
Outburst! A break broke out between the terrorist rebels and the Turkish army in Idlib: the time has come for Assad to reunify

author:Wishing you prosperity.

The Middle East has always been a powder keg, and lately it has become so nervous that it may explode with a little spark. Especially in Gaza, Lebanon, and Israel, small fights are terrifying, for fear that one carelessness will ignite a bigger war.

Outburst! A break broke out between the terrorist rebels and the Turkish army in Idlib: the time has come for Assad to reunify

To the north, the borders of Libya and Algeria, and the edge of Turkey and Syria, the tensions are rising like grease on the soles of your feet and slipping to the edge of a cliff. This tension really makes people's hearts go up and down, and the clouds of war seem to be getting closer and closer.

At the beginning of July, the Syrian province of Idlib was like a fire, and suddenly it exploded. This chaos is not small, and the armed forces supported by Turkey are inseparable from their own army.

Turkey has no choice but to hastily increase its troops in northern Syria, close its borders, and withdraw its own public officials. This series of operations has added a bit of gunpowder to the already tense situation.

Outburst! A break broke out between the terrorist rebels and the Turkish army in Idlib: the time has come for Assad to reunify

In the conflict, 7 people lost their lives, and 25 people died. The Turkish army was also forced to abandon several bases, and weapons and equipment were taken away by the protesting crowd.

For the Turkish army, this is not only a loss, but also a face-saving matter. Turkish F-16 fighters were dispatched to fly directly from the Ingillik base to the scene of the conflict, trying to suppress the chaos.

The roots behind this mess are quite complex. One is a Syrian refugee who committed a crime in Turkey, causing public resentment to boil; The other is that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to shake hands with Syria, which some people see as a betrayal of those armed forces. As soon as it was mixed up, Idlib fried the pot.

Outburst! A break broke out between the terrorist rebels and the Turkish army in Idlib: the time has come for Assad to reunify

In the Middle East, every time there is a stir, the whole world is worried. I really hope that the international community will help and bring some peace and tranquility to this place.

Syria must also take advantage of this opportunity to take a good path to peace and prosperity. After all, for the people of this land, nothing is better than living in harmony and developing in a down-to-earth manner.