
and China grabbed land in the Arctic, Norway was too ugly to eat, and he stopped selling it for personal gain, and he wanted to prostitute it for nothing

author:Wishing you prosperity.

The pimple in the Arctic, which used to be so cold that people shivered, is now good, as soon as the world is hot, it has become a fragrant cake, a big cake of geopolitics and economics, and everyone wants to go up and take a bite. No, a small piece of land in Svalbard was put out for sale, and it exploded in one fell swoop, and even we in China came over to see the excitement.

and China grabbed land in the Arctic, Norway was too ugly to eat, and he stopped selling it for personal gain, and he wanted to prostitute it for nothing

But as for the Norwegian government, the reaction was like someone moving the snowdrift in his backyard, and he was in a hurry. They made it clear that they were not happy that the land would be bought by foreigners, especially Chinese, and they seriously asked the landowners not to sell it, saying that they had to nod their heads.

Hey, in the final analysis, this matter is still caused by the "Svalbard Treaty", which was the old yellow calendar of a hundred years ago, which gave Norway sovereignty, but also opened an opening, so that the signatory countries can move freely and do business there.

Norway's trick, high! On the one hand, he shouted that sovereignty was sacrosanct, and on the other hand, he planned to collect the land at the price of cabbage, 1.9 million US dollars to 300 million euros. It sounds good to protect sovereignty, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they just want to hold a good territory in their own hands.

and China grabbed land in the Arctic, Norway was too ugly to eat, and he stopped selling it for personal gain, and he wanted to prostitute it for nothing

Svalbard is a treasure land, the Arctic Ocean, the Arctic, and the Eurasian continent, three avenues converge together, and the strategic significance is very strong. Especially now, the Red Sea has been going on for a long time, and the Arctic shipping lanes are getting hotter and hotter, who doesn't want to take advantage of the opportunity?

Although China is far from the North Pole, it is also a "near-Arctic country", and it is very active, wanting to get a piece of the pie in that ice and snow world. Norway, the apprehension in my heart, for fear that as soon as China comes, I will become a spectator.

Norway is careful to think about it, we have to talk about it. They fear that foreign investment, especially China's growing influence in the Arctic, threatens them. This idea, how to say, is a bit too much. The big guys are all civilized people, cooperative development, mutual benefit and win-win, why do you want to be like a miser, holding on to that bit of land and not letting go?

and China grabbed land in the Arctic, Norway was too ugly to eat, and he stopped selling it for personal gain, and he wanted to prostitute it for nothing

To put it bluntly, the affairs of the Arctic are not something that any country can monopolize. Norway's approach is narrow-minded and not atmospheric enough. Times have changed, global villages have been built, do you still want to play behind closed doors in Norway?

No, brother. After all, the Arctic of the future is the Arctic of all, the Arctic of peace, cooperation and sustainable development.

All in all, Norway, Norway, you know your little ninety-nine. Instead of trying to defend against this and that, it is better to open the door and make the cake bigger together, which is called smart. The glaciers in the Arctic are melting, and it's time for your stubborn ideas to be flexible.

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