
Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

author:Matcha Tea Allowed
"It's not the old people who get bad, it's the bad people who get old"

With some time ago, after an old man in the subway was talked about because of the turmoil of giving up his seat, he was thought to gradually fade out of the public eye, but he didn't expect that the old man's daughter came forward to post a video and refused to admit her mistakes, and bluntly said: You can do whatever you want when you are old! It is really "where there is a father, there must be a daughter"!


The whole process of the event

Let's first relive the whole process of the subway turmoil at that time!

"Little girl, give me a seat for this old man!" There was unmistakable majesty in the old man's tone, as if he was announcing a holy decree.

The girl looked up, stunned, then shook her head politely, and explained, "Uncle, I'm not feeling well, I'm really sorry." ”

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

This refusal seemed to touch the old man's scales, and I saw that his face sank, and a few words popped out of his mouth that he didn't like to hear, and then he moved his hand and pushed gently, and the girl almost didn't stand firm.

During this period, the old man pushed the girl with the cane in his hand many times, and the wicked person sued first and said that he wanted to call the police! The girl is also very aggrieved! Seeing this, the other passengers in the carriage took out their mobile phones to record key evidence!

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

Soon, the subway staff rushed to hear the news and contacted the police.

Facing the camera, the old man finally confessed to his actions and expressed remorse. The bus police quickly issued a notice, administratively detained the elderly, and reminded the public to ride in a civilized manner and respect others.

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

This result made many netizens applaud and leave messages: "Justice is late, but it arrives, the subway is not a place outside the law!" ”

Event escalation

And the video also quickly exploded on the Internet, causing heated discussions among netizens!

While everyone was talking, a young lady hurried over and claimed to be the old man's daughter.

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

I saw that she looked anxious, first apologized to the girl, and then turned on the "calf protection" mode to excuse her father's various behaviors: "My dad is old and in poor health, and he is impulsive, so everyone will take care of him." ”

These words, instead of calming the anger of the public, attracted more questions: "Can you do it if you are not in good health?" Daughters have to have a degree of short-term care! ”

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

Netizens are hotly discussed

The incident quickly fermented on the Internet, and netizens' comments were varied and full of jokes.

Someone ridiculed: "This uncle, is it that you have read too many martial arts novels, thinking that you are a person in the rivers and lakes, and you will do it if you don't agree with each other?" ”

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

Some people also deeply reflected: "Respect for the elderly is a virtue, but it is by no means mandatory, and everyone has the right to refuse." ”

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?

Some netizens proposed: "Parents should lead by example; As children, they need to distinguish between right and wrong, and cannot blindly protect their shortcomings. ”

Fish begins to rot from the head! The old man's daughter in the subway turmoil refuses to admit her mistakes, and she can do whatever she wants when she is old?


As the old saying goes, "His body is upright, and he does not give orders; His body is not right, although he does not obey orders. "Whether it is an elder or a junior, we should always reflect on ourselves and be a warm and polite citizen.

After all, the rivers and lakes have a long way to go, do it and cherish it, don't let the impulse become a stain on the road of life.

So what do you think about this? Welcome to the comment area to leave a message to discuss!

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