
Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

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Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

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Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

At the 2024 graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, the study abroad plan of Yang Jinwen, a top student, has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions in the society. In his speech at the graduation ceremony, the outstanding student proudly expressed his desire to "contribute to the place where the motherland needs it most". However, not long after leaving school, she chose the path of going to the United States for further study, and this "turn" made many netizens feel confused and disappointed.

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

As the highest-scoring science student in the class of 2024 at Zhejiang University, Yang Jinwen is undoubtedly a dazzling star. She has not only achieved remarkable results, but also won the reputation of "academic beauty" on and off campus because of her beautiful appearance. On the day of the graduation ceremony, she was dressed in a bachelor's gown, and her speech on the podium caused bursts of applause.

"As young people in the new era, we have the responsibility and willingness to contribute to the revitalization and development of the country." Yang Jinwen said frankly in her speech, "I hope to become a tenacious idealist and contribute my talents and knowledge to the places where they are most needed." "

Many teachers and students at the scene applauded Yang Jinwen's words. Her resounding declaration was deafening, and undoubtedly ignited the infinite expectations of those present for this outstanding student. For a while, everyone had high hopes for her, believing that such a young man with outstanding academics and lofty ambitions would surely become the backbone of the national team of scientific and technological talents.

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

However, not long after leaving school, a news that "Yang Jinwen, a bully beauty from Zhejiang University, has quietly gone to the United States to study" spread on the Internet, causing an uproar. The news sparked a heated discussion on social media like a bombshell, turning the atmosphere of online discussion from blessings and encouragement to skepticism and condemnation.

For a while, various opinions collided on the Internet. Some people questioned her for going back on her word, inconsistency in words and deeds, and regarded the rhetoric in her graduation speech as "painting bread to satisfy hunger". Some people applauded her choice, believing that studying abroad is only to better contribute to the country in the future, and it does not mean turning their backs on the motherland.

Many netizens expressed their disappointment at this, "What's going on? Didn't you say that you wanted to contribute to the country? It's ridiculous to turn around and study abroad. Doubts have come and gone, and Yang Jinwen's approach is considered to be in obvious contradiction with her graduation speech.

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

The atmosphere of online discussion was overwhelming, and opinions were polarized on whether to support or criticize Yang Jinwen's approach. A netizen who claims to be a "rationalist" said, "Everyone has their own freedom to pursue, and it is understandable for her to study abroad, just to learn more knowledge and return to China in the future to better contribute to the country." "

But there are also netizens who call themselves "Uncle Feelings" who strongly stated, "At the beginning, she proudly announced in front of the teachers and students of the school that she wanted to contribute to the motherland. How can it not make people laugh?"

"What's going on? Didn't you say that you want to contribute to the country? It's really incomprehensible to turn around and study abroad!" Many netizens expressed doubts and disappointment about this. Some people believe that there is a clear contradiction between her approach and the rhetoric in her graduation speech, and it is difficult to convince the public.

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

"What's wrong with pursuing your dreams? Everyone should have their own life choices. However, some netizens applauded Yang Jinwen's decision. They believe that studying abroad is not the same as turning their backs on their home country, but rather to better contribute to their country in the future. In today's globalized world, it is not a choice for young people to go out to receive a broader vision and a higher level of training.

In the face of this public opinion turmoil, the official channel of Zhejiang University only made a simple response: "Yang was approved to study abroad through normal procedures in accordance with laws and regulations, and the university will continue to support and encourage students to make rational choices according to their actual conditions."

This incident once again pushed the tension between "pursuing personal dreams" and "serving the country's development needs" to the focus of public opinion. As a country with a large population, the mainland has no shortage of human resources, but there is still a serious shortage of talent in some special fields. In the critical period of rapid economic and social development, how to enable scientific and technological talents to not only display their personal ambitions, but also make due contributions to the development of the country is a proposition that needs to be solved urgently.

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

"Human resources are the fundamental force for national development." The relevant person in charge of the Talent Work Office of Zhejiang University said, "Our country has always attached great importance to the cultivation and introduction of talents, and has created a good development environment for talents through a variety of policies and measures. At the same time, in the era of globalization, we also encourage outstanding talents to study abroad, broaden their horizons, and accumulate strength for better contributions in the future. "

"There is no contradiction between chasing dreams and serving the country, and realizing personal value and serving the development of the country are complementary to each other." "The key is to establish a correct outlook on life and values, and to always pay attention to the strategic needs of the country while developing oneself," the official explained. Only by closely integrating with the actual situation of the country can personal dreams not become an 'empty city' that 'delays the national economy and people's livelihood'. "

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

In this regard, many people in the society also put forward their own views.

"Everyone's pursuit path is different, and national development requires a variety of talent contributions." A leader of the Municipal Education Bureau said, "We should not only respect the right of individual choice, but also guide them to integrate their personal dreams into the overall development of the country." I wish every young person can find their own direction in life, move forward bravely on this road, and contribute to the development of the country. "

"Innovation is an important driving force for national development." A senior scientist appealed, "While taking root in domestic development, we should also allow and encourage people with lofty ideals to go abroad to learn advanced theories and cutting-edge technologies, and combine local wisdom with foreign advanced achievements." Only in this way can our scientific and technological strength continue to enhance and become one of the world's scientific and technological powers. "

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

"Life is a process of constant choice." A senior commentator at a well-known newspaper wrote, "We are now living in an era of openness, and one's choice should not be criticized and questioned too much. The more outstanding the talent, the more autonomy should be given to choose the path that suits their own development. At the same time, the state should also provide them with greater space for development, so that their personal values and national interests can be integrated to the greatest extent. "

This incident reflects the confusion of the younger generation about how to balance their personal development aspirations with the development needs of the country. With the continuous enhancement of the country's comprehensive strength, people's expectations for educational resources and the construction of scientific and technological talents are increasing day by day. Although many young people also have personal ideals, they also hope that their careers can be in line with the national development strategy, so as to maximize their value. How to make a reasonable system design in the cultivation and use of talents, while respecting the right of individual choice, and guiding young people to take the initiative to unify their personal dreams with the needs of the country is a topic that needs in-depth consideration.

Yang Jin of Zhejiang University quietly went to the United States to study, netizens quit, and Zhejiang University was forced to close the comment area!

In any case, Yang Jin's hearing of this incident will surely trigger more dialogue and thinking. It is hoped that in the future, every young person can find their own development path, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the development of the country while realizing their personal value.

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