
Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

author:Calm glutinous rice 1

1. A God-given military fortress with an excellent location, easy to defend and difficult to attack

Since ancient times, the long and narrow land of Youzhou has been like a sharp dagger inserted into the hinterland of the Central Plains. Backed by Yanshan Mountain and facing the Bohai Sea, it is like a natural fortress carved by nature. After thousands of years of war, people really realized that the geographical advantages of this region are unparalleled in the world.

The peaks of Yanshan Mountain stand tall like an impregnable city wall, separating Youzhou from the Central Plains. Trying to break through these hurdles is tantamount to opening the way to the Great Wall, which stretches for thousands of miles. Even the brave cavalry, who are as skilled as a forest, will find it difficult to deploy on this rugged mountain road. All the troops who tried to invade Youzhou from the front were all stopped by this barrier.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

In contrast, the terrain in the hinterland of Youzhou is quite different, with hills and plains crisscrossed by endless rivers. Although it is as long and narrow as a belt, the terrain is open, which is convenient for the mobile combat of soldiers and horses. Fighting outward from the hinterland of Youzhou has its own opportunities; Once the enemy army invades, it can also rely on the dangerous place, stubbornly resist, and adopt the strategy of inner línxuǎn outer huán (soft and hard).

The most critical thing is the gap in the southwest of Youzhou. This choke point located at home and abroad, once in hand, is equivalent to firmly controlling the passage in and out of Youzhou. Whether it is to accumulate strength, transport grain and grass, or cut off the enemy's supply routes, it will be at ease. What's more, with the advantage of Youzhou's terrain, it can be used to enter inside and outside, and completely besiege the invaders in the pocket position, and encircle them without fighting.

Since ancient times, all the armies gathered here have focused on the control of this throat. When Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu raised an army against Dong Zhuo, he took advantage of the gap to attack Youzhou and cut off the back road of Dong Zhuo's army. Although Liu Xiu did not come to Youzhou in person, he also knew that controlling this key point was the key to turning defeat into victory.

More than half a century later, Liu Xiu's descendant, Emperor Guangwen Liu Wei, also had a deep understanding. At that time, the heroes of the Taihang Mountains regarded Youzhou as a place to fight. During Liu Jing's defense of Youzhou, he was once besieged by Liu Yuan's army. Just when they were in a desperate situation, a rescue army came from the southwest and quickly routed Liu Yuan's army.

It is precisely because of the geographical convenience of Youzhou that the soldiers have a love-hate relationship with this area. Once you control this natural fortress, you will be in control of a new road to the Central Plains. And once it is lost, it will be trapped in a situation where the enemy is attacked on all sides. Under the baptism of countless wars, Youzhou has continuously become a battleground for soldiers, and there is a reason for it.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

2. Cultural Convergence Office, martial arts are famous

Since ancient times, Youzhou, a special geographical area, has become a melting pot of cultural convergence between the Central Plains and the northern nomadic world. Here, martial arts are like a wonderful flower, and under the influence of the two cultures, it blooms into a unique and splendid posture.

Looking to the west, it is the Guanzhong Plain and the land of Shaanxi and Gansu, where the broad and profound martial arts of the Central Plains martial arts were precipitated. Needless to say, swords, guns and halberds, even the most basic fists and feet kung fu contain unfathomable mysteries. The long-standing inheritance has created generations of martial arts masters, who can be called outstanding people.

To the north, the vast Silk Road and the nomadic civilization of the steppe are located. The Xiongnu, Xianbei, Turkic and other nomadic tribes, one by one brave and warlike famous generals staged fierce duels. The superb riding and archery skills are truly breathtaking. An elite army of nomadic cavalry, whose movements are like a storm and unpredictable. They are fleeting, fleeting; Come and go without a trace, and be agile. How can this wild force be compared to ordinary martial arts?

Youzhou is a fusion zone opened up by God for these two completely different cultures. Dynasties have changed, ethnic groups have alternated, and martial arts have been continuously spread and integrated. For example, riding and archery spread in the Yanzhao area, which was the result of the Han and Tang dynasties. The martial arts in the Central Plains martial arts have also gradually taken root in the grassland.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

Not only that, under the influence of this cultural blend, the local martial arts of Youzhou are even more unique. The soldiers born here not only have the internal skills of the Central Plains martial arts, but also have learned superb riding and long-range shooting skills. Their battle formation efficiently integrated the forces of heavy cavalry and light cavalry, which was unparalleled in the world.

It is with these ruthless and skilled soldiers that Youzhou has been able to stand tall in the baptism of war again and again. Whenever a war broke out, these soldiers became the protectors of the people, fighting against the foreigners. Throughout the dynasties, countless heroic soldiers were born here.

What is even more commendable is that the people of Youzhou also mastered the most advanced siege weapons at that time. Although gunpowder has not yet been introduced, powerful catapults have been tamed in the Youzhou area. With the help of this powerful siege weapon, a unique way of attacking the city and grabbing land has been formed, which has brought Youzhou's military strength to a higher level.

The long river of history is rushing forward, but the martial arts bred by this special land have long been rooted in the blood of the locals. In the future, once a heroic king strikes hard, he will definitely recruit warriors from here and form an elite iron army to demonstrate the power of force.

3. The land is rich in golden rice, and the agriculture is developed and the logistics are excellent

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

Compared with the majestic and powerful natural barriers such as Yanshan and the Great Wall, the reason why Youzhou is unique is that it produces a spike of golden millet. This plump and crystalline grain not only created a high-yield and prosperous era of local agriculture, but also provided sufficient and reliable logistics support for countless battles in later generations.

Even Yizhidi is also fascinated by the taste of Youzhou millet. This golden grain with a unique northern flavor has a delicate dough and is rich in essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins and crude fiber. It is also far more productive than rice in the south, and is more suitable for growing in the harsh winter climate of the north.

It is precisely by virtue of the unique conditions of this region that the Youzhou area has become an important granary town in the north since ancient times. The four seasons are distinct, and the cultivation is two seasons a year, constituting a complete and effective agricultural production system. In addition, the land here is fertile and the water is abundant, and the harvest season can be fruitful every year.

The high development of agriculture will inevitably bring about a vigorous and prosperous trade exchange. Every year when the millet harvest is abundant, camel caravans will gather from all directions, building a bridge connecting the Central Plains and the north. Youzhou, a long and narrow corridor, has become a major channel for economic and cultural exchanges between the north and the south.

Not only that, but the local economic strength of Youzhou is also extremely strong. During the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet who sang about Youzhou, "the gate valve family is rich and rented, and the years are safe". The implementation of an advanced agricultural system and the implementation of a new policy of tenant farmers freely disposing of the millet harvest greatly contributed to the sustainable development of the local economy.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

It is precisely by relying on the huge production capacity of agriculture that Youzhou has gradually accumulated material reserves sufficient to support long-term operations. Whether for civilian or military use, the abundant food and capital reserves here can provide solid logistical supplies.

During the Anshi Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty, it was with the expedition of grain and grass in Youzhou that the rebels of Anlu Mountain were arrogant and arrogant and prestige in the Central Plains. It can be said that without the strong logistical support brought by the developed agriculture of Youzhou, it would be difficult for the rebels to succeed in rebellion.

In the long history since then, countless heroes have coveted the fertile field of Youzhou. Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, even tried to capture Youzhou to ensure the capital's food supply. Unfortunately, this attempt did not come to fruition.

To this day, Youzhou still retains the strong strength of the agricultural region. The deep economic foundation accumulated here, coupled with its location at a military point, has naturally become the focus of contention.

The Youzhou region has achieved this with the high development of agriculture, which is one of the important reasons why it has become a battleground for soldiers.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

Fourth, the time creates heroes and heroes, and there are many famous people

Since ancient times, Youzhou, a rich land, has given birth to countless heroes and heroes, who have wandered the world and written a legend that can be sung and cried. Whenever the times call for the arrival of heroes, Youzhou is like a hot land, which will inevitably breed different heroes and dominate the process of the times.

Under the prosperous era, it was mostly inflated ambitions that caused trouble. During the Qin and Han dynasties, Youzhou gave birth to a generation of general Zhao Guangmin. He started in the family of the general of Youzhou, and fought all the way to suppress the rebellions in Longxi and Hexi, but in the end he died in the struggle for power. His grandson Zhao Tuo went one step further and once reigned as emperor in Youzhou for more than ten years. Until it was later destroyed by Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Internal and external troubles, the great era often creates great people. During the Northern Dynasties, Shan Yu Sima Yi rose in Youzhou. Relying on his military exploits, he made great deeds, and finally crossed the Yellow River to the east, established the Western Wei Dynasty, and stepped into the altar of the Son of Heaven. Since then, Youzhou has been bathed in the dawn of a new dynasty.

Unfortunately, fortune was impermanent, and the authority soon fell into the hands of Emperor Guangwu's grandson, Emperor Qi Wu. He was a veteran soldier who led the troops in Youzhou, and in order to establish the authority of the prince, he actually marched into a large army to defeat the Western Wei. However, in the end, Su Gan also won the imperial throne, but there were always disputes and the national prestige declined.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

Only those who give birth to troubled times can create true heroes. The Anshi Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty started in Youzhou, and the rebel general An Lushan was born in Youzhou and took advantage of the chaos to enter the main Hexi Jiedu envoy. With the Youzhou army, he once captured many places in Henan and Shaanxi, shaking the rule of the imperial power. Although it was eventually suppressed by the Tang Dynasty army, it turbulent the Central Plains and disturbed the situation in the entire Tang Empire.

After the war, Youzhou is still vibrant, and a steady stream of heroes and heroes are emerging. Yelu Abaoji, the famous Khitan chieftain, and his descendants were the royal family who established the Liao Dynasty. There is also the famous Song Dynasty military general Yang Ye, who once held an important position as a warlord in Youzhou and established immortal meritorious service.

Throughout history, the tortuous land of Youzhou has often bred countless war talents in the torrent of the great era. As the saying goes, "when one party is in trouble, all sides should respond", whether it is in the crisis of internal and external troubles, or in the corrupt era when the gate valve family is difficult to return, heroes can always rise here, turn the tide, and write a legendary life.

At the same time, the great Confucian scholars who are good teachers and helpful friends also came into being in the Youzhou area. When they were born in the prosperous age, they were the crossers of the times, with unique skills, and guided the people to return to the rule. During the reign of Emperor Gaoyou of the Qing Dynasty, the great Confucian Deng Duo made a long-term governance for Youzhou, so that it returned to peace.

The social needs of different stages are destined for different characters to make a fortune in Youzhou. Some people have already made a career, and some have made great achievements. However, without exception, Youzhou, a hot land for breeding heroes, is an important birthplace for them to fly their dreams and realize their ideals.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

5. Where soldiers yearn for, the heroes rise together

Since ancient times, Youzhou, a strategic place, has been the dream of countless soldiers. Once you control it, you are equivalent to controlling the key to the Central Plains. Therefore, it has often become a stage for heroes from all walks of life to compete for strength and rise together.

In the Later Han Dynasty, this pattern was already beginning to take shape. At that time, Youzhou was the base camp of a large warlord group - Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty. His uncle Liu Zhang was the assassin of the six towns of Youzhou back then, and he was strong, and once confronted Sun Ce of Eastern Wu. In order to consolidate the foundation of the dynasty, Liu Xie deployed troops and horses in Youzhou. It was not until it was later destroyed by Cao Cao's army.

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, there was a continuous influx of fresh blood in the Youzhou area. At that time, Sima Yi fought bravely to fight a bloody road, and it was from Youzhou that he broke through all the way to become the first male lord in the north and unify the north. At the same time, the northern nomads moved east to the main Youzhou. Including Northern Yan Sun Qin, Northern Dunmeng, Later Zhao Shile, and Former Qin Fujian, all of them had briefly been in charge of this fertile field.

After the completion of the great cause of reunification, Youzhou could not escape the baptism of the times of disintegration. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Northern Wei Dynasty rose in Youzhou, but was eventually defeated by the Former Liang army. After the establishment of Qianliang, it was destroyed by Zhu Rong of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. During this period, as long as the enemy and me are opposed, Youzhou will always be a battleground.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels

During the Tang Dynasty, Li Ke, a military general of the Later Zhou Dynasty, used the spirit of "dying dreams" to expand his strength in Youzhou. Although he was defeated and killed, it also heralded that this place was moving towards a new era of heroes. Immediately afterwards, the Anshi Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty broke out, and Youzhou became a rebel base, and An Lushan started here.

However, if you want to say that the most tragic war, there is no one more than the Liao and Song dynasties. In order to compete for the strategic fortress of Youzhou, the two armies launched a tragic strangulation here. Both sides insist on their own words, you live and die, and life and death are out of the way. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Sun Fu, the leader of the Yellow Robe Army, missed here. Later, his right-hand man Yang Ye came to power to take charge of Youzhou, but was finally captured by the Song army here.

After thousands of years of soldiers, Youzhou is even more charming, attracting countless strong people to gather here. From ancient times to the present, it has played the stage where the soldiers won the most glorious scene in their lives. Whether it is an eastward march or a westward expedition, fighting a bloody way in the battle of Youzhou can be regarded as winning the supreme glory of martial arts.

In every period, there will be new powerhouses who are attracted by this Hongchen stage. It is precisely in this way that Youzhou has won the nickname of "the place where soldiers must fight". It may be long and barren, but it is a magnet that guides the future of heroes on the battlefield, enough to attract heroes from all over the world to stop and stare.

Where is Youzhou, and why in ancient times, this area could always become a base for rebels