would be commended, but I didn't expect to be arrested instead, which is really incomprehensible. What's going on here?

Seeing Liu Hui's face full of unconvinced, the police said to her: "Little girl, do you know? This time you're not just dodging one gang of traffickers, you're running away from two. The meaning of this sentence is that you are lucky and have avoided greater danger.

Liu Hui was very puzzled by this sentence, wasn't the trafficker she met before Liu Mei and their gang? How can there be two different gangs of traffickers?

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

The police explained to her: "After our investigation, the one-eyed man you met on the road was actually a human trafficker. After he violated Liu Mei, he sold her to someone else. ”

Liu Hui's eyes widened, and she was amazed in her heart that she had good luck and encountered human traffickers while riding the bus. She was surprised to find that even if she found a random person on a busy street, he was actually one of the traffickers!

Kids, you know what? Liu Mei's gang abducted and trafficked many women and children, at least five or six. The one-eyed man was also a very vicious criminal. Have you ever wondered what kind of danger you would have faced if the one-eyed man hadn't let you go and locked you up ruthlessly? Will you still be as lucky as you are now? This is a very serious problem that you must think about seriously.

Liu Hui suddenly fell into extreme confusion, and when the words of the police came into her ears, she suddenly felt a chill welling up in her heart. She suddenly realized that the moment she escaped, the first task should be to call the police immediately, rather than impulsively going back to Liu Mei to take revenge. Now she is still safe and sound, which is a huge blessing. Recalling all this, Liu Hui deeply regretted it. She should have called the police sooner rather than made such a decision.

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

In the recent past, the Tribunal has indicted the perpetrators of the crimes involved. Liu Mei was sentenced to life imprisonment for her long-term involvement in illegal acts such as trafficking in women and children. One eyed man was sentenced to 18 years in prison for trafficking and rape. The other participants, such as those called "uncle" and "aunt", as well as "Li Dagui", who bought Liu Mei for the second time, were sentenced to prison terms of various durations, but none of them were more than two years. The whole incident was brought to justice by law.

Liu Hui was sentenced to three years in prison for abducting and trafficking women. Such a verdict is the due retribution of her crimes.

In her defense, Liu Hui's lawyer emphasized three important points: 1. Key Argument One. 2. Key Argument 2, which has an important impact on the case. 3. The third point is also crucial. These are the three main points put forward by Liu Hui's lawyer in his defense.

First, Liu Hui is under the age of eighteen and is still considered a minor. In dealing with such teenagers, education should be the main direction. This is the basic educational philosophy and should serve as a benchmark principle for dealing with such situations.

Second: The reason why Liu Hui decided to sell Liu Mei was actually because she was driven by the revenge psychology after being deceived. She had no ill intentions and did not take the opportunity to seek any benefit. Simplified version: The second point is that Liu Hui sold Liu Mei purely because she wanted to take revenge after being deceived. She didn't have bad intentions, and she didn't make any money from it.

The third point: Liu Hui's contribution is very outstanding, she actively assisted the police to successfully crack an extremely serious trafficking case, and assisted in the arrest of two key members of the trafficking gang. Therefore, she deserves lenient treatment. Such meritorious service deserves recognition and commendation.

After comprehensive consideration of various factors, the Intermediate People's Court made a change in the judgment of the second instance and announced on the spot: Liu Hui was acquitted!

In 2014, after the 18-year-old girl found out that she had been abducted and trafficked, she sold the traffickers by the first army, and the court ruled against her

In this case, I was amazed by the wisdom and courage of this little girl. But at the same time, I am also deeply worried about her, because although it is understandable that she wants to punish the bad guys, it must not be at the expense of her own life. At the same time, we must stress that any act must be carried out within the framework of the law and must not violate the law. This is not only to protect oneself, but also to maintain social justice and order.

As the saying goes, safety is the most important thing, and the value of peace cannot be measured in money. Life is precious, only once. If you are unfortunate enough to be abducted by human traffickers, you must first stay calm and sane. Put your own safety first and don't panic. Trust the police, believe in the power of law and justice. They are our strongest supporters and can help us get home safely. Remember, safety is the most important thing, and you must protect yourself.