
The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

author:There is sunshine in the heart

How much truth is there in the old saying that a daughter marries is like water spilled? Just look at the tragedy of this family!

Have you heard about the Wang family in Luzhai Township, Yuanyang County, Henan? It's a realistic version of a family ethics drama! Just because the divorced daughter returned to her parents' house, the whole family was fried!

Wang Xiaodong's family was originally living quite well. He and his wife Xiaojuan gave birth to three babies and lived with their parents. Who knew that half a year ago, his sister Xiaomeng suddenly divorced and returned to her parents' house with her newborn baby. This stay is more than half a year, and I don't plan to leave at all.

And guess what? Wang Xiaodong and his wife are not happy! They feel that their parents' attention has been snatched away by Xiaomeng's children. Xiaojuan felt that her sister-in-law was shameless and would not leave her parents' house; Wang Xiaodong was even more angry, feeling that his parents were eccentric, and they were a hundred times better to his sister than to him.

This family is so noisy about this matter that it is called a world upside down! The people from the village committee came to persuade him several times, but to no avail. How far did it go? The royal father and queen mother actually said that they would cut off relations with their son! Can you believe it?

Here's the thing: One day, Wang Xiaodong and his daughter-in-law Xiaojuan were so angry that they threw all the clothes of their in-laws and sister-in-law into the yard! also smashed the milk warmer that Xiaomeng bought for the child! This can provoke Wang Xiaodong's mother Aunt Li, and she quarreled with her daughter-in-law on the spot.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

And guess what? Xiaojuan and Wang Xiaodong actually dealt with their mother-in-law together and pushed the old lady down! The old lady's head was broken, and she was bleeding a lot. What's even more excessive is that Wang Xiaodong also took the opportunity to kick his parents out of the house! If it weren't for the fact that there was a small courtyard at home, the old couple would have to sleep on the streets!

Some netizens couldn't stand it anymore and commented: This Wang Xiaodong is too much of a thing, right? Don't remember the nurturing grace of your parents?

There are also people who speak for Wang Xiaodong: Who knows how the old couple usually treats their son and daughter-in-law? Maybe it's not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The matter has reached this point, and the village committee cannot solve it. Wang Xiaodong had no choice but to invite an emotional mediator. As soon as the mediator arrived, Wang Xiaodong and his sister Xiaomeng quarreled again.

Xiaomeng asked his brother: Why did you break my things?

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

Wang Xiaodong was furious: Why did you quarrel with your sister-in-law?

Xiaomeng is not to be outdone: What qualifications do you have to accuse me?

Wang Xiaodong pointed at his sister's nose and scolded: Is this your home?

Xiaomeng is confident: This is my father and my mother's house!

Tell me, which of these two siblings is right and who is wrong?

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

Xiaojuan also jumped out to complain, saying that her in-laws were eccentric. She wants to take the older children out to play and ask her in-laws to help watch the younger daughter. As a result, her father-in-law scolded her directly: Just your children are rare? Someone else's child doesn't matter?

This made Xiaojuan angry, and in a fit of anger, she threw away her in-laws and sister-in-law's things. Wang Xiaodong also thinks that his daughter-in-law is right, and he blames his sister Xiaomeng for not knowing each other!

What do you guess Wang Xiaodong said about his sister? When she has something, she pretends to take care of you, and when she has nothing to do, she just ignores people with a straight face. Tsk, this brother-sister relationship is also enough to choke.

Some netizens commented: This little dream is too ignorant, right? My brother and sister-in-law have helped her so much, and she still doesn't know what to do.

There are also people who speak for Xiaomeng: People have just divorced and have children, how good can the mood be? Besides, what is it that my mother's house is not a safe haven?

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

What Wang Xiaodong can't stand the most is the attitude of his parents. He said that his parents always commanded and disliked him when he spoke, but they cared for his sister. This made him feel that his parents were partial, and even with his sister's children, who loved his sister more.

Xiaojuan also took the opportunity to complain: Since my sister-in-law came back, my mother-in-law has stopped taking my children and held my sister-in-law's children all day long.

Aunt Li couldn't stand it anymore, so she scolded back on the spot: It's true that I helped my daughter take care of the children, but you ask her, which of her three children was not raised by me? Even the tuition fees are paid by me!

Wang Laohan hurriedly grabbed his wife, for fear that she would say too much.

The mediator asked Xiaojuan: When your children were young, did your in-laws help you take care of them?

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

Xiaojuan had to admit: I did take care of it, but now that they are holding my sister-in-law's child, can't they look at my child by the way?

Aunt Li almost laughed angrily when she heard this, and then she told the truth. It turned out that Wang Xiaodong and his wife had been living at home during this time, neither going out to work nor working in the fields. Sleep until three poles in the morning every day, and even eat with the old couple.

Xiaojuan hurriedly quibbled: We still work outside most of the year.

Aunt Li said angrily: What she said is not the truth! Ask her, she works outside the home for a few months of the year!

Xiaojuan changed her words and said: We are children on summer vacation, and we didn't go out to work when it was cold in winter.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

After listening to this, the mediator said to Xiaojuan and his wife: First of all, your parents-in-law have no obligation to help you take care of the children; Secondly, they have helped you to see the children before, and you must know how to be grateful.

Xiaojuan said that she and her husband were grateful to their in-laws, but for some reason after the sister-in-law came, her in-laws' attitude towards them changed, and they always spoke ill of them.

At this time, Wang Laohan told the truth. He gets up early every day to work, but his son and daughter-in-law sleep at home, and he is very unhappy. When he complained, his son said, "Who made you plant so much land!"

Wang Xiaodong admitted that he said so, and he still had a heartfelt word: Who is still farming among young people now? Besides, I don't know how to farm.

Seeing their son's indifferent appearance, Wang Laohan and his wife lowered their heads sadly.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

The people in the village committee couldn't stand it anymore, and stood up and said: People say that you stand in your thirties, Xiaodong, you are also in your thirties, and that you don't know how to do farm work, this is not a reason. Will you learn, will you ask no, your father and your mother are still working hard, you are young, you sleep at home until 9:10 every day, and your mother needs to call you when you eat, you ask yourself what you are doing for this family?

Wang Laohan also said: Xiaodong said that I was partial to my daughter. What did I give my daughter? I'm just building him a house!

Xiaodong asked rhetorically: Don't you live in the new house you built?

Wang Laohan was so angry that he said directly: With his attitude, I will cut off the father-son relationship with him.

Aunt Li also said: I don't want this child.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

The mediator hurriedly persuaded Wang Laohan and his wife not to talk angrily, and then said to Xiaodong: You always say that your parents don't like you, have you ever thought about why they say this about you?

It turned out that the point of anger of Wang Laohan and his wife was that they were angry. If Xiaodong could make a difference and really support a family, they would not have such a bad attitude towards their son.

The mediator hopes that Xiaodong will realize that as a father of three, he should be a good example. If he keeps accusing his parents of partiality and inaction, believing that the root of the problem is his sister, he will never be at peace.

After listening to this, Xiaodong lowered his head and whispered to his parents: I'm sorry, I will be angry in the future.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

But Wang Laohan did not accept his son's apology and still insisted on severing the relationship.

The mediator started with Xiaodong's child, hoping that Wang Laohan could give his son another chance. Xiaodong said that I was wrong, and walked to his father's side, saying that he would communicate well in the future.

Wang Laohan finally said what was in his heart: I sometimes speak in the wrong way. When your children are older, you still have to do it in the future. You can't rely on the elderly, and the elderly can't rely on you for a lifetime. After speaking, Wang Laohan cried directly.

Xiaodong sincerely apologized to his parents for yesterday's incident. The grievances between father and son, mother and son have also turned the page.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

In order to ease the brother-sister relationship between Xiaodong and Xiaomeng, the mediator called the two together. Xiaodong said: You are my sister, you can live at home for as long as you want. The shortcoming of me is that I am easily irritable, and I hope you can take care of it a little more.

Xiaomeng also said that in the future, while taking care of his own children, he will also help take care of his brother's children.

Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and every family must recite this difficult scripture well.

For Xiaomeng, the child is less than 1 year old, and as a single mother, she has to work to earn money and raise a baby, which must be very stressful. Fortunately, she still has her mother's family to rely on, and her parents and sister-in-law have her back.

The divorced sister-in-law takes the baby to live in her parents' house, and her brother and sister-in-law complain that her in-laws are partial, so angry that her in-laws want to break off the relationship

And Xiaodong and his wife felt that their parents had paid for them wholeheartedly, but Xiaomeng changed their attitude as soon as they came, so they threw the pot to Xiaomeng. They have 3 children, but they don't realize the burden of life, because there are still Wang Laohan and his wife who are carrying it for them.

Only when they are truly strong and take on the responsibility of being a parent may be able to understand the difficulty and hard work of being a parent.

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