
There are three longevity, but the descendants are blessed", why can't the big birthday be casually? Three, but what does it mean?

author:Director Guo of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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In China, longevity is a big deal. Every time the elderly have a birthday, family and friends will gather together to celebrate it. However, you may have heard the saying: "There are three longevity, and the offspring are blessed".

What's going on here? Why can't some birthdays be celebrated casually? What do the "three buts" refer to? Today, let's talk about this interesting traditional custom and combine some scientific and medical knowledge to see the truth behind it.

The concept of longevity in traditional culture

In traditional Chinese culture, longevity has always been regarded as a symbol of good fortune. It is believed that living long is not only a blessing for the individual, but also a sign of family prosperity.

There are three longevity, but the descendants are blessed", why can't the big birthday be casually? Three, but what does it mean?

According to the World Health Organization, the global average life expectancy was only 47 years in 1950, and in 2019, this figure has reached 73.3 years. In China, the average life expectancy in 2020 was 77.93 years, rising to 78.2 years in 2021, and more and more people have the opportunity to celebrate their birthdays.

He does not live before the age of sixty

According to traditional customs, it is not too long to live before the age of 60, why is this? Actually, it has something to do with the Chinese calendar. In ancient China, sixty years was known as a jiazi, which meant a complete life cycle.

People before the age of sixty, although they are old, have not yet reached a full reincarnation, so they do not live long. Celebrating a birthday too early may be considered an unlucky act, a bit like "boasting".

There are three longevity, but the descendants are blessed", why can't the big birthday be casually? Three, but what does it mean?

From a medical point of view, this custom is also justified. After the age of sixty, people's physical functions gradually decline, and prematurely engaging in large celebrations can take a toll on the bodies of the elderly.

Seventy-three and eighty-four years old are not too long

Seventy-three and eighty-four years old are not too long, and this custom is even more puzzling. It turns out that this custom is related to the longevity of two ancient saints.

Confucius lived to be seventy-three years old, and Mencius to be eighty-four years old. The ancients believed that even the great saints did not survive these two ages, so it was even more difficult for ordinary people to cross these two life nodes. Therefore, in order to avoid bad luck, people do not live too long at these two ages.

There are actually some psychological reasons behind this. Faced with these two sensitive age groups, older adults may feel anxious and worried, worried about whether they will make it through. Therefore, choosing not to live longer can reduce their psychological burden and make it easier for them to face this age.

Ninety years old is not too long

The custom of not living at the age of 90 takes more into account the physical condition of the elderly. Older people are often weaker, and prolonged celebrations can lead to fatigue and even negative health effects.

There are three longevity, but the descendants are blessed", why can't the big birthday be casually? Three, but what does it mean?

According to medical research, the heart and blood vessel function of the elderly gradually weakens, and long-term socialization and high-intensity activities are prone to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, in order to protect the health of the elderly, it is also a reasonable choice to live at the age of 90.

The third is the impact on the blessings of future generations

Following the custom of "longevity has three nots" is not only a consideration for the health of the elderly, but also contributes to the overall well-being of the family. According to folklore beliefs, certain birthdays can avoid family misfortunes and disasters, thereby increasing the blessings of future generations.

Specifically, not living at the age of 60, 73, 84 and 90 can avoid bad luck and maintain family harmony and tranquility.

There are three longevity, but the descendants are blessed", why can't the big birthday be casually? Three, but what does it mean?

In addition, the practice also reflects the concern for the mental health of the elderly. Avoiding large birthday feasts at a certain age can reduce the anxiety and psychological burden of the elderly, allowing them to enjoy their old age more peacefully.

Psychological research has shown that the mental health of older adults has a significant impact on their overall health. Reducing anxiety and stress can improve the quality of life of the elderly and extend their healthy lifespan.

The perception of the three nos in modern society

With the development of society and the popularization of scientific knowledge, modern people's perception of traditional customs is also changing. More and more young people are beginning to look at these traditional customs with a rational and scientific attitude, and gradually get rid of their dependence on superstition. However, as a cultural phenomenon, the three customs still play a unique role in society.

In modern society, how to respect and adapt to traditional customs has become an important issue. On the one hand, we should respect the wishes of our elders and understand the importance they attach to traditional practices.

There are three longevity, but the descendants are blessed", why can't the big birthday be casually? Three, but what does it mean?

On the other hand, birthdays should also be celebrated in a scientific and rational way to avoid the negative effects of excessive superstition. For example, you can choose to host small, intimate family gatherings at these special age groups instead of having a big birthday party. This respects tradition and takes care of the physical condition of the elderly.

The custom of "longevity has three but no longevity" has deep historical roots and extensive social influence in Chinese culture. By understanding this custom, we can not only better respect and pass on traditional culture, but also integrate modern scientific ways of thinking into practice.

In the family, we should treat the birthday celebration of the elders with a rational and respectful attitude, so that the elderly can enjoy their old age in health and happiness. Only by respecting tradition, but not blindly following superstition, and treating birthday celebrations with a scientific attitude, can we truly realize "more blessings for future generations".

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